I tend to give into my impulses, and sometimes after mulling over what to do about something, I get a flash of inspiration! I tend to eat later than I should, and have more meals than I should. I also tend to eat lots of nuts and seeds. Like...Pounds per week. I love them, and they bring joy to me! But I know that they're only good in small amounts, or in a big amount infrequently. I also tend to pig out way too much on the weekend (although many of those cheat meals tend to be nuts and dark chocolate, in various forms). Other cheat meals tend to be a lot more junky.
It is thus that it dawned on me, I'm due for a period of healing. I didn't want to do any fasting (did some of that in the last few months) and I didn't want to suffer too much, so I thought of a novel idea. It should also provide me with adequete amounts of whatever I need in abundance.
For 2 weeks, I'm going to eat 3 meals a day (as opposed to my usual 5 or 6). Absolutely no snacking in between. One will be of vegetable (1 or 2 types, but separated by an hour perhaps if multiple types are involved). One will be of fruit, and the last meal will be of meat. After a stint of raw meat experimentation I stopped eating it for the most part raw, but I do cook it on very low heat and prefer it still pink (I don't buy into the whole "cooking meat slightly is worse than cooking meat well done" theory). No condiments are to be used. For 2 weeks it'll be the pure subtances of veg, fruit and meat and thats it (along with Himilayan crystal salt, coconut oil and my usual heavy vitamin D supplementation (10k-20k IU per day)).
This allows me to indulge in the joys of eating both fruit and meat everyday (I find very little enjoyment in any raw vegetable, but still eat plenty) while still keeping a rigid, absolutely strict mono-eating schedule. I really don't believe anything could be healthier than this, at least in the short term.
Has anyone else tried a similar approach? Experiences? Advice? Thoughts or opinions?