SALT: See Appendixes M, page 143, I, page 139, and J, page 139.
Table salt is a catalyst in the development of all diseases in most
people. Mineral salts are plant-food, not food for humans. If they were
food for humans, we could live on dirt. The vegetable kingdom makes
wonderful use of mineral salts, in balanced ratios, to grow healthfully
and strong. After they make the salts into bio-actively available
substances, we can juice their leaves, stalks and roots to obtain
concentrations of those salts. In our bodies, mineral salts that are not
naturally present in food, imbalance our systems, causing many
diseases, including cellular dehydration, edema, and bone diseases and
I worked with people who had long histories of headaches. Ninety
percent of these people ate a lot of salt. When they stopped consuming
all types of condiment salts (which are radical, that is, harmful),
including sea salt, they stopped having frequent headaches.
Periodically their headaches returned. Whenever the headaches
returned, I had their blood and urine analyzed. Each analysis showed
sodium molecules clumping - just as if they had recently consumed
condiment salts. They assured me they hadn’t. Also, all of the analyses
showed high levels of dead cells, especially liver and brain cells. The
conclusion I drew was that radical salts had stored in the body and
killed the surrounding cells by dehydrating them. I realized that the salt
and dead cells in the blood and urine indicated that the body was
cleansing salt and dead cells. And that salts store throughout the body,
especially in the brain and sometimes liver and brain.
“She craves salt! What’s wrong with salt?” Ray asks alarmed.
“It causes sodium molecules to clump in the blood. That reverses ion
magnetism and pulls the guts (so to speak) from cells. The affected
cells can no longer eat anything and they shrivel and die. Four little
bitty grains of salt - including sea salt - destroy approximately two
million red blood cells. It takes at least three hours to replace the blood
cells and about 24 hours to cleanse the dead cells. During those
processes important nutrients are leached from the blood and body. As
a result, salt speeds aging.
“The craving for salt is symptomatic of a mineral deficiency. To
satisfy her craving for salt, I suggest that your wife eat any or all of
these foods: fresh raw tomatoes, no-salt-added raw cheeses, fresh
celery juice and raw fish. (Eating raw shell fish, like oysters and clams,
several times a month is particularly effective in quickly correcting a
mineral deficiency.) These foods will supply a concentrated balance of
minerals that the body can utilize easily and pleasurably.”