The first time I took it I felt the effects of hyperthyroid for the first time, I wouldn't call it suffering. Actually it got me high. It was like having a lot of strong coffee, but without any anxiety. I quickly built up some sort of tolerance or resistance to the hormones and now its a very mild effect.
I remember the first couple of times I had eaten the entire raw thyroid at one sitting, something similar happening. There was some kind of hormonal effect thats difficult to describe. I dont notice such effects anymore, though now days I will eat all the glands and organs of a slaughtered animal over the course of a couple of weeks.
This rationing of the bodies organs and glands is a way for me to get a better balance of nutrition throughout the month, instead of just eating all the organs and glands during the first few days after a kill, and then having to go three weeks on just muscle meat and fat.
I believe my approach of eating the entire animal and rationing the organs and glands is a good way to rejuvenate the glands and organs of the body, without having to worry about becoming overloaded in certain hormonal substances, which may occur with the use supplements.
By eating the entire variety of tissues in an animal you can insure that you will get all the complelmetary nutrition one needs to build a well balanced being.
I believe it is of the utmost importance that if you chose to eat the all organs and glands of the whole animal that you make sure that animal is a pure and as healthy as you want to become. Its health and vitality will be transfered onto you. If its tissues are pure, vibrant and healthy, then consuming it will help to build vibrant and healthy glands and organs in your own body..
However,On the flip side, if the animal is not optimally healthy then the organs and glands could have concentrations of substances which would have an adverse effect on health. I am particularly concerned about so called grass-fed operations that use chemical wormers, vaccines, sub quality hay, poor water and GMO alfalfa.
These practices are the norm for grass-fed operation in my area, and the organs from these animals taste so bad that I will not eat it, no matter how hungry or broke I am.
Chemical wormers, water pollution, moldy hay, vaccines and GMO alfalfa, can all have adverse effects, which lead to the accumulation of toxic substances in the organs and glands.