You know what I am embarking on? Food prep/healthy living classes; but not all raw, as I am working with a friend. Most people out there want variety, and food prep is an extremely popular trend in the US these days. Really, with so many people fearful of RAF, I think it would be so cool to do introductory offerings, without any pressure of "you must eat all raw" or whathaveyou. The WAPF crowd is at least used to raw meats in Sally Fallon's NT book. Baby steps are what is needed first, as not many people will ever completely give up cooking altogether (unless they are really unwell), but I think many will at least incorporate it into their diets with the right message of healthy gourmet behind it. However, there are liability concerns in the US. But then, restaurants serve steak tartare and carpaccio, so I should be able to demonstrate and serve if all the health regulations are followed and it's done in a commercial kitchen. If that doesn't work I may produce demonstration dvds/blog.
I think that anyone who is holding pot lucks should make sure to get mention in the newspapers. Letters to the editor in response to food scare articles or whatnot might work too. But then, you'd have to find a pretty open media source (UK might be more so than US). I mean, everyone knows raw meat will give you worms and kill you with E. coli, so it is a subject that has to be approached with a middle way in mind. At least in my neck of the woods it does. Aajonus would not be taken seriously in most cities in TX. Heck, I don't really take him seriously, and he really is not a very interesting speaker imho from what I heard of his radio interview. You need a motivator who can speak well and sell this diet. Having someone who looks great, obviously has healed themselves but can't speak with enthusiastic conviction isn't going to move any masses or set any trends. Oh, and it helps if you are more grounded in science and less esoteric about the whole thing.