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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #100 on: January 04, 2015, 02:14:09 pm »
A_Tribe, I would try having all raw foods for a couple of days and then see if the situation gets better. If you think your digestive system is too weak to handle red meat, try raw fish, and if even that is too hard to digest, go with eggs. Either way, you said you are eating normally again, so if you can handle cooked stuff, surely you would be even more able to digest raw foods.
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #101 on: January 04, 2015, 06:33:20 pm »
What kind of working out? Gym?

When working out and training it's not about body muscles, it's about the heart. Have to concentrate on the heart, not body muscles. The heart determines whether training is occurring or not. Heart has to be working well and strong and/or fast when training. If heart is working strong and fast, then breathing will go strong and fast, and there will also be strong perspiration - these are all simple indicators that training is or has occurred. Body muscles are irrelevant in the sense that heart must be the one "leading", and body muscles "dragging behind".
If you follow conventional way of training then it is the exact opposite - body muscles lead, and heart drags behind. Body muscles heal easily and rather fast, heart does not, for heart to heal it takes much longer.

Working out 1-2 hours, and also 1-2 hours of hockey, each day really is too much; plus the off-time exercises... At first it might seem as if no big deal, and you might get away with it for a while, maybe a few to several months, even longer if you are rather "obsessed" (get a negative mental feeling if you think of "skipping" a day or more, and thus force it on) with training, but eventually it will hit you hard. After that there's potentially several months to a year worth of healing from the damage. Especially prone for to this to happen if you eat 4-6 meals a day... when is your digestive tract resting and healing from all the digestion? During sleeping? Sleep time is not enough. If you eat too often, for a too long period, then the digestive tract will become overloaded. If it is overloaded it will become hurt and somewhat inflamed, if it is hurt and inflamed nutrient absorption goes down. Then you get health issues, because nutrients, especially minerals, aren't absorbing well. Since they are not absorbing well but healing of the gut requires those nutrients, then they are instead leeched from the rest of the body to the gut for healing purposes. So hurt gut not only absorbs less nutrients but it also leeches from the body, leaving the rest of the body even more severely in deficiencies.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #102 on: January 04, 2015, 08:16:50 pm »
I am away from home(California) right now and really cannot afford 100% raw. I'll be back in about 2 months and my situation will change. I cannot wait, I'm homesick! I will immediately be going 100% raw.

For a long time I over stressed my body with pointless, and horribly damaging lifting techniques. From ages 16-18 It was common for me to spend 2-4 hours in the gym doing Bench press,curls, leg press ect... All with horrible form. It was extremely detremental to my postural integrity. I developed either posterior/anterior pelvic tilt. Idk which yet. My entire chain of back muscles is extremely weak. Core is weak and disfigured. Overdeveloped chest and leg muscles. Until 18/19 years old I was on a SAD diet(lots of pb&j, cereal, hotdog, burgers fries, pasta, milk everything cheap and low quality...)Last year my imbalances became so painful I often wouldn't sleep more than 1-2 hours a night for weeks at a time due to Tention induced headaches(While trying to continue hockey/lifting. 1 year ago I broken ankle and it caused me to gain lots of weight. I went from 5'11 190 to almost 210. That's when I discovered the paleo diet and more movement oriented workouts.

Now I do mainly crossfit(for hockey), yoga, and movement training.My previous lifestyle has left my core in ruins. I struggle daily to improve it. All my muscles are extremely right and miss shapen. I still get tention induced headaches from my right neck/upper back. The feelin is similar to having a concussion.

I have been frantically searching the internet looking for what could cause my BM problem. I'm leaning toward Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I'm hoping RPD, yoga, therapeutic massages will help me regain some structural integrity. Many of my muscles and bones are miss shaken from years of abuse. It's going to be a long journy to health for me. AV said it could take 40 years to correct incorrectly formed bones.

I still plan to experiment with raw dairy. Last summer I tried and felt great on it. Most noticeably it's effects on my libido. A huge increase. I understand it's an addictive food and not optimal for long term health. I believe if used properly(seasonally), it could speed healing.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #103 on: January 04, 2015, 08:38:12 pm »
I didn't understand the difference between Cooked and raw fats until I finished AVs book just two days ago. I thought even pasturized grass fed cheese/butter/sour cream would help digestion of my meals. Now I know even raw cheese is indigestible and used only to soak up toxins in te body. 

I'm going to add lots more raw fat to my diet now. Avocados, coconut come to mind. Maybe soaked raw Mac nuts? Grass fed beef is 11.99lb at local WF... I rarely can get. Salmon is 24.99.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #104 on: January 04, 2015, 11:55:40 pm »
Tribe you might really want to cut hockey and strength training and really work on doings gentle restorative yoga.  I overstrained for years and years as well and had huge issues with anxiety leading to bowel issues, going from laxative induced diarrhea to bloating and feeling "constipated" and back again.  Basically all that left me with was weak bones, organs and a host of mental health issues.  In the past few years I have only began to understand that true healing comes through rest and rehab and not force and strength training.  The last straw for me in realizing this was that early this summer I was actually overworking, holding two farm jobs where i ended up working a few weeks straight if 12 hr days while moving from one stressful living situation to the next. The amount of physical labor plus the fact my body was really needing to rest anyway and the psychological stress left me wih 4 ribs out of place.  My strength was so depleted it became completely unbalanced.  I worked, albeit only 8 hr days wih this injury for a month until my body was so inflamed I couldn't breath.  I finally quit my job and with it all of the constant heavy lifting (it was a dairy farm ran by feminazi's) and got a few weeks worth if chiropractic work done and spent two months resting and trying not to Reinjure my ribs.  I started working again without doing any rehab and spent two painful month completing a landscaping job where I shoveled at least 2000lbs of shit, all kinds of weird muscle groups were strained but not so bad that pacing myself and rest didnt help them heal.  Then I got super serious about healing and said no more heavy lifting or manual labor.  Focused on long stress free walks and hikes and getting back into the most basic, non aggressive, gentle yoga focused on posture instead of flowing quickly through movements.  In the short time I have been doing the yoga and no manual labor I have seen a Huge change in my body.  My posture has improved ten fold, I have lost inflammation I didn't even know I had, regained much movement I didn't realize I could or had lost, especially in back, hips and ankles that have taken a ton of abuse.  I feel more balanced in strength then I have when I have "known" I was "stronger" or at least thought I was in better physical shape.  I would encourage you to seek out both chiropractic support as well as a gentle, restorative yoga practice and cut the hard stuff all together for a while. 

There has to be a better and less expensive source of meat in California, have you tried contacting the local wapf ?  Ask for fat from from the butchers at wf market, just make sure it's from the grass fed animals.  If not find a local farm or small butcher and see what they have for trim.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 01:24:33 am by jessica »

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #105 on: January 05, 2015, 12:26:19 am »
Mammoth, this is my last year of hockey. I'm under contract so have to play the remaining 2months of the season. I'm in NJ now, as soon as season is over I'll be returning to California where paleo living is much easier!  And I'll have the support if my family behind me. Out here in nj I am alone and have limited resources.

Thank you for sharing your story! It is very inspiring. Imdefinitely  going to get into yoga  asap.  I'm also very interested in movement culture.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #106 on: January 05, 2015, 12:34:21 am »
I must agree with Jessica - I was overtrained as well and I started having some digestive problems (diarrhea, bloating), I thought it was because of some food intolerance so I cut eggs, grass fed butter, and other stuff out of my diet but it didn't work - I mean one day everything was fine and rest of the week I was waking up with diarrhea. I was walking, doing yoga and strength training and decided to reduce the intensity and stick only to gentle yoga and gentle walks. After a week I started feeling better and after 2 weeks my digestion was normal again!

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #107 on: January 05, 2015, 01:40:42 am »
I've also had a history of not chewing my food enough and eating to fast. It was not uncommon I would find whole pieces of food in my stool. I've now changed my habits and try to chew food to a liquid as much as possible. It's very hard go for me and requires deep concentration. I don't know why.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 02:45:34 am by TylerDurden »

Offline dariorpl

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #108 on: January 05, 2015, 06:10:24 am »
Then have foods that don't require much chewing, like raw ground beef, raw fish, or raw eggs. Also vegetable juice works wonders here. And raw honey. And any raw dairy. I would suggest avoiding the pink salmon in particular because most of it is farmed, and all of it is GMO, even the wild variety, since the GMO pink salmon from farms escaped and contaminated the wild populations' genetics. But if all you can have is raw farmed pink salmon, it's still a lot better than anything cooked, IMO.

It's possible that the reason you have trouble chewing a lot is because your teeth are weak from a deficient diet and too much toxins. But I think they will heal in time if you give them the right nutrients and the tools to help get rid of toxins.
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #109 on: January 05, 2015, 11:25:20 am »
Then have foods that don't require much chewing, like raw ground beef, raw fish, or raw eggs. Also vegetable juice works wonders here. And raw honey. And any raw dairy. I would suggest avoiding the pink salmon in particular because most of it is farmed, and all of it is GMO, even the wild variety, since the GMO pink salmon from farms escaped and contaminated the wild populations' genetics. But if all you can have is raw farmed pink salmon, it's still a lot better than anything cooked, IMO.

It's possible that the reason you have trouble chewing a lot is because your teeth are weak from a deficient diet and too much toxins. But I think they will heal in time if you give them the right nutrients and the tools to help get rid of toxins.

I think Sockeye salmon by law must be wild caught not farmed? They look dark red even at WFs. But yes, still could contain contaminets. I hae about 28lbs of turkey left I need to eat then I can purchase some grass fed ground beef.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #110 on: January 05, 2015, 11:28:24 am »
I need to get more fat into my diet.

So far Avocados, young coconut/coconut oil. And ground beef. I think WF said it was 15% fat.

What do you guys think of:

Raw Mac nuts
Raw Olives... Are they edible? I've read they're not

Unsalted Kerrygold butter. Would this help or complicate my constipation? It is pasteurized butter, but grass fed.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #111 on: January 05, 2015, 11:41:08 am »
My WF trims its own roasts and grinds its own beef and lamb, and that means they have to have some fat trimmings lying around, which they might give me if I ask. I get my fat trimmings this way at another market. Ask them.

Watch out for rancid raw macadamia nuts - you may be able to taste the rancidity. I've never had a good raw macadamia nut from local vendors, who buy from undated stock - the nuts could be from a previous year's harvest. Even so, you are right up there where people grow nuts, so you can probably find a more local nut source that's fresh from this season's harvest.
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Offline jessica

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #112 on: January 05, 2015, 11:43:25 am »
A really good source for fat and possibly the least expensive might be to the butchers for fat trim from grass fed animals, ask for untrimmed  kidneys if they sell them, they usually have huge amounts of fat on them, ask for the tongue, it's an extremely fatty cut.  You are best to go with organic valley brand butter as kerrygold likely supplements with gmo feed as they are not certified organic. I would really encourage you to look into your local Weston a price chapter when you get home to California.  You should be able to source higher quality animal fats, fattier more diverse cuts like ribs and shank and offal.  I think the laws in California are pretty well in favor of raw dairy and you may be able to find a source of raw butter

Ps up top it should have said shoveled 20000lbs of shit, not 2000;). Basically the point is your body gets used to certain amounts of stress and pain and will actually go numb to misuse as a survival mechanism, that's a really poor position to be in.  You probably won't realize how exhausted you were until you stop, until you actually rest and let your body heal.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 01:18:28 pm by jessica »

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #113 on: January 05, 2015, 11:44:10 am »
Raw Olives... Are they edible? I've read they're not

Perhaps this will help:

Yes dry, just put the olives and close the jar. You don't have to wait years: you can open the jar after a few months, just the time for the olives to mature in the gas they emit. An even more natural way is to let them mature in the open until they become soft and loose their bitterness, then they can be stored in jars as well. 

This video is in French, but the guy (currently vegan again, I think) explains it quite well:
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #114 on: January 05, 2015, 09:02:37 pm »
So you guys don't think pasturized butter will hurt my constipation. I was hoping it would help, then I read AVs book. He claims Cooke fats harden inside the body! I'm just looking to eliminate all foods that could cause any problems for me.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #115 on: January 05, 2015, 10:25:08 pm »
My current boyfriend has suffered from hard impacted constipation and hemorrhoids.  He is now having "shits that should be worshipped" on a cooked "primal" diet that includes pasturized organic/gf butter, yogurt, cheese and raw milk, no nuts, only seeds being pumpkin, rarely an avocado, uses coconut oil only to brush teeth.  He is also recovering from extreme rosacea which is thought  to be caused intestinal fungus/extreme gut disbiosis.  It's only one case but it's my own to illustrated that cooked fats are capable of eliminating constipation.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #116 on: January 05, 2015, 11:54:43 pm »
Tribe Called Paleo... are you now doing water enemas or olive oil enemas when you are having trouble pooping?

Did you try and get Barefoot Herbalist MH's LBB capsules?
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #117 on: January 06, 2015, 01:45:46 am »
Tribe Called Paleo... are you now doing water enemas or olive oil enemas when you are having trouble pooping?

Did you try and get Barefoot Herbalist MH's LBB capsules?

I have not done enemas. The doctor advised against doing them. Said that it could rupture or injure my colon. I have not bought the lower bowel balance pills yet. Very pricy and money is tight. In 2 months I'll be home and be able to order them.

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #118 on: January 06, 2015, 07:30:42 am »
I think your doctor is an IDIOT. (for saying enemas are dangerous, reveals his ignorance and superstition)

What is dangerous is colon hydrotherapy with a machine.

But an enema bucket with just say 300 ml - 400 ml of water in your anus hole is totally safe.  For extra virgin olive oil for diverticulitis or hardened feces you can use only 250ml to 300ml so you can absorb that raw fat directly in your gut... and your intestinal blockage slips away.  You can use enema buckets to emergency hydrate yourself with 6 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon salt in 1 liter of water. (insert only 300ml).  And enema buckets can be used for coffee enemas.

infants, teenagers, adults, goats any mammal benefits from enemas as a tool.

For infants I use a syringe without the needle.

Your doctor is an IDIOT to try to deny you basic care.

(Sorry, but I have to say it, get another opinion from a holistic doctor / chiropractor --- not an MD next time)

My then 9 yr old boy would have been butchered by surgical removal of a large part of his large intestine had I not come in with hydrating enemas and oil enemas in the hospital.  Canceled his surgery the very morning because we did our miracle enemas in the evening.

This same boy went to lots more hell with hardened feces in 4 diverticulitis pockets and we had to use vinegar spiked water enemas and various oil enemas to coax those out his large intestines that totally plugged up.  Which also led to his small intestines getting plugged up and get into massive leaky gut that led to full body eczema.  He thanks enemas and now does them by himself when he needs to.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:37:14 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #119 on: January 06, 2015, 09:19:21 am »
Not sure if it's just because I'm feeling a little feisty today...   so,   enemas can distend or weaken colons if done incorrectly, i.e., using too much water.   They can also for some lead to dependence on them to evacuate.   Yes,  once in a while they can be helpful with using small amounts of water, but to me efforts should be focused on finding the cause and not a temporary cure, on that one can easily get into the habit with,, as in, 'gosh, I didn't poop this morning, better get out the enema bag'...

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #120 on: January 06, 2015, 11:59:26 am »
Yes van, you are correct.  Enemas are just tools for healing.
Not to be overdone, not to be over used.
For example, a friend had a pet goat that was suffering because he ate something he could not expel.  One water enema and the goat was relieved.
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #121 on: January 06, 2015, 12:17:52 pm »
I think your doctor was giving his honest opinion as a medical doctor, and he is probably taking into account his observations of you plus his medical training and experience. There was no harm in finding out his diagnosis and treatment.

It can be useful to hear a medical doctor give a "nothing's really wrong with you" diagnosis. To me, that means that your solution is to balance your lifestyle by eating and moving well. Doctors in the US often don't offer their patients this truth because the patients won't follow that kind of advice.

If I were to generalize, I'd say that enemas are useful to treat acute (not chronic) conditions and to accompany other nutritional treatments. You are having chronic constipation, so it would be more useful to be able to observe your natural elimination. If you resort to enemas, you'll never really know what helped and what didn't.
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #122 on: January 06, 2015, 01:05:29 pm »
I think my abuse of Epsom salt and Castor oil could have damaged my colon. What if I perform enema incorrectly? That is the main fear I'm having. I'm definitely all for doing it. I'm inexperienced and don't want to damage myself anymore.

Do I need a special chiropractor to help for constipation? Would they be able to diagnose Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #123 on: January 06, 2015, 01:46:38 pm »
Do I need a special chiropractor to help for constipation? Would they be able to diagnose Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction is so rare in young males. Which type do you have? By "type" I mean is it a tear, or a nerve problem, or a muscle weakness? If you know the type, you can start to think about a solution. For example, a tear might need to be repaired by surgery, whereas a muscle weakness needs to be exercised, and a nerve problem might be corrected by learning to relax.
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Re: Intestinal blockage
« Reply #124 on: January 06, 2015, 05:52:31 pm »
Chiropractor can check your spine and your nervous system if that could be the one that is causing your illness.

Plus Chiropractors have good holistic education.

You can get a nurse or some other holistic healer to teach you enemas.  It's too easy.
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