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Offline akaikumo

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How much water do you drink?
« on: March 16, 2009, 04:08:15 pm »
I drink nothing but Perrier. I can't go near our tapwater now that I'm drinking this, even though we have a filter. It tastes awful. I suppose it might be the fluoride. I'd like to move on to better mineral water, but we can get this in bulk at Costco, so it'll do for now. Way better than the filtered tap. Yuck.

Anyway, I noticed, I drink a LOT of water. Between 2 and 3 .5 liter bottles a day, so about 1 to 1.5 liters. Is that "normal", especially for someone small? (I'm about 85lbs).

Granted, I'm not on raw yet and struggle to eat paleo 100%, so that probably increases my water intake, but it still seems like a lot. I'd prefer to drink less for monetary reasons (hah...), as this is pretty expensive and therefore detracts from buying better quality food (still living with my parents).

Just curious how much others drink.
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 04:15:26 pm »
I don't drink water as a rule.
Maybe when I'm desperate, happens very rarely.
I depend on coconuts for extra hydration or water melons or papayas or pineapples.
And raw fat and raw meat is hydrating as well.
When I run out of coconuts I squeeze a lemon or calamansi in some water and wait some 2 minutes before drinking.

I subscribe to the idea that humans are not drinking animals.

I used to drink a ton of water and keep peeing all day.  Raw fruits and raw meat are superior to being forced to drink water when eating cooked food.  In my experience anyway.
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 05:30:32 pm »
I don't drink water as a rule.
I don't drink water regularly either only because tap water/bottled water is filled to the brim with crap!  I know some prefer bottled water but I just don't trust it.  When I used to drink water/bottled water, it all taste the same to me. 
I subscribe to the idea that humans are not drinking animals.
I have to disagree here.  I don't think there is any harm in drinking well water or water from natural springs if you have something like that near you.  That's basic instinct for me.  I plan on having a well or two on my farm in PI when I get there eventually.  my gf also told me that I can have a pool that's setup where the water in the pool comes from the water in the well or something like that.  I was like wow! a pool with natural water also.  that's going to be great!

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 06:21:08 pm »
I suppose it also depends on whether one is living in a hot country etc.

In my case, I can go for a day without drinking any water, or, at other times, I might drink 2 litres.

I would be wary of drinking too much water. I've heard of some people who've almost died of hyponatraemia because they drank too much water.
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2009, 09:55:51 pm »
I drink well water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis (just in case) and sparkling mineral water.  The filtered water tastes really good, and our well water tasted good before filtering it.  It's nice that we don't have city water that is treated with chemicals, but at the same time, we don't have frequent testing, and well water can change over time.  The RO filter was the best $200 investment for peace of mind and better tasting water that we could have made. 

I drink maybe 48 oz a day, more in hot summer.

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"mineral water": watch out!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2009, 02:12:50 am »

from my own experience, as well as my research, i've concluded that what in the us is called "mineral water" is highly deleterious health-wise

on this forum some confusion arises from the fact that the paleo expert is a uk resident whereas many of the forum readers are us residents
why confusion just from changing 1 letter: uk > us?
in the uk, as well as in continental europe in general, all spring water or artesian water is called "mineral water" whether its total dissolved solids (tds) content is high or low; whereas in the us only water w/ a high tds content is labeled "mineral water" -- & usually, w/ a few exceptions, in the us it's water imported from europe or other countries

thus this site is called 'mineral water from the world' since it's headquartered in switzerland:

fyi or amusement here are a couple of quotes from this other site:

tds content:

Super Low  0 - 50mg/l
Low           50- 250 mg/l
Medium     250- 800mg/l
High          800 - 1.500mg/l
Very High  1.500mg/l & over

Regulations regarding TDS vary throughout the world. In the United States, bottled water must contain at least 250 mg/l TDS to be labeled as mineral water. TDS above 500 mg/l qualifies a water as 'low mineral content' more than 1,500 mg/l allows a 'high mineral content' label.

Distillation, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange can each remove nitrate from water; several manufacturers offer equipment to apply these techniques to home drinking water. Nitrate is not removed by standard water softeners or filters, including carbon adsorption filters, and boiling water actually increases the concentration of nitrate. 

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Offline akaikumo

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2009, 03:44:33 am »
I subscribe to the idea that humans are not drinking animals.

I used to drink a ton of water and keep peeing all day.  Raw fruits and raw meat are superior to being forced to drink water when eating cooked food.  In my experience anyway.

I agree that when eating entirely raw humans probably don't require an extra water source very often. Possibly in drier areas we would. I, for instance, live in Colorado and the air here is incredibly dry nearly all the time. Couple that with a mostly cooked diet and I suppose what I'm drinking isn't really that much. I only drink when I'm thirsty. I did notice that when I drink perrier I pee less often than when I'm drinking the tap water.

from my own experience, as well as my research, i've concluded that what in the us is called "mineral water" is highly deleterious health-wise

Because of it's low mineral content?

Interesting how acidic perrier is, I wasn't aware of that. I still prefer it to tap, but I'm not exactly happy with that.

Little gas (CO2)      X
Acidity (PH)      5.46
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)      475 mg/l
Calcium (Ca++)      147.3 mg/l
Magnesium (Mg++)      3.4 mg/l
Sodium (Na+)      9 mg/l
Potassium (K+)      0.6 mg/l
Bicarbonate (HCO3-)      390 mg/l
Chloride (Cl-)      21.5 mg/l
Sulphate (SO4--)      33 mg/l
Fluoride (F-)      0.12 mg/l
Nitrate (NO3-)      18 mg/l
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Offline primaD

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2009, 08:42:00 am »
I drink well water that has been filtered through reverse osmosis (just in case) and sparkling mineral water.  The filtered water tastes really good, and our well water tasted good before filtering it.  It's nice that we don't have city water that is treated with chemicals, but at the same time, we don't have frequent testing, and well water can change over time.  The RO filter was the best $200 investment for peace of mind and better tasting water that we could have made.
Why th filter for the well water?  Well water can change over time but that might be a good thing especially considering you mentioned that it tastes good before filtering it. 

I wonder how do you do it?  In another thread, you stated you get along without a cellphone and now you also have well water?  I thought maybe you live in a rural area but you're an engineer so maybe not.  Anyway, I'm just jealous that's all.  but I'll get to that point one day as well.  ;)

Offline lex_rooker

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2009, 12:33:46 pm »
Interesting discussion.  I believe I read somewhere that carnivores like Lions & Tigers & Bears (Oh My!) drink copious amounts of water - especially after eating.  I find that my greatest thirst is after eating as well.  Since I'm eating a carnivorous diet, sugar laden fruit juices are not on my list of acceptable foods, so I drink water just like the wild carnivores.

My guess is that I drink roughly 2 liters (1/2 gallon) per day on average.  This is driven by thirst alone since there is no nutrient, taste, or other component in the liquid to drive me to consume more than my body needs or to drink when not thirsty.


Offline wodgina

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2009, 06:05:41 pm »
Thats the same for me too Lex! I guzzle water after eating (like 5 minutes or so) and It's really enjoyable for some reason  :D

I did a 12 hour hard day today at work in the heat doing heavy lifting and drank about 600 mls. I'll drink after I eat tonight.

Hey Lex I piss about once a day. Do you?

ps I had to give a urine sample for a drug test last week at a mine where I work. You need to be 'fit for work' so they do random drug tests at the the start of the day and you have to pass to be able to enter the mine site.
My name came up for the urine drug test but I had already had my slash for the day and I had a massive job on so I had coffee and a load of water to make me go. I felt bloated and the water just sat in my was horrible it took over 3 hours to go and made me look like I was a drug user and was trying to get out of the test ;D
In my pre raw carnivore days I could easily give a sample anytime anywhere.
I did pass..
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2009, 08:59:39 pm »
Why the filter for the well water?  Well water can change over time but that might be a good thing especially considering you mentioned that it tastes good before filtering it. 

I wonder how do you do it?  In another thread, you stated you get along without a cellphone and now you also have well water?  I thought maybe you live in a rural area but you're an engineer so maybe not.  Anyway, I'm just jealous that's all.  but I'll get to that point one day as well.  ;)

Well, primaD I was feeling pretty low this winter.  I thought it might be vitamin d lacking, so I ate more fish.  That didn't do much.  I was just not feeling right in a minor sort of way - moody, depressed, etc.  It dawned on me that it might be something in the water, like selenium, which does occur in large amounts in some Texas regions.  Our water is also very hard here.  The last time we tested the water, the only high amount we noticed was copper.  Then I also thought about all the natural gas drilling in this area as of late.  (This activity has now gone down, as have the prices for natural gas & oil.)  Gas drilling can contaminate and/or deplete wells nearby.  There is/was drilling within about 1/2 mile or a bit more, but this site is at a lower elevation than my property.  So, while I could do extensive testing for most known contaminants - at a cost of about $200+ per test - it made more sense to filter our drinking water by reverse osmosis.  RO filters most every problem constituent of water.  We have a sediment filter for the whole house as well, and we have to soften the water for showers and stuff or we get stalagtites growing on the faucets (no joke).  Fortunately, my husband placed a diverter valve at the softener when he plumbed it in, so we can switch between hard and soft water any time we choose.

Anyway, about the same time a couple months back, a friend of mine gave me all these different seaweeds as she went on a GAPS diet.  Well, after a week on the seaweed, I did feel better.  Perhaps I needed more iodine.  Or perhaps it was the water change.  I do not know, but things are good now, and I am happy.  I am the extroverted motivator that I always was once again.

My background is mechanical engineering, and I own a very small software business and work out of my home.  I am quite eager to develop "green" hardware or microcontroller technologies for consumers in the near future, as I have some good ideas on that front and want to be a constructive force in a sick world.  My husband is an electrical engineer.  Most of my time now is spent homeschooling my sons.  I do live in a semi rural setting on almost 2 acres, complete with fruit trees and laying hens.  I can raise any livestock here except pigs.  I'd like to try out raising sheep, but it will be a time commitment.  Maybe my older son can try it.  We may also buy more land in the not so distant future for hunting purposes mainly. 

We still do not own a cell phone.  We may break down and buy one eventually, but then again, we have survived this long ...  DH was once at a IEEE meeting in the 1990s where the founder (iirc) of Motorola said he did not use mobile phones any longer as he developed a head tumor from one.  They transmit microwave radiation over vast distances, which requires much power any time the device is on.  So if you wouldn't cook your food in a microwave oven, why would you put a smaller, less powerful microwave transmitter next to the soft tissues in your head?  The answer for most people is that they don't think about the em radiation, just like they wouldn't think much about walking in front of an active radar on an aircraft sitting on the flight line, even though their gonads will get fried to some extent by doing so.  People can't feel it, so they ignore the fact that wireless devices, like laptops, can adversely affect their health.  Distance is key too; the closer you have the device to your body, the worse the effects.  So if you keep your awareness and distance, that is good.  I think children should be banned from using most wireless devices altogether, as they do not understand the risks (nor the underlying science).

So did I hear that you are Korean?  I love Korean people, food and culture.  My son and I, both Taekwondo Jidokwan black belts, may try our hand at learning the Korean language before we test for 2nd Dan.

I am just rambling on and on here!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 09:19:11 pm by Satya »

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2009, 06:34:40 am »
I can raise any livestock here except pigs.
I presume because of the smell and your neighbors, right?
So did I hear that you are Korean?  I love Korean people, food and culture.  My son and I, both Taekwondo Jidokwan black belts, may try our hand at learning the Korean language before we test for 2nd Dan.
We love you too!  :-*  I don't know about the culture part though.  I have Korean mom/black dad (former military) and that still doesn't go over so well with some but whatever.  Ever been to Korea? (Seoul)  Fun place, you should visit since you love us so much!  Korean is a pretty hard language to learn from what I've been told...  i'm pretty fluent from speaking with my mom and I also went to Korean school at our church growing up but you can do it if you want though..

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2009, 08:42:19 am »
I think children should be banned from using most wireless devices altogether, as they do not understand the risks (nor the underlying science).
This is the main reason I plan on majoring in engineering when I start college in couple of months. (electrical I think)  I want to learn how everything works and how to build EVERYTHING.  A lot of the time it's not the fault of the children though.  Almost all of the foundational knowledge that one needs to fully understand the technology of today is hidden, intentionally kept secret.  I want to learn how to build a computer from scratch and I do mean from scratch literally.  I mean starting from wood or some kind of natural resource I can find in the wild and eventually end up with a fully functional computer or laptop or whatever.  Out of all the computer science professors that I know, none of them possess this knowledge.  Sad.  Someone knows this info but is hiding it.  I aim to find this secret info. 

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2009, 03:00:10 pm »
0 to 2 gallons a day depending on activity and heat.

Anyone know the cheapest way to test for mineral content/contaminants in well water?

Offline akaikumo

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2009, 06:53:21 pm »
I didn't know much about rabbit starvation so I was looking it up and on the wikipedia page it says:

# The ammonia released during the process of converting amino acids [from protein] into glucose cannot be cleared by conversion to urea unless enough water is consumed to void it. The buildup of ammonia or urea is poisonous.

Made me wonder if the reason we and other animals get thirsty after eating meat is because of this.
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2009, 07:46:14 pm »
I didn't know much about rabbit starvation so I was looking it up and on the wikipedia page it says:

Made me wonder if the reason we and other animals get thirsty after eating meat is because of this.

You could be right. I have to drink after a meal of meat and fat and dogs will do the same thing.

What would kill a person first? just eating protein or starvation?

I'm thinking protein.
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Offline akaikumo

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2009, 08:06:34 pm »
I agree, protein I imagine. It even mentions that in the article.
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2009, 09:16:10 pm »
I found this interesting about oxygen

Oxygen is a nutrient that can saturate the blood, but cannot be stored. Thus it is crucial that we constantly provide our bodies with sufficient oxygen. Oxygen carries nutrients around the body, provides us with energy and kills bacteria, viruses, even cancer cells. 100 million years ago the atmosphere of the Earth contained 30% more oxygen than it does today. We evolved in a higher oxygen environment than we find ourselves today, partly due to pollution, partly due to natural changes between the Earth and the Sun.


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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2009, 10:34:05 pm »
This oxygen theory is nonsense, IMO. I mean we've evolved in a lower oxygen environment in the last few millions of years. Sure hundreds of millions of years ago our dinousar-like ancestors lived in a high oxygen environment but we've evolved beyond that point long since.
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2009, 03:42:41 am »
I think it's a cellular need not an organismal need, oxygen.

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2009, 09:26:04 am »
I drink a ton after I eat, and as thirst dictates.

What kind of water are you all drinking? What is optimal?

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2009, 06:19:45 pm »
I prefer mineral water from natural springs. The more alkaline the better - I really like PH 7.8 to PH 8.4
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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2009, 07:00:58 am »
I prefer mineral water from natural springs. The more alkaline the better - I really like PH 7.8 to PH 8.4

I agree. Alkaline waters taste so much better. Softer and sweeter. Buy glass bottled when you can.

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2009, 01:44:41 pm »
I prepared only as I can drunk as I can,,that's the way i drink water..

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Re: How much water do you drink?
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2009, 03:00:08 pm »
            For me atleast 12 glass a day.

Refrigerator Water Filter


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