Author Topic: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions  (Read 7957 times)

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Offline Espirito

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Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:15:04 am »
Hi guys.

I need another help from the forum.

I was vegan and fruitarian, and for about one month i'm starting the paleo diet.
I had no sex drive, but i'm recovering from that, due to this forum that helped me a lot.

But i'm having a big issue, i'm having memory loss, brain fog, bad cognitive functions.

I did a analysys to my blood about 4 months ago, and i had my Homocysteine levels very very high.
My b12 are ok, but i'm taking some supplemment for about 1 month.
Today i'm starting to take the cod fish.

Anyone had this symptoms?

I don't know if is something about the carbs or the fruit, or if i need to add potatoes, rice, beans, or something...
In this moment i'm trying to remove the sugar, fruit, etc..

It's terrible, i forget things, and i can't be focus in anything, like if i'm in the space all the time.
My girl, friends, family, had a conversation and i simple forget.
Like Alzheimer.

Anyone had this, and how you recover it?

Thanks in advance

Offline raw-al

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 06:50:06 am »
Maybe consider reading books on Hypothyroidism such as Broda Barnes, Stephen Langer, Mark Starr.

Also investigate iodine sources in foods. Books such as David Brownstein's or if you are female Lynne Farrow.

My thoughts are that iodine is at the root of the problem, but I am still learning.

HT used to be mainly a female disease and since you do not have your gender showing in preferences, I cannot tell, but it is now epidemic in proportion, because in the past, before the last 100 years, due to knowledge about it, having surfaced and infections being brought down to a dull roar by various modalities, most PPL survive the first few years of life with HT. It used to be that infections would kill you in infancy because when you are HT your body runs cool and your body uses heat to kill infections and also heat keeps the blood from depositing mucin on the blood vessel walls, which leads to heart diseases and general organs shutting down or getting sick..

Nowadays guys are also very likely to be HT. Everyone in my family is I discovered much to my surprise and especially when I read these books and discovered I was.

Getting raw thyroid might be a challenge because of legal restraints unless you have animals or hunt wild animals and I do not know enough about it to say how much you should take or if you should, but.....

Bottom line is to do a basal temperature test first thing in the AM, before you get up to pee etc.
97.8 to 98.2
is normal for an adult when using the armpit or mouth. Since the temperature is critical you have to leave it in for 10 minutes before reading. Do not do it for less as you will get a false reading. Later in the day the reading will be likely higher. If you have inflammation( some sort of infection or cold etc. you will get a high reading.

However if your mother and or siblings are HT, odds are you are.

For me, I have tried massaging my thyroid area and Yoga asanas to stretch it. Then I tried Luggols and got a bit of help, but I also got a major headache so I find this stuff works well. It is made in the way that Edgar Cayce suggested, in that it is detoxified.

Offline eveheart

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 06:54:53 am »
One thing you might consider is how long it will take your body to adjust from high carb (such as 5 bananas in the morning) to low carb (such as under 50 g by lunch). You didn't mention exactly what you are eating, but I'd characterize your analysis to be VERY high protein and VERY low carb. If you are going to try very low carb for some reason, then you might observe a period of adjustment that includes brain fog.
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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2015, 04:51:00 pm »
Those are magnesium deficiency symptoms (though something else can also contribute). First thing I'd check is whether you are deficient of Mg or not.

In our present world, the way it is, you cannot get enough Mg easily just from food. You could if you paid large amounts for it and would get your food from pure and clean places with soils rich in nutrients and not polluted, or lived in such a place yourself.

Blood tests don't show whether you are deficient of Mg or not.

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2015, 05:56:37 pm »
In the past, going raw zero-carb did help remove my then  brain-fog very effectively for a short while but then things got worse after 2-3 weeks. So it's mainly a short-term cure. Fasting also makes my brain sharper, incidentally. Definitely go for the raw thyroid if you can get it. I tried dried, processed  thyroid in a pill but that did not work for me.
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Offline Espirito

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2015, 07:28:29 pm »
Thanks all.

I went to a doctor, and everything was fine, with my thyroid ... except the Homo-cysteine ( Very higher ) and Vitamin D ( Very lower )
I'm taking B12, and Cod fish oil.

To add, it's like  been lobotomized :( I'm very very worry, and very very concerned about my health future.
This is affecting my love relationship, and my work, because i can't remember, can't have a conversation without distracting my mind.

I'm eating low carbs to see if it helps, but if high carb is better i can try.
Yes, could it be magnesium to.

I don't wish this to anyone, because it's very very hard to deal with it.
The void, the dark place ... it's very ..

If i discover something how i cure myself i will let my post here.

Thanks again!

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2015, 09:13:57 pm »
I'm eating low carbs to see if it helps, but if high carb is better i can try.

Why go for extremes? Moderate carbs is okay.
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Offline jessica

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2015, 10:35:13 pm »
Esposito what is your current diet?  Have you been eating any salt or seaweed?  Have you had any broth?  You may be low on electrolytes, as they tend to flush out with glycogen when one switches to a lower carb diet.  Inwould suggest making a veggie and bone broth with onions, garlic, celery along with bones at least and adding seaweed and possibly lemon juice, dandelion or burdock root and mushrooms are good additions too.  This will provide sodium and potassium along with various trace minerals.  You may also need to find a source of magnesium.  Even just a dandelion root tea with a squeeze of lemon and some seasalt might be helpful. 

Offline raw-al

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2015, 05:00:29 am »
I went to a doctor, and everything was fine, with my thyroid ...

Just so you know the current thyroid tests are not accurate at all. They only detect a certain amount of HT because it often only shows up many years after the issue has begun.

If you do the basal temperature test, then you will know for sure.

It is free, except for the cost of a thermometer, which is almost free

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2015, 10:55:48 am »
Espirito you are probably very low in zinc as well.  Look up copper zinc imbalance and paleo on google and see if any of the symptoms ring true to yourself.  The best way to cure this is plenty of red meats and muscle meats, oysters, staying away from foods that are high in copper(coffee, chocolate, many veggies) etc.  There is a whole plethora of information available in the Internet.  I can only say that making sure you are getting appropriate minerals and nutrition via diet is the best way to cure imbalances because zinc wouldnt be the only thing you would need to increase in oir diet and its best to get the full spectrum of minerals and nutrients from whole foods.  It may take longer to see results by focusing in nutritional healing but in the end this is the only long term solution.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 11:03:55 am by jessica »

Offline Espirito

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2015, 12:59:51 am »
Thanks all.

I'm feeling better, i'm taking the cod fish oil, and i'm feeling better.
But i need to do this during more days to see.

I read all your comments, and i will bring some news in the next days.

Thanks all!
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 04:25:48 am by Espirito »

Offline Espirito

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Re: Another help: Memory loss, brain fog, decline functions
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2015, 07:13:24 pm »
New discoveries.

I'm removing the fruits, from my menu, and i'm feeling better from my brain fog.
Any kind of fruits seems to be killing my brain.
I don't know if it' has to be with frutose, or something else.

Fruits, decrease my sex drive and increase my brain fog.
I need to test if rice, and some other carbs are doing the same effect.

Funny that like i mention in other post, chocolate brings the good effect.

I will post more news soon.


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