Maybe consider reading books on Hypothyroidism such as Broda Barnes, Stephen Langer, Mark Starr. investigate iodine sources in foods. Books such as David Brownstein's or if you are female Lynne Farrow.
My thoughts are that iodine is at the root of the problem, but I am still learning.
HT used to be mainly a female disease and since you do not have your gender showing in preferences, I cannot tell, but it is now epidemic in proportion, because in the past, before the last 100 years, due to knowledge about it, having surfaced and infections being brought down to a dull roar by various modalities, most PPL survive the first few years of life with HT. It used to be that infections would kill you in infancy because when you are HT your body runs cool and your body uses heat to kill infections and also heat keeps the blood from depositing mucin on the blood vessel walls, which leads to heart diseases and general organs shutting down or getting sick..
Nowadays guys are also very likely to be HT. Everyone in my family is I discovered much to my surprise and especially when I read these books and discovered I was.
Getting raw thyroid might be a challenge because of legal restraints unless you have animals or hunt wild animals and I do not know enough about it to say how much you should take or if you should, but.....
Bottom line is to do a basal temperature test first thing in the AM, before you get up to pee etc.
97.8 to 98.2
is normal for an adult when using the armpit or mouth. Since the temperature is critical you have to leave it in for 10 minutes before reading. Do not do it for less as you will get a false reading. Later in the day the reading will be likely higher. If you have inflammation( some sort of infection or cold etc. you will get a high reading.
However if your mother and or siblings are HT, odds are you are.
For me, I have tried massaging my thyroid area and Yoga asanas to stretch it. Then I tried Luggols and got a bit of help, but I also got a major headache so I find
this stuff works well. It is made in the way that Edgar Cayce suggested, in that it is detoxified.