Financial War and Shooting War Intensifying-No Real Recovery, Obama VetoBy Greg Hunter On January 30, 2015 In Weekly News Wrap-Ups
World Marching Toward War, Iran and Israel Close to War, North American Union RealWar is what I am going to concentrate on in this Weekly News Wrap-Up. There is no doubt a massive financial war is going on right now. If this keeps up, it will only lead to a shooting war and a very big one at that. The EU wants to put another round of sanctions on Russia, and get this, Greece is signaling it will veto that action. So, not only does the recently elected Greece leadership want debt forgiveness, it also looks like it is going to side with Russia over more sanctions. Greece is a NATO country, and it’s making noises that may close NATO military bases and withdraw from the alliance. All this is destabilizing the EU economy and the geopolitical situation there. There is no doubt that part of the world is inching towards more war over Ukraine. The cherry on top of the cake came from rarely heard former leader of Russia, Mikhail Gorbachev, who said, “Have they lost their minds?” Talking about actions taken recently by the U.S., Gorbachev goes on to say, “The ‘cold’ war will “lead to a ‘hot’ war.” I am not advocating war, I am just telling you it looks like one is coming.
Want more war possibilities? Look no further than the Middle East. The hottest of hot spots is looking more and more like Israel. Ever since Israel bombed Hezbollah positions in Syria near the Golan Heights, the shooting has been picking up on both sides. This is all part of the reason why the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, is going to talk to Congress about Iran, its nuclear program and more sanctions. The President is furious over this, and I think it’s because there may be enough votes on both sides of the isle to override a veto. Congress will no doubt pass legislation to strengthen sanctions against Iran if talks fail to curtail Iran’s nuclear program. Meanwhile, Iran has vowed to attack Israel because of the airstrike that killed an Iranian General and a son of a Hezbollah leader in Syria. It is reported Iran has said it will attack Israel from the West Bank. Iran also reportedly told the U.S. State Department it was going to attack Israel. This is a new wrinkle. Iran did not say it was going to have Hezbollah or Hamas attack Israel. It stated Iran was going to attack Israel. This is a whole new level of rhetoric, and it is definitely a dangerous escalation of war talk. If Iran did directly attack Israel, what would a counterattack be for Israel? Can you see how this could spiral out of control? This is “war and rumors of war” talk, and I don’t think anyone is bluffing.
President Obama has made a record high amount of veto threats to the new Republican Congress. There are nine Obama veto threats in all. I told you that he will likely veto any additional sanctions in Iran, but his first veto is probably be going to be the Keystone XL Pipeline legislation that just passed in the Senate. Now, the House and the Senate have to get the language sorted out, and then it will be sent to the President’s desk. Former Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid used to stop all bills in the Senate. Now, the Republicans hold the Senate, and a flurry of bills will be passing through to President Obama’s desk. Will he now become the President of “No” like the Republicans were branded? Nine Democrats voted for the Keystone bill with the Republicans in the Senate. This is the trend I told you was coming. We will see if Congress can override a veto if one comes.
The Federal Reserve said it will remain “patient” on raising interest rates. We keep hearing about the good economy, and signs abound that the economy is not good, at least for Main Street. I just want to make my point with recent bad news on housing. According to the Commerce Department, home ownership just hit fresh 20 year lows in the last quarter of 2014. How can there be a so-called “economic recovery” when homeownership is hitting fresh lows?
Finally, CNN is pushing for a North American Union in an opinion piece posted on Remember when people said this was crazy conspiracy theory talk a few years ago? I guess it’s not so crazy. The writers say we don’t need a Constitution, and to me, that means we don’t need any rights such as in the Constitutional Amendments. Simply outrageous, and CNN should be ashamed to be used as a New World Order propaganda tool.
Join Greg Hunter as he analyzes these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.
Gregory Mannarino: WAR is coming... Russia vs USA (nuclear war)... please pass his videos to your friends to hopefully find a way to STOP this war from coming true.It's A Set Up: World War To Blame For The Coming Economic Collapse. By Gregory MannarinoCRISIS ALERT: US Moves Closer To War With Russia. Fed. Will Speak Tomorrow. By Gregory MannarinoFriends:
Please prepare, food, water, cash in small bills, batteries, flash lights, escape to the provinces plans, alternative incomes, and everything else you can think of in case nuclear war breaks out between USA and Russia.
The Collapse Of The World Financial System Is Already Here. And Global WAR Is Next.
Jan 29, 2015 6:50 PMToday a very good friend asked me when we can expect to see the global financial system collapse?
My answer: it's happening right now.
The first place to look and see this is the central banks themselves. They have now become so desperate to sustain the collapsing financial system, that zero and even negative interest rates are now the norm.
Further, a full on currency war is underway. The world central banks are broadcasting to the world that they are devaluing their currency to compete in the global markets. Moreover, the European Central Bank has now instituted full on Japan style/Federal Reserve style quantitative easing.
Even more disturbing is the action of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is the most desperate central bank of them all.
The Federal Reserve since announcing their "official" ending to QE, has resorted to a backdoor quantitative easing program. The Fed. Is now requiring the banks themselves to buy debt! Exposing each and every depositor (you), to this toxic asset which can never be repaid.
The Federal Reserve is also going a step further by continuing to print cash out of thin air at a blinding pace. (See this in real time by clicking HERE and scrolling down to money creation).
War is the plan.
The world central banks realize that the end game is near with regard to their ability to continue to prop up the corpse known as the "debt based economic model."
Every developed nation on Earth, under the rule of their respective central bank, has a debt based system.
Here in the United States our debt based system began under President Nixon who forced us off of the established "wealth based gold standard system."
And why were we here in the United States taken off of the gold standard? To fund the Vietnam War and fight communism-THE BIGGEST LIE EVER SOLD.
We were taken off of a gold standard to establish
1. A fiat (debt based) system and 2. Establish the petrodollar.
Establishing a debt based economic model allowed central banks to dominate the world by making their product (cash printed out of thin air) real money. This is known as a fiat monetary system.
The petrodollar, (an agreement between OPEC nations and the United States) created an ever expanding market for the now "in control" central banks product.
The petrodollar agreement requires any nation wishing to purchase oil from an OPEC nation to first convert their currency into US dollars. This conversion is the reason why the US dollar, a product of the Federal Reserve (a private entity and NOT a part of the US government), is the world reserve currency. And what do the OPEC nations get in return? US military protection of their oil.
The now beginning collapse of the debt based economic model is going to bring human suffering on a Biblical scale, and WAR.
Understanding that by the world central banks using "debt creation" as an economic engine, a financial monster has been created.
In order for this debt based monster to continue functioning, it demands debt to be continually borrowed into existence in greater and greater amounts. Hence here in the US we now have a greater than 18 trillion dollar debt-And it can never stop.
The issue of debt is NOT just a financial problem, it is a resource issue. (Please click HERE to understand why).
This resource issue is the main reason why a loss of human life on a Biblical scale is a mathematical certainty.
At this point in time World War III has already started.
The United States and the European Union are already deeply engaged in a full on economic war against Russia, and a full on shooting war is not only not far off-but it is their objective.
A blame game is being set up.
This new global war, being set up on purpose, is going to be blamed for the full on collapse of the world financial system based upon debt. Russia is going to blame the US, and the US is going to blame Russia, but the end result will be the same.
Human suffering on an unimaginable scale.