Author Topic: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...  (Read 6092 times)

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Offline WeaselWoman

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Okay so I have been here before to lurk around and I dropped off the earth lol.

Anyways, for around 3 years now, I have struggled with adult onset asthma and real bad fatigue. I don't think I have asthma in the textbook way, because it built up into asthma. I began with this weird, whistlely sound in my lungs (back then this didn't bother me), but no one knew what it was. So it developed into asthma. Anyways, I also have real bad fatigue. Some days I can sleep the entire day away. I nap constantly. I get exhausted for just going out to feed chickens for 3 minutes. I am constantly short of breath. I am on the nebulizer sometimes 12 times a day. On "good" days it's around 3 times. I think something else is wrong that is causing these issues. It's hard though when medical professionals basically hint "You have asthma, you always will. Deal with it, accept it and stop fretting over it because it can't go away." I never used to be like this. I used to hike all day, I used to run for long periods of time with no issue. I could swim, I could travel. Man, I really used to love life. I'm MISERABLE now. At the point now that I think death is a mercy  (I'm not suicidal, I am meaning, if I died from an asthma attack I'd be totally fine because I wouldn't be suffering.) When you go from fit and able to climb up some of the highest points in the Appalachia with no issue to living mostly indoors gasping every day you'd probably have the same dismal outlook lol. 

I am not new to raw meat. I sneak in raw hearts and muscle meats and liver occasionally (I feed my pets a raw diet, so when I get new meats in, I eat bits here and there when everyone is in bed) In fact, I sometimes heavily crave it, especially when I see it sitting there in walmart. My family is against this and discourages it. I do however eat raw fish/seafood and that is no issue. Other than that, anything else is "gonna give you worms or kill you".   

I want to do this diet full out because I am at my wits end. My asthma meds only treat temporarily, they don't prevent. There's nothing helping my fatigue at all.

So, what can I do? Any tips?

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 02:37:59 pm »
Well your asthma is coming from environmental factors. But I know your asthma can be cured, asthma is coming from what your breathing hence affecting your lungs i would stay away from all chemicals as much as possible, for example house cleaning products are VERY DANGEROUS and contribute to asthma. Pretty much you have breathed the crap in and it's done damage just like with eating bad foods causing health problems, breathing bad stuff on causing damage same thing. But as long as you get on a good raw paleo diet you can remove the crap and clean your system, but it will be better if you can stay away from chemicals as much as possible also
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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2015, 02:44:33 pm »
And stay away from all sprays including perfumes and try not to breath in gas from cars, I know it's impossible but try the best you can. Lol when I ride my bike to work i sometimes hold my breath just to not breath the crap in lol
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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2015, 02:47:26 pm »
Like I said all that damage can be reversed just get on a raw paleo diet ignore your family do what you think is right, eventually they will see results and will listen, remember this... IF DAMAGE CAN BE BROUGHT UPON, THE DAMAGE CAN BE REVERSED UPON NO MATTER THE CONDITION,
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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 03:53:35 pm »
This device has worked wonders for my family for instant asthma relief:


Another experience my family had was when our house was full of mold and the roof of fine powder of soil from a previous flood that submerged the entire house including the roof.

The house was unlivable.

We had to change the entire roof and fix the plumbing in the walls that were leaking, clean the entire structure.


And the usual food allergy thing... no wheat... no dairy.


And a raw paleo trick I do to a patient with asthma while in the wet market... gave her some fresh raw bone marrow... instant relief too.


If you have some germs.... make yourself a necklace of fresh onions and garlic... change every 24 hours.

Beside your bed, slice a plateful of onions and a plate full of garlic.  This should absorb the germs.  change every 24 hours.


Look for youtube videos and websites on Buteyko method of breathing... it works.


If you have digestive issues... beef is harder to digest than fish and eggs...

I started with just fruit, fish sashimi and raw egg yolks and nobody in the family found that strange.

They only started disagreeing when the raw red meats came in.


Look into and do inclined bed therapy.


Look into sleep apnea and find a holistic dentist who looks into this as well.


If better air is a solution... then move to that mountain or beach front for a vacation and do it.


And you need to see a health professional... the real ones...
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 04:38:46 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Offline WeaselWoman

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2015, 05:33:23 pm »
Thank you all for the advice!
So I read a bunch on here and shown my mother some of the content and info and she gave in. She said I am my own person so I can eat what I want, if it helps, she won't object. She didn't think there would be a whole community of raw eaters and I guess since showing her that there are loads of others who eat this way, she was okay with it. So, I can start this diet and actually do it completely!

And yes, my asthma could be allergy caused because I do suffer from allergies every day just about lol. I am going to get allergy tested soon and I know I do have a gluten intolerance. I suspect either mold, or, the climate. I am from northern Maine (sub arctic climate), where the air is cooler, cleaner and mold doesn't thrive. I moved to Tennessee (temperate region) where mold is naturally in the environment all year round, hotter, pollen all the time, etc. I currently use Zertec to keep my allergies somewhat handlable but I know it's not fixing it. I'm hoping I can one day ditch that.

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2015, 05:55:58 pm »
I used to feel like wanting to sleep all day long, constantly tired and sleepy, for months, during many years. Now I know the primary cause was magnesium deficiency.
I used to have instances of "short breath", not exactly asthma but something similar, also over many years on and off. Now I know the primary cause was iodine deficiency.

Now I use dried and ground sea vegetables for iodine, and MgCl2 for magnesium.

These are two very important minerals most people are deficient of. Very hard to get enough just from regular food.

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2015, 07:46:14 pm »
I'm glad you got things straightened out with your mother. Years ago, I got rid of allergies by eliminating wheat. That was before gluten testing, and I ended up never getting tested for gluten sensitivity because I had enough proof that gluten was the culprit. My daughter's family got a lot of allergy relief from eating strictly "paleo" foods (no neolithic foods such as grains or legumes). They still get frequent colds, which I attribute to the fact that they cook their foods.

I'm big on giving raw paleo a chance to work its wonders and then figure out what supplements or refinements are (or are not) necessary. My plan was to eat all raw for two weeks, but I started feeling dramatically better in two days.
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Offline jessica

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2015, 12:19:37 am »
what is your current diet?  what is your lifestyle like?  do you do any breathing practice or yoga?  do you get outside into fresh air often?  around forests and streams? do you get out into the sunshine?

to be honest it doesnt sound like you have asthma it sounds like you have severe inflammation that is causing allergies.  i am guessing you still eat gluten?  if so, dont wait until you get the results of an allergy test, stop now.  clean up your diet, eat, at the very least, a cooked paleo diet, eat only organic, grass fed meats and vegetables.  eat plenty of sulphuric veggies and garlic to help clear out your blood, eat plenty of seaweeds, eat fatty gelatinous broths, if your family doesnt like raw, encourage them to eat a cooked paleo diet and if they dont you still need to be a RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL and do what you must to get healthy.

start learning yogic breathing, focusing on full breathes that expand the ribs, diaphragm and belly, you are probably totally under oxygenated, which is a quick way to become inflamed and toxic.  do self lymphatic massage to help your body start to move and clear you blood and lymph.  consider doing a sauna to use the power of  your skin to respire for you. 
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 12:29:57 am by jessica »

Offline WeaselWoman

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2015, 06:59:26 am »
I am on gluten free now. Over the summer I slacked off it for a couple months and it may be why I have been so bad off but I am back on gluten free and hoping everything gets better. I may also try the magnesium thing too.

So today I went to my local grocery store and looked at my options for raw paleo. It's a "Save-A-Lot" and there is no info the meat, just the price tag. How can I tell if it's grass fed? Do I avoid this meat? We have tons of naturally raised cattle farms in the area and I'm wondering if this could be from their stock?

Offline jessica

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Re: Health is Getting Worse, Family Against Raw Paleo. What to Do...
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2015, 07:07:15 am »
i doubt the sav a lot has grassfed beef or pastured meats but if it did they would be clearly labeled and also probably be pretty pricey.  call the farms and talk to the farmers, or go directly to the butchers.  you will likely get a better price if you buy from the farm and especially if you are able to purchase in bulk.  ask for untrimmed cuts to get the most fat.  consider that its healthiest to eat the whole animal and that, offal is generally the least expensive and very delicious and nutrient dense, ask for bones as well and try the marrow.


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