That's very interesting eveheart. I will try that.
Anyways, on wednesday I drank the first 2 liters (2 quarts) of milk very fast, and it gave me very intense intestinal growling and diarrhea. I think it was mostly the whey coming out along with something that made some bubbles, stored detergents maybe? I then had the chicken wings, and my digestive system calmed down. A few hours after that I drank another liter more slowly, and had only minor intestinal growling. Then I went to bed as it was night time already, so I couldn't finish the 5 liters.
On thursday (yesterday) I drank the other 2 liters more slowly, and along with some hazel nuts, pecan nuts, sunflower seeds, a few eggs and some honey. I didn't have much problems. At one point it looked like the curds came out, since the whey already had. It was weird to say the least. Later on thursday I had some fruit, and then an all raw tomato-avocado-corn salad which had plenty of hot peppers, garlic, onion and horseradish.
I can't say that I've had any major benefits or detriments from the experiment. I feel mostly the same as other days, except I'm somewhat bloated. (undigested lactose or something?)
I will be trying more dairy experiments soon. I'm getting the tools needed to be able to extract cream from the milk, and to make cheese of various kinds. And I know how to make butter from cream. I probably won't report on the details as much but I'll give the general results as time goes by. I've only been doing this raw diet for 3.5 months, and I was very sick before starting, so I can't say for certain what things are beneficial and which are detrimental at this point.
By the way, on the general theme of the thread, I heard somewhere yesterday that humans are the only species which produces lactase as adults. Is this true? And if so, do you think that means we're supposed (evolved) to be consuming dairy? Or just that we've becomed slightly adapted to it through many generations of consuming it, and/or through a lifetime of consuming it?
I know that you can feed raw milk to other mammals such as cats and they do fine with it, so maybe they also produce lactase if you feed them milk as adults? I've even heard about people feeding dairy to chickens.