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Re: Humans are a hybrid (...): Aliens & UFOs
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2015, 02:46:50 am »
*sigh*  I now found myself in a  sort of useless, pointless argument trying to argue that  2+2=4 while others are calling me closed-minded for not accepting the possibility that 2+2=7 or 3 or even 5.
Yeah, keep believing...

Last point:- if aliens are so advanced that they are able to cross vast interstellar distances , why, oh why, would they be interested  in a puny, technologically backward civlisation such as ours? It makes no sense. It is the worst sort of hubris to assume that we humans are so important that highly advanced aliens would be interested in us. I mean, what on earth do we have to offer to such aliens? Nothing!
Why, oh why, are ornithologist interested in stupid little birds? Why are scientist interested in something that's old and useless such as the big bang theory? Why do people care about paintings, and sculptures? I mean, they're damn useless!

Curiosity, that's why. Maybe aliens have some.

The point I made was perfectly valid that exoskeletons and drones were only invented out of military concerns. The pacifistic uses of such weapons were explored much later, and  are merely incidental to their main purpose which was as weapons of war.
Maybe, even if it actually makes you realize that some army equipment become common civil items, such as planes, rockets, computers, and now exoskeletons, drones,...and usually not the other way around. Still it had nothing to do with the subject of the claim I was answering to.

The point re humans being fine naked in the arctic was also valid, I cited those indigenous tribes in Tierra del Fuego as an example of  naked adaptation to the cold, which was a rather good example, among others.
Yeah, I remember your argument with the "people of the land of fire  l)" which did not prove anything at all, other than the possibility of a minor adaptation to a non-polar non-subzero cold environment, with the help of various external means. Let's not get back to this discussion please, I could not stand another wave of tediously refutable claims...

It actually makes perfect sense, it is just that you failed to understand me. My point was simple:- even if a technologically-advanced civilisation were 100% pure and saintly, there are ways in which even the slightest contact between alien civilisations could be fatal to the more technologically-backward civilisation. For example, contact between european settlers and native tribes in the past brought mass epidemics, regardless of any pacifistic intentions or not.
Granted, and I must say I never denied this, but from what you claimed it seemed that you meant that highly intelligent aliens would of course kill us all because we're a "threat" to their survival, which is not very realistic.

Maybe they're not coming into official contact with us because they don't want to spread their aliens diseases? Could be a reason, even if I doubt it...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:08:44 am by JeuneKoq »

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Re: UFOs - Socorro
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2015, 02:52:44 am »
Tyler: about the Socorro case, you’re wrong, there were several other witnesses, as Wikipedia mentions.

Several independent witnesses reported either an "egg" shaped craft or a bluish flame at roughly the same time and in the same area — some of them within minutes of Zamora's encounter, before word of it had spread.

Blue Book conclusion

The Air Force issued their formal report on June 8, 1964. Jerome Clark suggested that the report was "riddled with errors," including the claim that there were no other witnesses (several reported their sightings within minutes of Zamora's encounter), and the claim that there were no disturbances to the soil (manifestly false, based on Jordan's photos of the scene taken less than an hour after the encounter). Noting that they made no conclusion as to the object's origin (other than to rule out the extraterrestrial hypothesis), the "Air Force was continuing its investigation, and the case is still open."

However, in a secret report prepared for the CIA, Project Blue Book's director, Major Hector Quintanilla offered further details regarding the Zamora case, "There is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression on him. There is also no question about Zamora's reliability. He is a serious police officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw and frankly, so are we. This is the best-documented case on record, and still we have been unable, in spite of thorough investigation, to find the vehicle or other stimulus that scared Zamora to the point of panic."[24]
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline TylerDurden

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I never stated that ancient astronauts built the pyramids and such. I think those construction are of human origin.
Concerning the COMETA report, I'm not sure it "claims that Easter Island artifacts were of extra terrestrial origin" and I won't take the time to check now. Maybe it considers that as a remote possibility, but anyway authors like these are certainly better informed and competent than you about UFO sightings :

COMETA members included:

            Air Force General Bruno Le Moine, weapons engineer

            General Pierre Bescond

            Chief of Police Denis Blancher

Those who contributed to the study included:

            Edmond Campagnac, former Technical Director of Air France

            Squadron Commander Michel Perrier

            Air Force General Joseph Domag
Hmm, not one of the above is a scientist, just being military personnel of various sorts, so this is meaningless. There are just too many credible scientists who have throughly debunked the UFO alien claims over the years. The reference where COMETA is claimed to find extraterrestrial origins on Easter Island is here:-

"Also, the famous “COMETA” report from a high-level French UFO study organization – that is composed of high-ranking French government military officers and officials – points directly to Easter Island as having “evidence for further in-depth studies of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.” taken from:-

And I am glad that you are not as enthused with the ancient astronaut issue, more  with the current alien astronaut theory, as the latter  at least has nothing to do with paleolithic diets.
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Why, oh why, are ornithologist interested in stupid little birds? Why are scientist interested in something that's old and useless such as the big bang theory? Why do people care about paintings, and sculptures? I mean, they're damn useless!

Curiosity, that's why. Maybe aliens have some.
Curiosity isn't an adequate explanation. Many people are curious and play with objects or animals they are curious about and then leave after curiosity is sated. There are other problems such as why are there no alien abduction stories in the far past, in the 18th  century for example? The 1st one in the US is supposed to have happened c. 1961, I believe:-
Maybe, even if it actually makes you realize that some army equipment become common civil items, such as planes, rockets, computers, and now exoskeletons, drones,...and usually not the other way around. Still it had nothing to do with the subject of the claim I was answering to.
Actually it did. But, anyway, plenty of pacifistic inventions have been subsequently switched from pacifistic to military use. The point I had made, which you had clearly missed, was that a military(ie hostile) incentive is usually needed in order to keep on advancing technology-wise. Without such an incentive, we humans would never have discovered fire and would probably  be still living in the trees like our ancestors millions of years ago.
Yeah, I remember your argument with the "people of the land of fire  l)" which did not prove anything at all, other than the possibility of a minor adaptation to a non-polar non-subzero cold environment, with the help of various external means. Let's not get back to this discussion please, I could not stand another wave of tediously refutable claims...
I know, you did not at all like being proven  wrong at the time and kept on quibbling over minor issues/definitions. Silly really,but it's all in the archives....
Granted, and I must say I never denied this, but from what you claimed it seemed that you meant that highly intelligent aliens would of course kill us all because we're a "threat" to their survival, which is not very realistic.
No, I had stated that any contact, whether friendly or hostile would be a disaster for us.

Maybe they're not coming into official contact with us because they don't want to spread their aliens diseases? Could be a reason, even if I doubt it...
They do not want to come into contact with us  so as to avoid spreading alien diseases, yet they happily abduct people on a regular, frequent basis and return them to Earth, thus allowing frequent possibilities for infection. Does not make sense.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 04:32:04 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: COMETA Report
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2015, 04:45:18 am »
Hmm, not one of the above is a scientist, just being military personnel of various sorts, so this is meaningless.
- Air Force General Bruno Le Moine, weapons engineer . « Military personel of various sort »…humm.
- Air Force General Joseph Domag. « Of various sort » again ?
- General Pierre Bescond.  Yeah, their sort is really various !
- Edmond Campagnac, former Technical Director of Air France. Another unreliable guy, take care to never fly Air France, their technical directors are brainless fools without any scientific qualifications, just as French Air Force generals.

Good joke, Tyler!

The reference where COMETA is claimed to find extraterrestrial origins on Easter Island is here:-

"Also, the famous “COMETA” report from a high-level French UFO study organization – that is composed of high-ranking French government military officers and officials – points directly to Easter Island as having “evidence for further in-depth studies of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.” taken from:-
Ah, that is a second hand quote. Why don’t you refer directly to the horse's mouth? Well, I have the COMETA Report in pdf on my hard disc and I dutifully checked. There’s no mention at all of Easter Island in the whole report!

It’s becoming really comical!  ;D
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 04:54:35 am by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Humans are a hybrid (...): Aliens & UFOs
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2015, 04:59:50 am »
Curiosity isn't an adequate explanation. Many people are curious and play with objects or animals they are curious about and then leave after curiosity is sated. There are other problems such as why are there no alien abduction stories in the far past, in the 18th  century for example? The 1st one in the US is supposed to have happened c. 1961, I believe:-
Maybe they believed they were devils instead of aliens. I don't know.

Actually it did. But, anyway, plenty of pacifistic inventions have been subsequently switched from pacifistic to military use. The point I had made, which you had clearly missed, was that a military(ie hostile) incentive is usually needed in order to keep on advancing technology-wise. Without such an incentive, we humans would never have discovered fire and would probably  be still living in the trees like our ancestors millions of years ago.
I disagree. I think fire was invented not for war purposes, but to keep warm. There are numerous inventions that have nothing to do with weapons and war, you do realize that? Probably far more than war-related inventions...

I know, you did not at all like being proven  wrong at the time and kept on quibbling over minor issues/definitions. Silly really,but it's all in the archives....
You want the true and honest reason why I did not pursue with that discussion?
I was enthusiastic about it, really. But what I quickly realized is that the deeper we got into that discussion, the more I discredited your wrong claims and arguments, and the more absurd they became. There was also Panacea's water-human theory-derived claims I didn't know what to do about, and that kinda added to the mess, even if in itself his theory had more to do with the original subject. I then tired out of having to correct all your wild senseless claims (eg: "the colder, the smaller a person is": what about the dutch, what about the pygmies?!) and decided it was not worth my time and energy anymore.

If I ever come back to this thread, I can promise you I can debunk probably the totality of everything you claimed so far.
But in honesty I know whatever I say, whatever facts I bring forth, your mind will never change.

So I stand on my position that if anyone wants to live naked in the arctic cold, go ahead. Go train your body and mind, bring the rest of your descendants into your adventure, since "in about three generations" they'll be good to go. Prove me wrong. Prove reason wrong.

I dare whoever else on this forum shares Tyler's idea to first present itself, and second show the world otherwise. With solid facts, or with personal experience.

They do not want to come into contact with us  so as to avoid spreading alien diseases, yet they happily abduct people on a regular, frequent basis and return them to Earth, thus allowing frequent possibilities for infection. Does not make sense.
I for the moment believe more in the credibility of some mass (more than one person) or expertly examined UFO sighting than most alien abduction testimonials, because they are logically harder to fake. However I stated before that I didn't think Aliens avoided contact with us to spare us from catching supposed alien diseases. But I don't exclude this possibility.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 06:16:58 am by JeuneKoq »

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Maybe they believed they were devils instead of aliens. I don't know.
That is what I was stating previously, that once people stopped believing in God, the Devil, and divine forces, many would start believing in other things such as extraterrestrials visiting the Earth.
I disagree. I think fire was invented not for war purposes, but to keep warm. There are numerous inventions that have nothing to do with weapons and war, you do realize that? Probably far more than war-related inventions...
Current scientific thinking isn't in agreement. For example:-

The Internet is a classic example of a military thing being used only later for peacetime activity.
You want the true and honest reason why I did not pursue with that discussion?
I was enthusiastic about it, really. But what I quickly realized is that the deeper we got into that discussion, the more I discredited your wrong claims and arguments, and the more absurd they became. There was also Panacea's water-human theory-derived claims I didn't know what to do about, and that kinda added to the mess, even if in itself his theory had more to do with the original subject. I then tired out of having to correct all your wild senseless claims (eg: "the colder, the smaller a person is": what about the dutch, what about the pygmies?!) and decided it was not worth my time and energy anymore.

If I ever come back to this thread, I can promise you I can debunk probably the totality of everything you claimed so far.
But in honesty I know whatever I say, whatever facts I bring forth, your mind will never change.

So I stand on my position that if anyone wants to live naked in the arctic cold, go ahead. Go train your body and mind, bring the rest of your descendants into your adventure, since "in about three generations" they'll be good to go. Prove me wrong. Prove reason wrong.
Hmm, a bit  overly vehement there. I should add that I have on numerous occasions changed my opinions on various subjects, it's all in the archives it is just that I require a bit more evidence than simple unsubstantiated claims.  For one thing, we were both talking about entirely different definitions of cold adaption. For example, you now wildly exaggerate and claim that I had absurdly suggested/implied that  if my descendants had gone in for cold adaptation, that they would be fully cold-adapted(ie arctic-levels) within 3 generations. I never suggested that. Obviously , a major cold-adaptation such as the 1 degree celsius higher body temperature of the Tierra del Fuego Indians takes a lot longer than that. All I had stated was that it was easily feasible for hominids over 100s of thousands of years to adapt to Ice-Age climates with minimal to no clothing, and without needing to generate fur via evolution. At any rate, homo erectus managed to migrate to  climates ranging  from tropical to arctic, before the discovery of fire, and  likely before the invention of complex clothing. Here is an article suggesting cold-adaptation as happened with the Neanderthals:-
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 07:21:33 am by TylerDurden »
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I'm proposing shutting down Off Topic section.  Front page does not look like a health site anymore.

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I'm proposing shutting down Off Topic section.  Front page does not look like a health site anymore.

The so-called rationale that was posted before for having off-topic discussions was that the members here who got to "know" each other might want to talk about other topics besides RPD.

I find the off-topic postings to be quirky at best and contentious at worst. For some time now, I have refrained from telling anybody I know about this forum because I don't "trust" the content.

If I were to answer the question, "What do I want this forum to represent?" I would have to say raw paleolithic diet and lifestyle." If a forum with that scope ran out of things to talk about, I would prefer to see fewer posts rather than a slew of off-topic posts.

As far as this thread, which was started with a "tabloid" Daily Mail article about a self-publishing tongue-in-cheek geneticist and went on with the invitation to "let's get the debate rolling, " I don't think this type of thread belongs in a raw-paleo forum. It's the lowest form of palaver. Meanwhile, some of us are willing to practice integrity and hang around for the stray raw-paleo diet seeker, but even the random visitor would be hard-pressed to discern what the forum's original purpose was.
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I find humor often helps to cope with the more contentious, or inane topics. All paleo and no play makes Durc a dull cave boy.

Im not sure if pig and chimp DNA is compatible, but I know for sure that pig and elephant DNA just wont splice

I'm proposing shutting down Off Topic section.  Front page does not look like a health site anymore.

Dissuasion to limit the off topic section should be based on how much faith we have in the average paleo seeker to separate the wheat from the shaft, and to be able to distinguish the shit from the shinola.

I don't see that its very likely that people who are so far outside the mainstream as to eat raw paleo, are not able to make up their own minds as to what makes for relevant information in an off topic section of a forum that is inhabited to some real free radicals. If you cant stand the stench get out of the manure pile. There are plenty of much more sanitary threads for those whom are strictly serious paleo business.

I skim through the off topic stuff and will participate in discussions which interest me, but for the topics which I don't find relevant to my interest I have learned to ignore. Its just not worth my time debunk info that isn't even relevant to my personal view of the paleo diet, and often times I don't know enough about these subjecst to take a strong stance. After all "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE"
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 12:46:30 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Are aliens adapted to the cold, or is PC better than Mac?
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2015, 05:41:02 pm »
I realize I have began to turn into the thing I really didn't want to become: that forum guy who gets irrationally impulsive and emotional, who must absolutely have the last word, and who keeps worthless, dead-end discussions alive for a matter of ego-pumping.

I apologize for helping in keeping this rather pointless discussion running, and thus polluting the main-page with endless rants.

I should add that I have on numerous occasions changed my opinions on various subjects, it's all in the archives it is just that I require a bit more evidence than simple unsubstantiated claims.
Me too. I know you're not that stubborn, Tyler, but sometimes you're the one who seems to take unsubstantiated claims (which, on a side note, the science of paleo-anthropology and archeology are full of)  for solid fact, and conclude that you've definitely proven your point.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 07:30:38 pm by JeuneKoq »

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In the past, when raw, zero-carb was far more popular on this forum and elsewhere, we had several people asking to remove the raw,omnivorous paleolithic diet forum, the wai diet among others. When the raw, omnivorous people started winning out,  we had people asking to remove the raw, zero-carb diet forum. And, in past times, some of us long-termers even asked for removal of the primal diet and weston-price diet forums. This is quite wrong, imo. I mean, interests wax and wane. Sometimes,  certain forums will have lots of discussion, sometimes virtually none at all, it all depends.

Talking only about rawpaleo matters is quite boring, in the long run, and stifles debate and even can encourage orthorexia if people obsess about diet too much. On the other extreme, if we allow just any old  discussion, we may end up violating  rawpaleodiet rules. For example, I have no problem with people suggesting that cooked foods may be healthy in some respects, if discussed in the hot topics forum, but it really ruins the forum if people actively promote cooked foods on other forums as well.

The off-topics forum also helps us recognise that while we may have  relatively similiar(but still quite different) views on diet,  that we all have widely different views on other matters. *Admittedly, I am wholly biased here, as I love posting off-topic forum threads about even vaguely-related raw or palaeolithic matters.*

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Re: That topic title...
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2015, 09:31:33 pm »
Please, at least change that title completely, not only the "Fermale" with R in the middle!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 09:44:22 pm by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Talking only about rawpaleo matters is quite boring...

Pardon me for snipping your sentence, but if you are looking for the cure for boredom on the internet, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Go make a caveman exercise video or write that raw paleo book or learn how to make obsidian arrowheads or ....
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Pardon me for snipping your sentence, but if you are looking for the cure for boredom on the internet, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Go make a caveman exercise video or write that raw paleo book or learn how to make obsidian arrowheads or ....
The trouble is that I don't want to overdo my daily association with raw, palaeolithic diet matters. I have seen others obsess too much about diet-related or health-related matters and they can eventually  become so orthorexic that their health in the end actually suffers.

Perhaps I should have ignored this thread, but I sort of have seen myself as a sort of rawpaleoforum "policeman" who tries to curb excesses which  violate rawpaleo ideas.Speculation on aliens is dodgy, especially any claims re ancient astronauts(most un-palaeo) and I would like rawpaleoforum to be more scientific than New-Age-based.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 04:29:57 am by TylerDurden »
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The trouble is that I don't want to overdo my daily association with raw, palaeolithic diet matters. I have seen others obsess too much about diet-related or health-related matters and they can eventually  become so orthorexic that their health in the end actually suffers.

What YS was suggesting (eliminating the Off Topic section) would keep the forum on-topic without increasing anyone's daily association with raw, paleolithic diet matters. IMO, an on-topic RPD forum would initially feature less posts but more readers, who may eventually become active members themselves.

People who need more off-topic-ness in their lives can do so in many places without dragging that off-topic content here. As it stands now, this forum is like going into an RPD restaurant and finding only cooked-grains and tofu on the menu: you'd walk out, roll your eyes, and never return.
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What YS was suggesting (eliminating the Off Topic section) would keep the forum on-topic without increasing anyone's daily association with raw, paleolithic diet matters. IMO, an on-topic RPD forum would initially feature less posts but more readers, who may eventually become active members themselves.

People who need more off-topic-ness in their lives can do so in many places without dragging that off-topic content here. As it stands now, this forum is like going into an RPD restaurant and finding only cooked-grains and tofu on the menu: you'd walk out, roll your eyes, and never return.
To me it looks as if the RPDF has started to become a sort of community, which members are connected by a certain type of diet/lifestyle, but also enjoy discussing other things that may not have to do with health and nutrition...

Another idea might be creating a whole separate page for off-topic discussions, still linked to the original forum, with themes that are generally discussed in the off-topic section (spirituality, Paleo history, paranormals, politics, lifestyle, etc...). This way members of the forum can still join around a discussion that is not specifically paleo-diet-related, while not bothering others.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 03:30:19 am by JeuneKoq »

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A lot of people here are going through a "questioning the official version of reality" phase in their lives. Threads like this are a natural consequence of that. I personally already finished that phase in my life, and kept only the things that actually were useful and important, like raw paleo, etc..

Offline TylerDurden

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A lot of people here are going through a "questioning the official version of reality" phase in their lives. Threads like this are a natural consequence of that. I personally already finished that phase in my life, and kept only the things that actually were useful and important, like raw paleo, etc..
Interesting, I had not thought of it that way....
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Re: "the official version of reality"
« Reply #69 on: March 25, 2015, 04:23:47 pm »
"the official version of reality"

Is there such a thing?
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Official version of reality
« Reply #70 on: March 25, 2015, 06:17:05 pm »
A lot of people here are going through a "questioning the official version of reality" phase in their lives. Threads like this are a natural consequence of that. I personally already finished that phase in my life, and kept only the things that actually were useful and important, like raw paleo, etc..
Is it really a phase though? because I have a hard time assuming you will never ever question official reality again because you supposedly passed a phase.

I know people who are hardline materialists pretty much since the beginning, others who accept that there might be an irrational explanation to certain phenomenons, especially when people with a higher level of credibility get involved, such as politicians, hospitals, scientists and army generals. And there's a bunch who believes in things that supports their rather neurotic view of life, and could for eg feed their paranoia: the lizard-people, illuminati and other far-reached conspiracy theories...

Blessed are those who questioned reality, for we'd be still living on a flat earth with the sun revolving around us  ;)

Offline Iguana

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Re: Official version of reality
« Reply #71 on: March 25, 2015, 07:00:29 pm »
I would rather say " the common view of reality" since we are neither in Soviet Union where dialectic materialism was the "official version of reality" nor in communist China where it was Mao's thought.
Blessed are those who questioned reality, for we'd be still living on a flat earth with the sun revolving around us  ;)

Absolutely, and we would still be cooking food and burning alive supposed witches. 

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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I don't hear many scientists using the "R" word (reality). I hear words like theory and hypothesis. When a reader starts quoting these theories and hypotheses as reality, you can't blame the scientist, who is just observing and theorizing.

True, religions and governments might adopt an official position, but that's different.
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Offline sabertooth

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 Obsession with Reality based thinking and concepts of universal empirical truth is sooo not paleo!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 12:43:12 pm by sabertooth »
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline Iguana

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Re: "Official version of..."
« Reply #74 on: March 26, 2015, 03:01:26 pm »
What is "Reality based thinking" ? I don't understand. Could both of you, Eve and Derek, (briefly please, Derek!) explain what you mean ? Feel free to replace the word "reality" with whatever other word is more suitable.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 03:07:25 pm by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler


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