Author Topic: Parasites really are severely underestimated.  (Read 31390 times)

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Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:21:04 am »
Parasites are severely underestimated...
If you behave in some certain way, or eat something specific, or do or say something... Is it really you?

It's rather odd noticing yourself "craving" sugary stuff when you consciously know for an absolute fact that sugars in such amounts are only harmful to you. And your body knows it even better, down to molecular level and very probably much smaller. So, the "craving" does not come from you, nor comes it from your body. Yet there it is... So WTF!?! Where's it coming from??

Presently our environment and us are so toxic that parasites don't really have to do much to keep themselves well and fed and very comfortable. They have food in immense abundance, I'd say far more than we humans have food for ourselves. But imagine a world that is clean, there's not much for parasites to eat, like the times thousands of years ago. The times when parasites would have had to see a lot of effort to get what they want and need. Right now it's a small nudge here and there, more than that simply isn't necessary, but back then... it would have been more than just a nudge. Enough to call someone a "demon"? Possessed and literally not in control of own body.

How many people do things that are harmful to them, while knowing very well it is harmful? And are seemingly incapable of not doing it.

Obvious connection between present-day "parasites" and "demons" of old.

Parasites can and do manipulate your actions and behavior, what you eat, what you like or dislike, etc. How they affect us is far worse than how they look.
Since they use our own nervous system to make us get them what they want, we aren't even aware of if we haven't first acquired the awareness that such a thing actually is going on. The cleaner the body, the easier to notice how they manipulate, so someone with a very toxic body (like most western-world people) is screwed.

Mass-produced food full of toxins and chemicals and sugar absolutely is extremely high quality food. Just not for humans. But for parasites.
Mainstream food industry and medical industry, etc., is literally not for humans, it is all for parasites living in us.
The crap most of humanity eats today would have been thrown away in old times, because they would have known it is not food.
Almost the entire "modern" world is not for us. Is for parasites of various kinds. Through us they keep themselves growing. We're just a resource for them.

Something I conceived a few weeks ago. Now occurred to me the demon part and the past - that in old times parasites were (probably) known as demons.
Thousands and thousands of parasites, the kind eyes cannot see up to many meters long parasitic worms. Does it end with those many meters long parasitic worms? I'd say no... so whatever else possible.

Two videos, total ~17 minutes as a complement. Found them saying essentially the same things I had already come to on my own.
It's "nice" to see youtube burying essential information...

So... Who are you? Who have you been most of your life? Who will you be in the future? A human or...?

Now kind of interested in reading old (and hopefully uncorrupted) texts on demons, possessions, and such... using the new perspective.

------- edit: View the same videos in this forum ----------

Parasites - The Demons Within : Introduction

Parasites - The Demons Within : Introduction Part 2
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 09:12:44 pm by goodsamaritan »

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2015, 06:37:38 am »
This Hulda-Clarke-inspired nonsense about parasites is over the top.  Yes, they exist but few RPDers ever experience them and almost all of the latter have few if any problems with them and anyway easily get rid of them via anti-parasite drugs.
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2015, 09:13:30 am »
What nummi is saying is that there are a good number of rpd practitioners who put their guard down regarding parasites.

Aajonus is at one end of the debate and Hulda Clark is at the other end of the debate.

I'm in the middle.

My family is armed and dangerous:

Herbals, Electricals and also drugs are all available to aid us against parasites.

Yes I deworm my children every 2 years.

I just did a 30 day herbal deworming for myself using last February.
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2015, 10:47:10 am »
The more I eat the more I realize it's a joke, I have wild caught boar in my fridge I've been eating I'm not getting trichinosis or any other bs parasites. I did seem to have a parasite from raw liver, well if it was it just ended leaving in a week and I returned to normal, of course this may not have even been a parasite. Plus if there so dangerous how come no one on this forum is having troubles? I don't see anyone with them?
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2015, 01:13:41 pm »
the tropics, where GS lives has many more parasites than colder climates. 

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2015, 05:12:07 pm »
This Hulda-Clarke-inspired nonsense about parasites is over the top.  Yes, they exist but few RPDers ever experience them and almost all of the latter have few if any problems with them and anyway easily get rid of them via anti-parasite drugs.
I suppose it's good I notice more and more and more clearly as life progresses... oh well...

Hulda-Clarke-inspired?? I should know who that is? (Since now I checked I know a little bit who that is.) Why would you introduce someone who is completely irrelevant regarding all this in this specific topic when it has never been pointed out that there is any relevance to this Hulda person? My "discovery" of all this and posting it here has absolutely nothing to do with Hulda Clarke.

You and your "nonsense" remarks. Again and again you make this "nonsense" mistake, as if you know with absolute certainty (when you really do not)... How about an open mind if you don't know for certain? Why are you not learning from this mistake? It really is not nice seeing someone persistently stuck in such a negative mental state.

And why are you trying unemphasize the importance of parasites (the same applies to many other areas of reality) when it is obvious they have a bigger role than is generally accepted and shown?

Anti-parasite drugs? You mean modern medicine drugs? Sure some such "drugs" might be okay, but to use the word "drugs" so lightly, as if it's okay to eat drugs (while the goal is the best health you can get; not eating drugs), when you should be aware that drugs foremost are poison to us (and food for parasites)...

It's about getting a more complete picture of the world, as complete as possible. Just eating clean and raw, and good physical exercise, (and eating drugs as if the lack of taking them caused the problem), and branding many areas of reality as nonsense without actually knowing for certain, is not all there is.

Are you even aware what is making you write such nonsensical and irrational comments? What is keeping you in such unawareness and persistently not learning from your ever-present "nonsense" commenting mistake?

The "nonsense" thing you do so often. It produces a specific mental and emotional state, which also means your body produces specific molecules, a specific environment in your body. This "nonsense" thing is negative to your body and your mind (because it keeps you from freely moving on; you're a prisoner of this "nonsense" mentality), but positive to whatever parasite could be living off of it. How often do you experience such a state? I bet that which you show here on this forum is merely a fraction... Is a parasite triggering these "nonsense" responses of yours, to keep itself alive in you? It's a possible explanation, and a very likely one, considering the nature of parasites and how they manipulate us to keep themselves alive inside us, through making us behave and act in ways that promote their lives. There could be other reasons why you so persistently keep doing the same mistake, without learning from it, but it is an established "fact" that parasites manipulate us.
I don't know why exactly, but you do it, and you do it again and again.
Why do you do it? Find out and heal yourself. Or don't... but why wouldn't you?
Or are you simply very slow to heal in these regards?

And sure... it hurts being wrong. Until you learn to turn the pain into an opportunity to learn from it.
Parasites feed from that which is negative to us. Excess sugars, toxins, negative emotions, negative thoughts, negativity caused by unawareness, etc.
Eating pure and eating anti-parasitic foods only solves one part of the problem. There can and probably are parasites that need mental and emotional work to get rid of them.

If you think this is some attack against you then you are severely mistaken. I'm just pointing out the obvious, and giving some possible explanations.

Would be very nice if you didn't respond to this with your "nonsense" mentality... I don't even care for a response in turn... Obvious is obvious...

After all... this is a health forum, the best I'm aware of. Physical health, mental health, emotional health. And you've got issues that cannot be not noticed (at least I can't not notice... the price of a positively evolving mind).

Up to you what you do with this.

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2015, 05:12:21 pm »
Parasites aren't much of a, if any, problem to most rawists. Because we don't flood our systems with excess sugars and toxins. But it's more than just what we eat, it's also about what and how we think, what we do, what kind of environment we live in.
Even if raw foods are infested with parasites or their eggs, they cannot infect us, because the same raw food they are in does not produce in our bodies an environment where those parasites can live and eggs can hatch.
If all raw and "parasite-free", there really is not much point worrying about parasites. But being aware of them and how they use us would be good for anyone.

Eating pure and eating anti-parasitic foods only solves one part of the problem. There can be and probably are parasites that need mental and emotional work to get rid of them. Here cannabis and it's mind altering effect... mind flush? Like liver flush and such? Would explain why it is so heavily banned from being used. Because parasites in the mind alter the way you think. Too fitting to not be true...

There are many aspects to health. I notice people focusing heavily on some while others get less emphasis, and some get none at all. Many times I've seen (from hindsight) people focusing on the wrong aspects. There's unawareness, misinterpretations, misunderstanding, and downright lies. Awareness is necessary.

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2015, 08:15:23 pm »
I mentioned Hulda Clarke as she  was a well-known fraud and the biggest exponent of the loony idea you expouse  that parasites are everywhere and highly dangerous etc.

I have personally experienced parasites(just the once over a RVAF-diet-eating span of c. 14 years ). It was no big deal and I only bothered to get rid of them because of the unaesthetic aspect of having smelly bits of tapeworms appearing regularly  in my underpants even when I wasn't on the toilet. Taking anti-parasite drugs got rid of the parasites sharpish without any side-effects. In short, I do know what I am talking about. More to the point, I have a commitment and a duty to prevent misinformation and hysteria from fooling rawpalaeodiet newbies. There are other  fraudulent scares concerning the RVAF diet community, such as the media-driven notion that eating raw animal food  over a long period will inevitably kill one due to bacterial food-poisoning, or the truly ridiculous and hysterical so-called "theory" that seafood is harmful because of some minimal mercury-content within. The "parasites are everywhere and dangerous" theory is similiar hysteria-driven utter bollocks. Fortunately, only a tiny few RPDers claim to see parasites everywhere in their bodies(usually never providing suitable evidence thereof as it's all justa  figment of the imagination). The rest of us RPDers can safely ignore such absurdities and carry on eating raw foods without suffering from any such  issues.
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2015, 08:18:04 pm »
Hulda Clark was a respectable independent health researcher. You have no idea what her contributions are. They are immense.

I dare say you take back your vile words and apologize for defaming her name.
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2015, 08:18:47 pm »
What is interesting is that I have eaten huge amounts of raw wild game over the years , yet I never got parasites from doing do. The only time I got parasites was when I ate some raw horsemeat(I think the horses were fed at least partially on grass as the meat tasted way better than raw, grainfed beef).
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2015, 08:22:02 pm »
Hulda Clarke died of cancer despite claiming she could cure all cancers( a case of poetic justice!    ;) ). More info on her here for others who would like to know more about her truly wacky theories:-
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2015, 08:24:57 pm »
I read somewhere that it was the gut's microbiota that made you crave certain things that feeds them.

eg: If you've been eating gluten-rich foods for a certain length of time, a population of gluten-loving microbes will start developing in your gut to help your system -partially- digest it. Even after you've consciously quit it, you'll keep having bread or pasta craves until the specific microbes literally die out of starvation.

All wild animals have "parasites" in them, even on the purest, cleanest diet and life environment. It is actually believed that these parasites live in a sort of symbiosis with their host, and relieve them from certain toxins and other unhealthy substances. The host's body (immune system,..) takes care of controlling the parasite's population, and when an excess of a certain type of parasite is permitted for their beneficial work, they are later eliminated through various means, such as defecation for the majority of them.

Here's an example of a beneficial use of a certain type of parasite:

"Then why do animals sometimes die of parasites?"

Two possible explanations:

-They are not eating a physiologically adapted diet, and/or are living in a polluted environment, in every sense of the word. In that case we could wonder if the parasite is to blame alone for the death of the animal, or rather its already damaged state of health...

-Their individual death is actually beneficial for the well being of the specie as a whole, or on a greater scale, for the well-being of the eco-system they thrive in. That's why some herbivores die of diseases or parasites when their natural predator (wolf, lion,...) has been removed.

I don't know much about this subject though, so I won't be able to give you any specifics internet may not already provide.

Nummi, weed is a "mind flusher" for sure, but not the kind of mind flush you'd want to mess with too much.

My mother is a psychotherapist, and she has had major pot-head patients who were in their thirties, but displayed the mental maturity of a fifteen year-old. They admitted themselves that pot had messed up their mind, and probably for the long run.
Maybe she told me lies so I wouldn't mess with it  :P

I don't really like weed anyways. From the few occasions I smoked or ate some, I only really enjoyed it two or three times. Otherwise it just gave me a sort of blurry mind, even if it was Amsterdam-quality weed.

Also if the governments are supposed to keep us away from marijuana to better control us, then why is it becoming legal in the United States, and why am I allowed to carry three grams on me and grow my own plant here in Belgium?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 08:39:58 pm by JeuneKoq »

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2015, 08:48:11 pm »
Hulda Clarke died of cancer despite claiming she could cure all cancers( a case of poetic justice!    ;) ). More info on her here for others who would like to know more about her truly wacky theories:-

How about I call you a first class IDIOT for actually believing wikipedia?
(see? it's not nice for you to just say Hulda is a FRAUD)

And that you had not even truly read Hulda Clark books yourself?  And rely on her FDA critics / detractors because in the first place FDA and the Quackwatch you actually used to peruse are total SCREW JOBS solely meant for the purpose of keeping a WESTEN MEDICAL  MONOPOLY in the USA?

I on the other hand have actually READ her books multiple times and have applied her MANY HEALING PRINCIPLES not even mentioned in that wikipedia BULLSHIT you actually refer to?  Hulda's healing tips have helped heal me and many of the patients I have helped.  I know FIRST HAND some of Hulda's stuff works.  Of course I have experimented and weeded out stuff that I judge to work and judge that she was mistaken on.

Yes, I will turn this thread into a Hulda Clark and Parasite stuff debate to run you to the ground with your unbelievably IGNORANT insults on such a GREAT INDEPENDENT and ALTRUISTIC SCIENTIST who GAVE her knowledge for the public to benefit, open source and improve upon.

I will return to this thread many times to post Hulda Clark's GREAT WORKS, and to POST LOTS OF EVIDENCE OF PARASITE problems so that you AAJONUS idiots can be put to your place, that EXTREMES are really IDIOTIC.

Aajonus: Saying PARASITES are our friends just because you are RAW and that you have nothing to bother with is DEAD WRONG.

Clark: Saying you must fear PARASITES every step of the way and de-parasite your food every step of the way is DEAD WRONG as well.

I think it is up to me to carry my weight around here and blow this debate out of the water for REAL DISCUSSIONS.

I really really am PEEVED when you go on your dismissive INSULTING rants.

Please be thankful and be more inquisitive about the contributions of both Aajonus and Hulda for both their bodies of knowledge have helped ALL OF US in this forum in many many ways.

We as a forum should be INQUISITIVE, must be CURIOUS, why why why, how how how.... wow - that is new information... tell me more.

Being DISMISSIVE and INSULTING is the exact mark of someone closed minded... black and white... well hello my friend... the real world has many many SHADES OF GREY or SHADES of different colors.

Plenty more things to LEARN... to WOW about.

WATCH Nummi's videos FIRST.

Nummi, thank you for your contribution.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 09:15:59 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2015, 09:28:30 pm »
Whatever the case, Hulda Clarke claimed she could heal all cancers, yet she herself died of cancer. That is enough to make clear that her claims are suspect. As regards evidence, like I said, my own experience and that of most RPDers shows Hulda Clarke to be dead wrong(I too view Aajonus as not being 100% right re parasites, either).

I like the scientific process as it validates the raw, palaeolithic diet given the many  scientific studies done on toxins created by cooking and ever more evidence is being produced to back up  such points, plus the weight of studies also shows that much of modern medicine(eg:- antidepressants) is useless. On the other hand, the scientific process  has not backed up Hulda Clarke's work, even after decades.

At any rate, we will have to agree to disagree.....
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2015, 09:32:14 pm »
I realize I must go back on my words and say that the harmlessness of parasites is only valid for some parasites, in very specific situations. Some instinctos got infected by the Malaria parasite during a trip to the tropics, and despite their more than proper diet, died of it. They might be still alive if they'd taken modern medication.

I don't want to take the risk of saying something is safe when it might not be, so if you think parasites are harming you, please do what you think is necessary to get rid of them.

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2015, 09:48:20 pm »
Whatever the case, Hulda Clarke claimed she could heal all cancers, yet she herself died of cancer. That is enough to make clear that her claims are suspect. As regards evidence, like I said, my own experience and that of most RPDers shows Hulda Clarke to be dead wrong(I too view Aajonus as not being 100% right re parasites, either).

I like the scientific process as it validates the raw, palaeolithic diet given the many  scientific studies done on toxins created by cooking and ever more evidence is being produced to back up  such points, plus the weight of studies also shows that much of modern medicine(eg:- antidepressants) is useless. On the other hand, the scientific process  has not backed up Hulda Clarke's work, even after decades.

At any rate, we will have to agree to disagree.....

First of all, HULDA CLARK is not the subject of the original poster.

Second, you are propping up HULDA CLARK as your STRAW MAN to immediately put an end to any INTEREST in this topic.

The issue is not about agreeing or disagreeing... what is important is being open to DISCUSSING.

Two videos, total ~17 minutes as a complement. Found them saying essentially the same things I had already come to on my own.
It's "nice" to see youtube burying essential information...

If any of you take the time for 17 minutes to watch the videos and see and hear what THAT MAN has to discuss regarding parasites... you would think he was one of our RAW PALEO DIETERS in this forum for exactly introducing to a yet ignorant public about the issue.

THAT MAN in the video was not saying that parasites are out to get humans... he is mentioning a large amount of MISTAKES IN LIVING (chemicals, sugar, junk food, EMF, bad food, missing anti-parasitic food) people do on a regular basis which encourages the parasites to infest us and be bothersome.  So in effect THAT MAN is espousing some of AAJONUS' principles and also HULDA CLARK's principles ( I read both Aajonus and Hulda).

Overall, this man made a nice 17 minute intro.

Nummi, do you have the rest of this man's full length presentation? books? his name?
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2015, 10:43:18 pm »
There was an Instincto in Hawaii that ate a raw wild mongoose and got trichinosis. He eventually had to be hospitalized and get IV antibiotics to stop the infection that resulted. Zephyr was his name, I think. I believe he was involved with the now-defunct Pangaia raw food commune there.

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2015, 11:31:58 pm »
There was an Instincto in Hawaii that ate a raw wild mongoose and got trichinosis. He eventually had to be hospitalized and get IV antibiotics to stop the infection that resulted. Zephyr was his name, I think. I believe he was involved with the now-defunct Pangaia raw food commune there.
Did he die?  -\

French wiki says the disease may kill you if there are too many larvas ingested in one go, or that it can become cyclical.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 12:00:34 am by JeuneKoq »

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2015, 11:38:12 pm »
Did he die?  -\

French wiki says the disease may kill you if there are too many larvas ingested in one go, or become cyclical.

He did not die, but it was a very close thing.

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2015, 02:37:39 am »
Zephir was the guy in Hawaii who got trichinosis after having eaten the liver of a mongoose he probably caught while it escaped form a garbage can, as I previously wrote somewhere else on this forum. Yes, he wrote a book :
Instinctive Eating: The Lost Knowledge of Optimum Nutrition
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 03:34:08 am by Iguana »
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Re: What HULDA CLARK REALLY SAID about intestinal parasites & pollution
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2015, 04:34:46 pm »

What HULDA CLARK REALLY SAID about intestinal parasites & pollution

I remember SOLIDLY what Hulda Clark said about intestinal parasites and their relationship with pollution.

Hulda said intestinal parasites were NORMALLY found in the intestinal tract of human beings... these same parasites become HARMFUL when humans are exposed to POLLUTANTS such as isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol, or something else...

...and the collection of these pollutants in certain organs such as the LIVER or the thyroid or whatever vital organ... once polluted, the organ ATTRACTS the intestinal parasites to migrate / go through their many stages in that organ.  This makes the human sick.  This is why she suggests AVOIDING POLLUTANTS and eventually clearing the body of the parasites because they had lodged in an organ where they are not supposed to be.  For example the liver.  That is why herbal deworming she recommended as well as electronic methods with her open source zapper or rife machines... while avoiding pollutants... then do liver flushing to clear the liver.

Hulda's treatise on POLLUTION was AMAZINGLY THOROUGH!  Every raw paleo dieter needs to read her on that.

It was Hulda who spotlighted the mechanism of how supposedly normal intestinal parasites become lethal when coupled with pollution.

For you to verify what I just said, go and look up Hulda Clark's books.

One of Hulda's blind spot in my eyes, was diet... she was not really into raw because she was more focused on parasites.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 04:48:01 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2015, 11:01:47 pm »
Hulda Clarke died of cancer despite claiming she could cure all cancers( a case of poetic justice!    ;) ). More info on her here for others who would like to know more about her truly wacky theories:-

she died of cancer because of cooked  and pasteurised food and grains(GMOs) and fruits and carb loaded foods... and because lack of faith in her Creator(aka God)
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2015, 11:46:46 pm »
...says the atheist  ;D

(POLITICAL atheist, I know...)

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2015, 07:27:03 pm »
my father got trichinosis when we slaughtered a pig and one of the pigs bone scratched his hand just a tiny bit... he got intravenous antibioics... he almost died....
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

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Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2015, 07:52:54 pm »
Thanks for sharing.  This is why as a rule I do not eat raw pork.
Linux Geek, Web Developer, Email Provider, Businessman, Engineer, REAL Free Healer, Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Truther, Ripple-XRP Fan

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