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Offline Haida

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New Family in Town
« on: March 27, 2009, 09:56:44 pm »
My hubby and 33month old daughter are new around here. We have been mostly raw vegans for a few years now and looking to try raw omnivore. A recent trip to the dentist show my daughter to have decalcification of teeth, and a recommendation for animal protein. Is there anyone out there with little ones who eats raw meat/eggs, Im not sure how or if to do this.

Happy to be here!

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: New Family in Town
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 10:17:18 pm »
Welcome. I don't have kids but I hope to feed them on this diet if/when I have them.

Offline lex_rooker

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Re: New Family in Town
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 01:32:00 am »
Welcome Haida,
Many of us, me included, have come from the politically correct vegan background.  In my case, almost 20 years.  During that time my health slowly declined - loss of tooth enamal, severe headaches, cystic acne, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, very high triglycerides, and a host of other problems.

It wasn't until I ditched the whole idea of the importance of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and all grains and starches, and made them only a very small part of my diet that my health truly start to improve.  If you'll spend some time reading various threads you'll find that the need for Fiber is a myth and in fact you'll do much better without it.  You'll find that the idea that only fruits and veggies have the vitamins and minerals we need (vitamin C anyone?) is a myth.  You'll discover that dairy products cause loss of calcium rather than building strong bones, and that grains, beans, potatoes, and other starches of any kind are about the worst thing you can eat.   

I started transitioning to a Paleo style diet, (85% meat and fat and only 15% fruits and veggies with zero grains, beans, potatoes, or dairy) about 7 years ago.  This way of eating means you eat meat (especially red meat) that is high in fat at each meal until you are completely satisfied.  Then you have a SMALL salad OR a MEDIUM sized piece of fruit once a day - that's it.  It will take a few weeks for your body to adapt to this, but once it does you'll never look back.  I ate this way for about 3 years and this is where my health started its most dramatic improvement.

Now I only eat raw meat (no fruits or veggies of any kind) - about 2 pounds per day, have been doing this for almost 4 years, and have never felt better.  X-Rays have proven that I've gained bone mass and generated new tooth enamel, BP has dropped from 145/95 to 106/63, fasting blood sugar has dropped from 140 to 90, cholesterol has dropped from 235 to 189, triglycerides have dropped from the 500's to 65, I haven't had a headache in over 6 years, acne totally disappeared, and my weight dropped from 215 to 160.  I feel wonderful and look forward to living every day to the fullest.  I wouldn't go back to a vegan lifestyle for anything in the world.

The hardest part for me was deprogramming the brainwashing of the politically correct vegan crowd.  It took me a long time to finally accept that not only did I not need whole grains, beans, sprouts and green juices, but indeed they were the cause of my steadily declining health.  You've taking the first step which is the hardest.  Keep moving forward.....



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Re: New Family in Town
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2009, 07:26:49 am »
Welcome! Glad you found raw paleo!

I never really went full "raw vegan" but incorporated lots of raw fruits and veggies in my diet at times...

Now that I know the power of raw ANIMAL foods and I compare it to the raw plants food I realize that raw plant foods are mostly depriving. Fruit is a diuretic so it makes you urinate and you loose minerals from your blood... Raw vegetables all contain anti nutrients and vegetable toxins which inhibit absorption of minerals/vitamins in the gut and again deprive the blood of minerals

Vegetable toxins are only destroyed by cooking. I suggest you start making vegetable broths instead of eating raw vegetables, since they only irritate the intestinal system anyway, and are not really absorbed properly in the human gut. The raw vegan scene is a fallacy IMO, you'd be healthier being a vegan that eats tons of vegetable broths (boiled vegetables) than eating 100% raw...

Every plant has to defend itself.. Keep that in mind... That's why it creates these toxins, to ward off animals/insects. Meats on the other hand, no mattter if they are raw, contain no anti nutrients.

Whenever you have doubts about raw animal food, think about what you'd be able to find if you went into the wild right at this moment. Get outside; go to nearest forrest or wild area further away, where there are no cultivated hybrid sugar laden fruits/veggies. I think you'll discover what your ancestors knew... The only way to survive is to hunt or scavange for animal flesh/organs/fat. A vegan would never survive in the wild for long... In cold climates 1-2 months and in tropical climates maybe longer (since there might be coconuts). There are no animals in the wild sprouting or drinking green smoothies or wheat grass and they do just fine. No healthy long-living tribe has been recorded to do these things either, and all healthy tribes incoporated some animal foods in their diet: be it muscle meats, organs, blood, or milk of an animal. In the wild the vast majority of plants are very toxic and fruits are rare, only found in season, and can not provide you with the bulk of your calories since they are much less sweet than modern fruits.

When you start eating raw animal foods you'll see how your body/mood/hunger changes to a new dimension. Your body will be stronger, muscle mass will increase.. Mood will be more stable.. And you'll soon loose the constant hunger and thoughts about food I think most raw vegans have.. Food truly becomes fuel. Keep it simple that's my advice. No need for recipes unless you need them to stimulate your appetite.

I agree with Lex that you loose taste for these non-foods: hybrid mass produced fruits/veggies (which are often produced on huge "industrial" farms, no matter how organic they are). A fruit or two per day is fine: try choosing those fruits with less fructose and overall sugar. I would not recommend raw salad (such as lettuce) especially in close combination with meat, since raw (green) vegetables alkalize the digestive tract.. and it's supposed to be acidic. I would even suggest (not raw paleo I know) to eat vegetable broth instead of raw salad. Boil a combination of root veggies and very little above ground veggies for 45 minutes to destroy veggie toxins and make the fiber easier on digestion. The vegetable broth also makes all the minerals in the veggies available for absorption. 

I know that what I've said is completely contrary to vegan or raw vegan ideology about "raw veggies are easy to digest they contain enzymes", "above ground vegetables are better"... but since you're here I assume something's not working out for you, and you are now willing to face it and make a change, instead of being a blind follower of a depriving diet. I also need to add that Weston Price (famous for investigating the heath of primitive vs modern tribes) did not meet any tribe who ate "raw lettuce salads"... Actually they boiled or fermented most of their veggies as far as I know.. They did not eat many veggies raw... But they did often eat raw meat/fish/blood/milk. And you can eat raw eggs too safely. Try it out, see what works and keep it simple that's my advice 
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 07:36:37 am by Seeker »

Offline Raw Rob

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Re: New Family in Town
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 08:43:35 am »

I'm a little shocked your dentist gave you such good advice. Anyway, I got sick with ulcerative colitis early last year. The first diet I tried was raw vegan. It made me sicker. I really stuck with it too because the author of the book I read said he cured his colitis that way. I finally found the way of the paleolithic diet and did a complete turn-around. Like Lex said, I've never been healthier. If and when I do have kids, I hope to raise them mostly on this diet. (while making exceptions to let them be kids once in a while of course) Anyway, this diet is pretty crazy when you first think about it and start doing it, but it can be fun and it makes you creative. I would try to ween into it. Eventually, you will start to crave meat just like you did your favorite foods. After I lift weights, I eat a big bowl of raw ground grass-fed beef. I got used to eating that by putting raw honey in it. (Although I don't eat honey anymore) I've also mixed in Italian tomato sauce that had no added sugar or tomato paste. It makes the fat in the beef taste cheesy. My family and I are going out for dinner tomorrow for my sister's birthday. We're going to a sushi place and I'm getting a big plate of yellow-fin tuna. (sashimi) Searing your steaks and fish on the outside helps you get used to eating raw too. A few weeks ago I went to Ditka's restaurant here in Chicago and I got a big tuna steak just seared on the very outside. I think this stuff is catching on more. Anyway, welcome, and I hope you find these forums motivating like I do. A good book by the way is "Cure Tooth Decay." Honestly though, it just tells you to eat more nutrient dense foods like meat and fish, but it's a good read.

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Re: New Family in Town
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2009, 12:52:00 pm »
My hubby and 33month old daughter are new around here. We have been mostly raw vegans for a few years now and looking to try raw omnivore. A recent trip to the dentist show my daughter to have decalcification of teeth, and a recommendation for animal protein. Is there anyone out there with little ones who eats raw meat/eggs, Im not sure how or if to do this.

Happy to be here!


Here are my kids eating raw beef. They also like raw squid, raw tuna / salmon / blue marlin / dilis fish, raw duck / chicken eggs.

Here is a link to Rami Nagel's 3 part video on curing tooth decay, aside from his book.
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