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Offline littleElefant

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food monster
« on: May 07, 2015, 11:38:06 pm »
Salut :
I did not write for some time here because I guessed I should stop asking,  after all this years of trying I should finally have found a way to nurish myself in a gentle and sustainabel way. And really, more and more, I know what agreas with me, its my paradise diet:
I know I feel well and happy if I eat fish; shelfesh (very fresh) salads; ,vegetables, some coconut -not too much, it seemes to give me stomach pain-a little bit of avocado, green juices and vegetable juices, some meat, specially organ meat, everything raw
and, so important for my well being, I have to  eat smal amounts :P, being outside a lot and exercise
The thing is, if I live like that, I feel greate but I loose weight very very fast
It is a cycle, I looooose weight, get very scarry thin; can not regain the weight any more with health eating; starting stuffing myself all day with things that are not good for me at all , making myself sick and, the worse thing, I loose my joy of life
Right now I'm eating loads of organ meats, lots and lots of beef fat, some fish and shellfish, some green juice every day, some vegetables; sometimes I force myself to eat bananas with my meat or papaya to raise my insuline,
I eat as soon as I get up and I often eat  before bed to make fasting time a short as possible
I feel not good at all doing it, but as soon as I start eating following my feelings the scale goes down. I allways tell me it is just for a short period of time till I regained my weight and then I can do what I want The thing is that even with all thatI I'm doing I have such a hard time gaining.
 Do we all have to eat such huge amounts on this diet (I feel like a monster) Is it the fact that everyting is raw that makes our food so 'thinning' ???
How can we gain weight in a pleasurable way? Is more fruit the answer?
Of corse exercise, weight training; sleep, EMF is very important, I know ;)

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Re: food monster
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2015, 01:56:28 am »
My problem is the exact opposite. I enjoy the taste of raw food too much and  so have to every now and then go water-fasting for many days and do lots of exercise to reduce the weight.
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Offline littleElefant

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Re: food monster
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2015, 02:10:13 am »
oh, that's interesting :)
So what do you eat exactly on a daily basis, lots of fruit or meat or fat or is it a combination or things that makes you gain?

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Re: food monster
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2015, 02:59:13 am »
oh, that's interesting :)
So what do you eat exactly on a daily basis, lots of fruit or meat or fat or is it a combination or things that makes you gain?
mostly just raw meat and a little raw fat. I avoid raw fruit as it makes my appetite even vaster.
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Offline littleElefant

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Re: food monster
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2015, 04:52:37 am »
How much raw meat, Thyler, it must be a lot if you manage to gain weight with it.

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Re: food monster
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2015, 05:31:41 am »
One thing you should be mindful of is that the water content of raw foods is often much higher than the water content of cooked or otherwise processed foods. If you eat (for instance) one pound of cooked food, you're actually eating more calories than if you were to eat one pound of that same food uncooked because cooking evaporates away some of the water. Given this, it is quite natural for those who eat raw foods to eat more pounds of food to maintain their weight than those who eat cooked/processed foods, because more of what the raw foodists eat is water. This is also why many of us don't need to drink water, because we get more of it in our food and thus don't need to drink it separately to replace what was evaporated off during cooking/processing of food.

I would invite you not to worry so much about how much you eat. Over the years I've trained myself to eat when hungry, and only when hungry. This seems to help me maintain a solid yet lithe physique, without excess weight or body fat but also without becoming too thin.

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Re: food monster
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2015, 07:19:47 am »
I was stuck at 122-125 lbs until Jan 2010 even while eating some 600 grams raw animal food daily.

I had tapeworms crawling out of my butt hole in Jan 2010.

And then I decided to take a herbal dewormer for 30 days.

Got rid of the tape worms. My appetite for raw animal food crashed down to 200 grams or less daily.

Then I suddenly gained weight to 135 lbs and then 140 lbs while eating markedly less.

Other things that make me gain weight afterwards were raw cheese, sweet fruits (durian, dates, honey, etc), raw cacao, various probiotics.

I now believe salt is important.  Especially during summer against heat stroke.  I would also eat bagoong - a salty fermented fish sauce.

I now maintain 140 lbs effortlessly.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 07:52:38 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: food monster
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2015, 07:26:57 am »
How much raw meat, Thyler, it must be a lot if you manage to gain weight with it.
Well, a kilo or more a day. The weight-gain is very gradual, though. Most RVAFers find that eating raw foods reduces weight. I really do not need to eat as much as I do, but I enjoy tearing at the raw flesh with my teeth etc.
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Re: food monster
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2015, 08:34:17 am »
Congrats littleElefant!
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: food monster
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2015, 01:31:56 pm »
Well, a kilo or more a day. The weight-gain is very gradual, though. Most RVAFers find that eating raw foods reduces weight. I really do not need to eat as much as I do, but I enjoy tearing at the raw flesh with my teeth etc.

A kilo or more a day would kill my kidneys.  You must be a big heavy guy?  Do lots of physical work?
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: food monster
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2015, 02:43:01 pm »
A kilo or more a day would kill my kidneys.  You must be a big heavy guy?  Do lots of physical work?
Not enough physical work, obviously. I am 6ft  and lots of muscle but, sadly, most is central strength and not enough in the extremities.

My overconsumption might be a bad idea. I will see if reducing the amounts leads to more energy. I do not really like constantly digesting. My  experience with Intermittent Fasting and the like was very positive in the past, after all.
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Offline littleElefant

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Re: food monster
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2015, 04:25:58 pm »
If I eat huge amounts of meat and meat fat sometimes I even might gain a little weight, very slowly even if I eat 3000 or 4000 kcal per day. But while doing so I feel sluggish and heavy; short of breath, very thirsty, and after some time I get very very ill.
The whole concept of eating above the needs of the body just to fatten it up feels quite unpleasant and my body is so resitant doing it but sometimes it is nessesarry  even for animals to fatten up after illness or before winter comes etc so it is not unnatural, our bodies should be adapted doing it. I'm thinking of bears eating so much fatty fish and berrys during fall to get ready for hibernation. .
Perhaps thats what I should do, the bear diet, just fish, some greens and berries, I would like it.

Offline littleElefant

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Re: food monster
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2015, 04:27:07 pm »
A parasite cleanse is a good idea, starting tomorrow -d -d

Offline jessica

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Re: food monster
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2015, 09:39:53 pm »
if you are having trouble keeping on weight you should cut down on the exercise and weights that you do and instead focus on exercises that lower your adrenal response.  I would suggest gentle yoga, breath work, dancing and light areobics(mostly to get the lympth and ciruclator systems going, always under 45 minutes of these activities) and walks that dont cause exhaustion, keep them around an hour, if going longer take a nice break where you lie down in between, if only for 5-10 minutes.

i would suggest three medium sized meals a day, so that you arent constantly eating, but also so that you arent going too long without food, maybe even four small to medium sized meals.  no large meals and no fasting except for around bedtime, try not to eat right up near bed unless you are just totally starving.  try drinking water or raw milk first or doing breath exercises and meditation and if you are still actually HUNGRY not just tired and stressed, then eat...but most likely you will just need to sleep.

eat meals with every macronutrient, it will help your body maintain weight.  try meals with starch, protein, fats and greens.  these are generally more satiating then meals with fruits instead of starches, but see how your body reacts.  try cooked sweet potato and have a SMALL portion of it with each meal and just change up your protein and fat ratio with what works best for you.  this should help you get past bingeing by alleviating blood sugar swings, you want to avoid having your blood sugar go to low and also give your body the right nutrients to hold onto weight.  have half a sweet potato, a hunk of meat warmed with some meat fat(or eggs, whites cooked, yolks runny, or raw fatty fish, or raw liver...etc), greens and maybe some raw cheese as a meal.  add a little garlic, lemon or ginger and some seaweed to help with digestion and mineral content.

you might start to panic if this diet works because you are likely still holding on to some super thin, high strung ideal of yourself, and being calm and gaining weight will feel like being lazy, but remember you are working on relaxing your system to heal your anxiety and balance your weight issues, and that is what happens when you are relaxed and WELL nourished.  the point is gentle moderation and calm, effective energy.

bears only move in the fall to eat, and when they are done eating for the day they rest, and when the winter comes and they have plumped up, they sleep.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 09:46:02 pm by jessica »

Offline littleElefant

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Re: food monster
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2015, 10:52:34 pm »
Thanks Yessi,

yes I feel that I have to be very carefull with exercises because I loose energie so fast and then I have to eat even more but I cant digest any more food.
You might be right, it could be easier to include some starches at least to gain some weight, perhaps sweet potatoes would be a good idea (This  noon I paniked, seening the scale, and eate a big bowle of porridge with eggs and a lot of butter) Oats and eggs are a quite common bulking meal for bodybuilder, so I thought, ok, I will see....
Or what about bananas, its a starchy fruit, sometimes I eat bananas with my meat and fat but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Or raw plantanas?
No Jessie, I will not panik if I gain weight,(I already gained some weight forcefeeding myself and cocking a lot) I m so looking forward to me having a strong body again.

Offline littleElefant

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Re: food monster
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2015, 11:14:40 pm »
STARCH would be an easy temorarry solution, Starch is the reason why everybody is fat or feels too fat. All the people I know do not eat a lot and they gain weight anyway. Just the raw people, paleos and raw paleos do not have this problem, but they have often dificulties gaining weight. (nothing new I know)

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Re: food monster
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2015, 08:37:35 am »
wasnt your issue that you cant keep on weight and that you swing between extremes?  moderation, dont go overboard on starch, it should help you feel satiated and reduce the urge to binge.  sure, eat bananas if thy are satiating and dont cause blood sugar issues, just dont eat 30 bananas a day and then fast, that is too extreme.  make sure you not eating too much or too little to keep your blood sugar balanced. i would suggest that your options are whole meals, so that you can eat as little of as much of eat macronutrient as you see fit.  i would really suggest doing some gentle yoga instead of more forceful exercising, doing some breath work and meditation, and working on engaging your parasympathetic nervous system.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 08:49:18 am by jessica »

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Re: food monster
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2015, 09:39:50 am »
Aajonus wrote in his books that people who are too thin may need a little starch.

Aajonus had an item that said raw fat with a little cooked starch may be a detox protocol?

I'm thinking raw eggs and some rice?  Or raw eggs and some sweet potato?
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Re: food monster
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2015, 04:02:42 am »
Starches----since my cooked oatmeal with eggs and butter I have quite heavy diarea.
I dont like cooked starches, it feels dead to me, dont like rice, dont like cooked sweet potatoes, it all feels so dead  :P

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Re: food monster
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2015, 07:14:04 am »
i cant do grains either, the make me seriously bloated, oats in particular make my face bloat and make me feel horrible.  try plantains and bananas if those seem appealing to you.  try them with fish?  anyway keep trying.  just dont resort to letting yourself starve and then bingeing on horrible foods.

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Re: food monster
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2015, 02:49:51 am »
Something to consider... it isnt the amount of food or kind of food eaten that determines ones ability to keep and gain a certain is often the capacity of the individual's digestive system to absorb and assimilate the food which is eaten.

This could be due to a multitude of different causes which in rare cases could be something like a tape worm, but most often I suspect that there may be a deficiency of digestive enzymes, or a diminished microbiome, lack of the right prebiotics for your particular diet, or some other food intolerance issue which interferes with optimal absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

One must address the issue from a holistic perspective and understand that if you are lacking in the essential elements which allow you to digest food, you may also be diminished on an endocrine level to a degree by which it becomes difficult to jumpstart the bodies capacity for growth and regeneration.

I would suggest that starches may not be the best route to take, especially if poor assimilation is an issue. I always had issues with trying to assimilate starches into my diet.... also butter and other dairy may also be a problem for some people.

I have found good results using coconut cream or coconut butter, it seems to have just enough carbs for my basic needs, and fats to support ketogenesis, without interfering with my capacity to digest meat and  animal fat... I have found that the butter and the cream are much more easily tolerated than whole coconut...perhaps because the amount of natural laxatives which are primarily in the water are greatly reduced in coconut butter and cream.

I have found raw glands and innards to be very helpful in aiding digestion... for me eating the liver, pancreas, and other innards really boost my digestion, energy levels and helps maintain my weight. I found that after eating a whole pancreas I will become ravenously more hungry for a couple of days later.... it likely has something to do with the pancreatic enzymes which seem to increase my capacity to assimilate large quantities of food.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 03:05:07 am by sabertooth »
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Re: food monster
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2015, 05:36:49 am »
Interesting point about the pancreas, Saber. I have never enjoyed the taste of it.

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Re: food monster
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2015, 10:15:29 am »
Yeah, it may be an acquired taste, but also I noticed its something that's best eaten fresh, right after the animal is slaughtered... once the animal is dead the enzymes in the pancreas begin to deteriorate and give it a real bitter flavor, but when its fresh and from a good animal it can be kind of sweet and creamy.

When I first started butchering I would throw it out, and the first few times I tried it was after it had been in the fridge for a few days, and so wasnt very good, and the first time I decided to eat a whole pancreas at once, I ended up having a hypoglycemic episode.

Going into this diet I had a damaged pancreas and liver, and perhaps the episode was due to a shock caused by large amount of pancreatic enzymes that I wasn't accustom to, while not eating enough red meat afterward to keep my blood sugar up...

Now that I have been able to more fully heal, and that I am more aware of my body's reactions, I can enjoy eating whole pancreases, so long as its with a large portion of meat and fat.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 11:27:24 am by sabertooth »
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Re: food monster
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2015, 11:00:45 am »
Organ meats are intense.

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Re: food monster
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2015, 02:48:30 pm »
I consciously take probiotics in various brands, home made, high meat, various sources.
May be why I now gain weight easily.
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