Author Topic: jumping fleas  (Read 4767 times)

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Offline kalo

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jumping fleas
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:26:56 am »
I had freaking flea bites all over me this morning. Tonight around dusk, they began biting me. I realized "hooo, they are not in my bed, but living on me. So I soaped my body and hair ( which I can now put into a small man bun) and waited. In the shower I also found a deer tick on me!
So, I guess in the end the fleas were good. I really don't want lyme -till my immune system is top notch atleast. As I live in the hottest spot for lymes.
diet protocols suggested? something tells me garlic.
So I had my cousin shave my head and I've now got one sideburn, two bald patches, and 25 itching dots.
P.S. Where do flees hide if anyone knows? please don't tell me in my butt  :P

Offline jessica

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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2015, 11:34:48 pm »
did you catch any of them?  if you think they are "living on you" because there is no trace of them, and they only bite at night, perhaps you have bed bugs?  if they are only biting in your hair and scalp, perhaps you have lice?  in any case, just spread diatomacious earth, move all of your furniture around and then vaccuum everything.  make sure to shake out all of your blankets and clothing outside.  if it is bed bugs, welcome to my hell. 

Offline kalo

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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 05:07:26 am »
No jessica, thanks for replying and not making me feel like a creep! Yea I caught some of the little bastards yesterday. They are mostly just black specks, with barely noticeable legs. Gosh if they were bed bugs, I would lose it.. Like i'd just go sleep in the yard. WHy is that your life -[

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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 06:46:46 am »
bats!  my boyfriend lived in a barn that had bats with bed bugs, they have been our companions for the past 4 months or so...but there may only be one or two in the house we are in at the moment.  its been rough.  fleas are usually reddish brown, with reaaallly long  back legs that are very noticeable when you catch them.  are you sure they are fleas?  perhaps its no see ums?  they are SUPER small, and tend to bite around the neck and in the hair, they like sweat.  they come out when the weather gets warm.  what kind of forest do you live in?  they like cedar.  dont worry to much about lymes as long as you are getting plenty of zinc, phosphorus, sulphur and b vitamins, a well rounded raw meats diet with egg yolks should really help to nourish you and boost your immunity.   

Offline kalo

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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 09:55:30 am »
Yes, those look more similar, they had white on them too. I live in the Appalachian mountains, the forests are lush with poplar, oaks, cherry, walnut, but the spruce and ash trees are dying ( Well I guess most every species is dying). Make sure you get those last few before they multiply!! And sleeping in a barn, he must be tough!
*zinc, phosphorus, sulphur and b vitamins* are hopefully in raw meat and eggs because I do not do anything else!


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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2015, 01:34:45 am »
Aerosol Spray cans to deal with fleas on pets are exceptionally effective, and can deal with any amount of fleas in seconds.   Unfortunately each can costs around £10 in UK, but well worth the money.   They probably deal equally well with other biting insects such as bed bugs, but these insects have never brought me up to scratch.   Be careful not to inhale any fumes and air the room after prolonged use of the can.   Take care and good luck!

Offline kalo

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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2015, 12:06:22 am »
jessica was quite right. They were actually no-see-ums. Little flies that can fit through screens in the window. that was the trick- close the window!!


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Re: jumping fleas
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2015, 02:13:47 am »
Nice to find a simple non-chemical solution to your problem.


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