This does not make sense. Is it a typo?
Well, eveheart was supposing that a lack of marriage was the reason for those centenarians living so long. I had presumed that lack of a sexual relationship past a certain point was the trigger, since there was no mention of further relationships for these women with only a few years of marriage to one man being mentioned for each woman. That therefore, a lack of sex was the reason for staying alive longer. It makes sense if one looks at species such as Pacific salmon who are forced to migrate over vast distances over the oceans right up deep into rivers where they spawn multitudes of eggs and sperm before dying soon after. What I mean is that Mother Nature does not really have much use for an animal once it has produced enough offspring to make a new generation; after that it might as well die.
So, a male or female virgin, when young, might have its longevity/(or biological age) increased so that more of a chance existed that it could later on generate offspring. In the case of a man, men can still have offspring at the age of 90, after all.
This is vaguely related to something else I once talked about. Another member(CB?), once mentioned that when he was very ill, pre-rawpalaeodiet, his libido was sky-high and he was randy to an unnatural extent, yet when he turned rawpalaeo, his libido became normal again. I had had the same experience. What we worked out was a possible theory, namely that Mother Nature desperately wants you to pass on your genes to the next generation, so, when you are a man and are very ill/near death, Nature forces you into having extreme desires for sex even though you are not necessarily in a fit state of health to indulge in such an action, so that you can have the possibility to pass on your DNA before you soon die. However, a woman who is very ill/near death will instead have her libido crash down to zero as feeling sexy might lead to pregnancy, and so, if the woman is very ill/near death, then Nature knows that the woman would likely die during pregnancy, so that it is not worth investing her with the opportunity to have sex. Whereas, with a man, a man only has to spread his seed which takes rather a lot less than 9 months! Kooky theory, but it might have a point, and it seems logical at first glance.