Latest batch of Maggot Fish shows much promise. Struggling as ever to make the process work, I leave the Cod on a plate in the garden most of a sunny day, take it up and keep it in a box, airing daily whilst watching developments. Once the occupants have reached a size about 1 cm x 0.2 cm diameter and fish has shrunk to a mess of brown gooey gravy it can be tested. It has a fantastically strong cheesy, fishy flavor that almost takes your breath away, and I have never had anything like it! They make a splendid job, and you can eat the little individuals with their cheesy sauce. It is almost unbelievably good, and I can't wait to try more tomorrow! Sabertooth you are a genius!
Please don't go near anyone once you have had it unless you suck a very strong mint indeed, or they will express disapproval in the strongest terms!