Presently about 6 eggs a day (on average). Have my own chickens, since end of may, 13 of them.
Their diet: sprouted wheat, beef fat, beef liver, fish, coldpressed hemp seed leftovers (the "cake"), a little hemp seed oil, greens-grass, bugs-worms, snails-slugs, some ground egg shells.
Yolks seem to go gradually yellower and bigger. First ones were quite light and small.
Good eggs, taste good. Nutritious and easy to digest.
Found out that eggs can be whisked to foamy mass using honey as sweetener... Like a rawist's dessert... Though the airy-bubbly mass in the stomach can be uncomfortable till the air isn't expelled.
Why they are so good is because a whole new animal is supposed to grow from them. Which means the eggs need to contain a lot of different nutrients, essentially everything a body needs.