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Foods That Damage
Sugar Is Poison!
The average person living in the Western world consumes about 125 pounds of refined table sugar every year! Did you know that sugar is poisonous to the body and that it leads to, or directly causes, 146 health problems and diseases? Here are just a few examples:
Sugar can suppress the immune system and it contributes to the reduction in the body's defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases). Scientists have proven that too much sugar is the death of the immune system.
Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body. It also interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Sugar produces a low oxygen environment = cancer and candida (fungal) growth environment.
Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function.
Sugar can cause and/or lead to appendicitis, atherosclerosis, arthritis,asthma, cancer, candida (fungal overgrowth), eczema, emphysema, gallstones,heart disease, hemorrhoids, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, periodontal disease, varicose veins, etc.
Sugar weakens eyesight and it can cause cataracts.
Sugar contributes to diabetes and obesity.
Sugar can impair the structure of DNA (genes).
Sugar is the #1 enemy of the bowel movement.
Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine.
Sugar can cause depression.
Sugar causes indigestion and constipation.
Sugar feeds cancer and other fungal diseases, i.e. candida (fungal overgrowth).
Sugar is an addictive substance, and it can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.
Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.
For the complete list see Sugar, 146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health.
The fact that sugar greatly depresses the immune system has been known for many years, mainly because of Linus Pauling. He is the only person ever to receive two unshared Nobel Prizes — for Chemistry (1954) and for Peace (1962). He concluded that white blood cells need a high dose of vitamin C, and so he developed his theory that high doses of vitamin C were needed to combat the common cold, the flu, and even cancer.
Did you know that vitamin C and sugar have similar chemical structures so that means they compete with one another for entry into the cells? New research confirms Dr. John Ely's 30-year theory that sugar (glucose) competes with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) for insulin-mediated uptake into cells.
Consuming sugar can effectively crowd out the ascorbate (vitamin C). The effect of the Pauling Therapy [high doses of vitamin C] is reportedly much more pronounced and immediate when sugar is eliminated.
If there is more sugar around less vitamin C is allowed into the cell, and vice versa. It is interesting that taking vitamin C also helps curb cravings for sugar, alcohol and carbohydrates. Since our bodies cannot make vitamin C on its own, it must be obtained from foods or supplements on a daily basis.
In his book Sugar Blues, Bill Dufty points out numerous examples of physical diseases and psychological disorders that can be traced back to diets that are deficient in whole unprocessed foods, and dominated by highly processed fats and sugars.
One example he notes is that "by 1662, sugar consumption in England had zoomed from zero to some 16 million pounds a year, this in little over two centuries. Then, in 1665, London was swept by a plague." However, the bubonic plague was blamed on rats?
The problem with sugar consumption is not just limited to refined table sugar. Other types of sugars are just as damaging, i.e. corn syrup and sweeteners, honey, maple syrup, molasses, glucose, fructose (fruits), and all artificial sugar substitutes and sweeteners, i.e. NutraSweet, aspartame, saccharin, etc. – see the partial list below.
Names for Sugars and Sweeteners (partial list)
carob powder
corn starch
corn syrup
crystalline powder
date sugar
malts of any kind
Artificial sugars are particularly damaging to the body because they are neurotoxic, meaning they cause damage to the brain, spinal cord and nervous system. In Sugar-Free Blues Jim Earles writes this about aspartame:
"Researchers at Utah State University found that even at low levels aspartame induces adverse changes in the pituitary glands of mice. The pituitary gland is the master gland upon which the proper function of all biochemical processes depend.
When aspartame is digested it breaks down into the amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid, plus methanol. Methanol, or wood alcohol, is a known poison.
Methanol is also found in fruit juices, and our regulatory agencies have seized upon this fact to assure us that the methanol by-product of aspartame is not harmful. They fail to point out that the methanol content of a diet soft drink is 15 to 100 times higher than that of fruit juices."
Fruit Is Not As Healthy As You Think
Did you know that fruit is not the healthy food it is claimed to be? Fruit is mostly fructose sugar with some vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Those vitamins and nutrients are easily obtained from meats, eggs, and vegetables.
Did you know there is more vitamin C in broccoli and peppers than in any fruits sold at the grocery store today, and that meats and eggs also contain vitamin C?
Even healthy people should limit fruit consumption to two per day and they should always be accompanied by plenty of saturated fats to slow the release of fructose into the bloodstream.
That is why strawberries and cream tastes so good together! Like all other sugars, fructose causes insulin resistance (see the section below), as proven in scientific tests. Fruits that are lowest in sugar are grapefruit, lemon and lime.
Also a high carbohydrate diet is just as damaging to your body as sugar – see the section below Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Cause Disease. Did you know you can obtain all of your body's blood sugar requirements by eating meats, eggs and saturated fats, and no carbohydrates!
That is because "58% of the protein and about 10% of the fat you eat are converted to glucose," as stated by Prevention Magazine.
Insulin Resistant Cells
Sugar and a diet high in carbohydrates creates insulin resistant cell. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. It helps the body utilize blood glucose (blood sugar) by binding with receptors on cells like a key would fit into a lock.
Once the key, which is insulin, has unlocked the door, the glucose can pass from the blood into the cell. Inside the cell, glucose is either used for energy or stored for future use in the form of glycogen in the liver or muscle cells.
The body's cells become insulin resistant because they are trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of high insulin, which is required to regulate blood sugar levels when the diet is high in sugars and carbohydrates.
This causes the cells to down-regulate their receptor activity and the numbers of their receptors so they don't have to receive ?that noxious stimuli' all the time.
It is like having this loud disgusting music being played and you have to turn down the volume. Insulin resistance by the cells leads to blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia and diabetes, and also to high blood pressure.
In Insulin and Its Metabolic Affects Ron Rosedale, M.D. states: "A less known fact is that insulin also stores magnesium. But if your cells become resistant to insulin, you can't store magnesium so you lose it through urination.
Intracellular magnesium relaxes muscles. What happens when you can't store magnesium because the cell is resistant? You lose magnesium and your blood vessels constrict. This causes an increase in blood pressure and a reduction in energy since intracellular magnesium is required for all energy producing reactions that take place in the cell.
But most importantly, magnesium is also necessary for the action of insulin and the manufacture of insulin. When you raise your insulin, you lose magnesium, and the cells become even more insulin resistant.
Blood vessels constrict and glucose and insulin can't get to the tissues, which makes them more insulin resistant, so the insulin levels go up and you lose more magnesium. This is the vicious cycle that begins even before you were born."