A new and improved version
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9fXdanW4bMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9fXdanW4bMPublished on Oct 4, 2015
The most recent and comprehensive interview I have given. In which I explain the hidden aspects of the international system, its objectives and the forces behind it.
I answer the following questions and more:
1. What is at the core of the international system?
2. When was this system created and why?
3. How is depopulation accomplished?
4. Where is this system of population control taking us?
5. What are the methods used to subvert fertility and promote morbidity?
6. When did these methods of population control come into effect?
7. How did this come to be?
8. What countries are onboard?
9. Who is in charge and who is responsible?
10. Is there a secret global government?
11. Why are religious authorities at the center of the depopulation program? Can you please elaborate?
12. How is this global genocide justified and are the justifications right?
13. How can we change the system?
14. Can we do without population control?
15. How can we depopulate without genocide?
16. What happens with the people who refuse to comply with the law?
17. Are the people in charge evil?
18. Why are the circumstances desperate?
19. Where is this taking us?
20. What kind of political system will be necessary to see us through the demographic transition?
21. What kind of economic system will be necessary to see us through the demographic transition?
22. How can we change the current system?
23. Why is the transition from covert to overt depopulation difficult?
24. Many arguments are invoked to dispute that the world is overpopulated or that population control is needed. The most common is that the current 7.2 billion people can fit in a territory the size of Texas or New Zealand. Is this argument valid?
25. What about the argument that free energy devices are being suppressed in order to create a state of artificial scarcity?
26. What about the argument that economic development results in small families?
27. What is a global consciousness and how does it differ from a social conscience?
28. You have said that demography dictates policy not politics. Why is that?
29. How do you see the future?
30. What do you expect for yourself?