I agree with most of this.I have already chosen a "donate" option for my previously free advice on allexperts.com. I do not really expect any donations at all, and unlike some experts on the site, I will not openly ask for donations after answering a question, and I doubt most people will donate a cent, anyway. However, it would be nice, I suppose, if I got, say, 10-20 euros a year out of this.
As regards rawpaleoforum, we should select only those high-quality producers/farms which people know well and buy from frequently. If one of us or more have actually visited the relevant farm to check on their word/guarantee re what animals are fed on etc., even better. One big problem we all have faced as beginners to RPD diets is finding the right source. At first, we always believe that there is nothing available, then we start thinking that only very expensive sources exist for RPD foods, and finally, after months of searching, we usually find enough cheap RPD food sources, but it all takes time. Showing ads for people like Salatin etc., is a great idea.
Any money donated or paid via ads should go first into paying for the domain name for the next few years. Any extra money ought to go to pay for any PR attempts by RPDers to promote the RPD diet in the media.Sabertooth's attempts were pretty brave, imo and impressed me a lot. Imagine what media coverage we could get if a few thousand dollars were used! I mean we regularly see media promotions of raw vegan gurus so we obviously are not trying hard enough or we are not using the right methods.
The other possibility would be to pay for some RPDer in serious ill-health who was destitute and simply unable to afford anything but hospital food. However, this is easily prone to fraud and would have to be checked and double-checked . I always remember my master at school forcing us to pay for some worthless kid's education in some deprived African country, merely because another schoolmaster was getting his kids to do a similiar project, and my master wanted to show similiar mindless, irrational emotion. As it later inevitably turned out, the kid went awol from school soon after with some of the money(at least that was what was claimed, we will never know the real truth). It's as someone once said:- " foreign aid is money donated from (gullible) poor people in rich countries which goes to (corrupt) rich people in poor countries".