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Offline Auxaarh

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Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:12:10 am »
My health issues started a few years ago and were brought on during a period of high stress.  I have some fatgiue, have to get up to pee at night, ED, underweight, raccoon eyes etc.  I had a facial analysis done online and was recommended a paleo diet without nightshades due to possible leaky gut, all food cooked.  Then I got gallstones, lost weight and was constipated.  I did an olive oil liver cleanse which removed the stones, however I still got discomfort between my belly button and chest, i.e. liver and spleen area after eating.  I bought We Want to Live and have switched to a predominantly raw diet for the last few weeks as follows, I have about 2-3 cooked meals per week):

Beef, normally brisket or steak, OR lamb liver or heart
Spoon of olive and coconut oil

Lunch and tea:
Beef or organs and suet and maybe a little fruit
Some cooked starch such as white rice or sweet potato
Spoon of olive and coconut oil and sometimes some apple cider vinegar

I saw a clinical homeopath who detected candida in my liver and spleen, which is causing some inflammation.  I have some salmonella bacteria and some sort of lactose bacteria (not the good kind) in my gut which causes me to react to eggs and dairy.  I have a staph bacteria in my sinus and I get headaches after dairy, raw or not.  Egg yolks are ok, I've done Edwin's liver flushes ok, thanks Edwin!  The homeopath also detected Coeliac disease in my gut, I have low iron.  He gave me remedies to remove these things for the next several months.  I have started using a zapper also.

I seem to get a tingling in my feet / legs if I have too much unheated honey and I don't think it's good for the candida so I've stopped the honey.

If I eat much beef, I tend to feel fatigued and  I'm sure the darkness under my eyes worsens.  I have about 50-100g portions.  I don't get any problems when eating organ meat.  When eating raw fish, mackeral, this has given my diarrheoa and once I had a discomfort in my liver area and almost vomited, my mouth kept filled with saliva.  The saliva smelt of fish.  I've had mackeral about 4 times and had negative reactions all but once.

I take 1-2 teaspoons of cayenne with water and have 2 ginger teas per day.  This is to help with circulation and to speedhealing.  This seems to reduce me needing to get up at night to pee.

I'd like to do a coconut oil detox but don't feel strong enough or have enough weight.

I'm interested to know if my adverse feelings after beef and fish are detox reactions and so actually a good thing or if they're bad.  Also any other tips, please, I'd welcome them.  I've tried several things to sort out my health and keep going in circles, it's quite depressing actually, up until 3 years ago I ate ok, plenty of rubbish and had next to no health issues, now my health seems as weak as anything  :'(

I'm in my mid-30s, male and live in the U.K.  I get my meat from a local organic butcher every week.  The organs are always fresh, the beef has been hanging for a while.  I'm yet to do high meat or have white meat, only beef and lamb and a little mackeral, I'm a little scared.  I go to bed at 1030 and the alarm goes off at 6:30, I probably sleep for about 6-7 hours of that time.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2015, 01:47:15 am »
Is the meat 100% grassfed? Do you live in London? If not, where in the UK? Anywhere near the coast?

For the moment I would strongly advise avoiding ALL cooked foods. Newbies to the RPD diet who still eat some cooked foods are seriously retarding their health-recovery. You see, the body needs time to deal with the toxins from cooked foods and expel them from the body via detox etc., and that means the body has fewer resources and time left to actually heal the body.

I would also suggest Intermittent Fasting, which means eating 1 large meal a day within a 4 hour period  without consuming anything else except water. Alternate-day fasting where you just eat 1 large meal withina  4 hour period every 48 hours is, imo, even better, if you have the endurance to deal with the fasting days.
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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2015, 02:35:56 am »
Garlic and cloves for extra help against candida? Though if issues with gut, best not overdo these, as they can irritate (maybe 3 days in a row and then skip another 3?). And if candida issue is big, the candida die-off releases toxins which can make the head ache, cause tummy issues and fatigue, and can make the skin bad. Too much candida-killing foods can this way cause issues, though temporary, but potentially nasty and quite uncomfortable.
Cayenne and ginger every day might be a bit too much for the stomach and gut. Maybe skip 3 days after every 3 days, or something like that? These and garlic and cloves best taken on the same days, as they have similar effects.

"Undigestible" carbohydrates like resistant starch, inulin, etc., to help feed beneficial gut bacteria who in turn produce from them fatty acids your gut needs for proper functioning. Raw root vegetables.
Simple potato starch the easiest. If potato starch then best to start with small amounts and go gradually bigger over a week or two, otherwise can cause big gas and other discomfort in the beginning. After that gut flora should adjust to manage the increased amount of resistant starch, etc., without issues.

The adverse effects of eating beef and fish (and perhaps suet as well?) might be that at the moment they are a bit too much for your body to handle well. And so...
Eggs. Eggs are very easy to digest. Meat, suet (and fish) are harder to digest and so burden the digestive tract more. You could try a few days to a week eating eggs instead of meat and suet. This would mean for the body less time spent on digestion and more spent on healing the digestive tract and thus easier on the whole body. And then start putting back meat and suet.

Maybe extra magnesium? Magnesium chloride or epsom salt. Internally in water solution the quickest, half a teaspoon to a teaspoon in water solution over a day but not all at once, and preferably between meals. Because it is far far too easy to be deficient of it when having a "conventional" diet background and still searching for health.
Magnesium perhaps together with some baking soda (bicarbonate a good thing), and a touch of sea salt for better taste?

Sea vegetables for iodine?

Berries, like lingonberries and cranberries and blueberries? Wild ones. And black currants? There are many other berries as well.
Cocoa. Easiest would be cocoa powder. Definitely not chocolates (because of what is put into them, unless you can get toxin free ones).
They are good in helping the body clean itself. Vitamins and antioxidants and whatever else.

Stinging nettle. Preferably ground, and make some tea or just put into water and eat/drink it. It is rather high in minerals and vitamins.
And other green stuff like this.

And drink plenty of water, but between meals so as to not dilute stomach contents too much. Water essential for many things, including carrying out toxins.

Too much honey can raise blood sugar too high, which then can feed candida. Otherwise very good.

Those cooked starches like rice turn quickly into sugar, the kind candida loves. Plus the white rice is almost empty of nutrients and minerals. Nearly same applies to cooked potatoes, but they contain more nutrients and minerals.
You could try sprouted wheat or some other sprouted grains or seeds and see how they work? When sprouted, most of the anti-nutrients are broken apart, the locked nutrients and minerals freed, meaning nutritive value is increased quite a bit and the infamous negative effects reduced to nearly zero(?).

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2015, 02:45:13 am »
It sounds like you're hypothyroid, have weak adrenals, and deficient in trace minerals in general. Do you eat any shellfish or take a trace mineral supplement? How many times a day do you eat?

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2015, 02:47:21 am »
Because of the fatigue and possible adrenal issues, I would not suggest intermittent fasting. I would actually suggest eating at least 3 times daily, or even more if your appetite allows.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2015, 03:39:15 am »
Thanks for the replies, really thanks.

The meat is 100% grassfed.  The farm is happily just around the corner from my house.  I know the owners quite well now, I go every week.
I live in the Midlands, about 1.5 hours from London, not too far.

I think my adrenals are a little weak, better than what they've been previously, my sleep has improved and I get less stressed, but still weak, which may mean IF is a little early.  The homeopath has a vega machine and says my adrenals are not too bad.

For starch resistant carbs, is cooked rice which has cooled to being cold ok?  I thought it was.  I always try to have my rice cold.  Also I try to have unripe banana, one per day.

I love eggs, however the Salmonella in my gut gives me some gas when I have them.  Shame as I really like them and think they would work very well.

I don't have any fish at the moment, my experience with mackeral has put me off.  Any suggestions?  I live in the middle of the U.K. making getting a good variety of fresh fish difficult.  The mackeral was wild and fresh from a fish mongers.

I'm going to try making some high meat next week, which I'm hoping will help me.  Easy to digest.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2015, 03:43:26 am »
For minerals I est organ meat and have a little pink Himalayan crystal salt each day.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2015, 03:48:59 am »
Thinking about it, most if the beef I have is tough, e.G. shin or brisket, more stewing meat. Is this more difficult to digest. It takes more effort to chew compared to sirloin steak for example.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2015, 04:16:21 am »
Being next to London allows one, possibly, to be next to one of the LFM Markets, ie london farmers' markets:-

There one might be able to get hold of raw wild game which is easily superior to raw 100% grassfed meats, which are anyway fed on hay during the winter. In the past, from LFM markets I have managed to get hold of a raw wild hare carcass(=2-3 days of food) for 13 pounds sterling, sometimes as little as 7 pounds sterling.

If muscle-meat is a problem stick to a wide variety of raw organ-meats. Besides, most RVAFers report speedier health-recovery on high quality raw organ-meats as the latter contain far more nutrients per kg by contrast.

If you cannot handle raw wildcaught fish, try raw wildcaught shellfish instead...

If your teeth cannot handle raw muscle-meat, then why not buy raw minced 100% grassfed meat in vacuum-packed form, as that is easier to chew/bolt and a lot less expensive than raw sirloin.
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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2015, 04:28:40 am »
I would recommend eating clams and oysters regularly for a week or two, and see what that does for you.

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2015, 08:08:24 pm »
Do you have whitebait at the farmers markets? That was my favorite thing to eat in the UK, I wish I could find it here! Very tasty and an easy way to eat the entire fish.

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2015, 08:34:21 pm »
Do you have whitebait at the farmers markets? That was my favorite thing to eat in the UK, I wish I could find it here! Very tasty and an easy way to eat the entire fish.

I've never had the chance to do that, but it sounds great. I can rarely find fresh, whole small fish here.

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2015, 03:47:27 pm »
Hi Auxaarh,

Something which gave me an extra energy burst was juicing. It really helped. I started it before the raw diet and really felt better.  I would do more veggies than fruits though. One just needs to find the balance, especially with the sugar content of the fruits and veggies.

I find the recommendations of Stanley Bass also something that worked well. Less food quantity and  the Sequential Eating are two of those.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2015, 08:07:01 pm »
Yes, I forgot to say I often have a vegetable based juice in the morning. This morning I had kale, beetroot, ginger and celery juice.

I'm going to try for a more organ based diet, cheaper and more nutrition. Then have muscle meat occasionally. Off to the butchers tonight.

I'm keen to try a hot bath. I've heard Aajonus mention it, but in my copy of WWTL it's not really there. The closest thing I'm aware of is the cold sheet treatment. For the hot bath has anyone here got experience of it?

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2015, 09:23:19 pm »
Because of the fatigue and possible adrenal issues, I would not suggest intermittent fasting. I would actually suggest eating at least 3 times daily, or even more if your appetite allows.

Just a general question which related to this. I'm having red meat (including organs) 3 times a day. Is this safe / recommended?

My wife is concerned, understandably about the diet and the multiple times of meat per day being the big one.

I eat meat with either some veg juice or some fruit and suet 3 times per day. I can't really do dairy or eggs. Shame, love them.

Looking for a good source of shellfish, not easy in the Midlands :-)

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2015, 10:05:10 pm »

Just a general question which related to this. I'm having red meat (including organs) 3 times a day. Is this safe / recommended?

My wife is concerned, understandably about the diet and the multiple times of meat per day being the big one.

I eat meat with either some veg juice or some fruit and suet 3 times per day. I can't really do dairy or eggs. Shame, love them.

Looking for a good source of shellfish, not easy in the Midlands :-)

Make sure you are mono-eating the organs without any condiments, totally by themselves. As long as you are doing that you will not overeat them.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2015, 10:44:39 pm »
I have a feeling I'm not mono eating, sorry for the dumb question, but what is mono eating?

For lunch today I had some suet, some lamb and some beef. Then I had a banana.

Should I eat more akin to this:
Breakfast: suet / bone marrow
Lunch: meat
Dinner: salad, veg juice, fruit

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2015, 10:57:57 pm »
And if you find unseasoned organ meats or other specific food repugnant, try something else instead. Perhaps season vegetables such as parsnip, spinach, all kinds of cabbage (brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage...), fennel, old varieties of potatoes... Fruits like kakis, apples, peers, kiwis (some variety grow in italy), clementines...Try them unprocessed, so in their raw state, to see how you like them.

I would personally go for European fruits and veggies in priority, native or naturalized, but feel free to try exotic plants and see how they work out for you. My naturopathic doctor advised me to eat proteins at breakfast and lunch, fruits and nuts at "tea time" and "vegetarian" (so veggies and carbs) at dinner.

Of course she assumes that I eat cooked meat, which is why she advised me not to eat some at dinner, as cooked meat takes more time to digest and could cause trouble during sleep. I don't know at what time during the day our ancestors went hunting, or at what time they ate the organs and meat they foraged. It could've varied a lot, or they could've had a certain daily routine regarding which food they went for first. Anyways, the main rule during colder days usually is less fruits, or at least not first thing in the morning, so one meal of fruits at tea time should be enough, unless you feel like you need more.

I agree with CK that you should try and get your hands on sea food. My dad brought me a dozen of fresh oysters from the Netherlands this weekend, and they were lovely  ;D!
Also I have this hunch that sea food may make up for the lack of insects in the Westerners diet, raw paleo or not. They could have a similar nutritional profile, plus some iodine and salt.

Oh, and mushrooms. They're really abundant now, so try a couple of varieties, see how you like them.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 11:18:31 pm by JeuneKoq »

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2015, 11:13:49 pm »
Sea food needs to be wild right?

I've had mackeral a few times but didn't get in that great with it. Will give it another go.

Anymore comments about the mono eating would be great please.

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2015, 11:22:35 pm »
mono-eating is eating one type of food at a time, per meal. I guess you can count organ meats as one type of food, as I'm guessing a predator animal would not just eat the liver and leave the rest.

For example, a mono-eating day would be:

-organ meats (of one kind of animal!! not chicken liver mixed with beef liver etc) at breakfast
-muscle meat at lunch
-kakis at tea time
-parsnip at dinner

Some people also decide, when they don't have time to eat four meals a day (stop working so much!) to eat one type of food first, then if they're still hungry, another type of food, in one meal. While respecting some food mixing rules, like proteins first, or avoiding having meat and sweet fruits at the same meal.


-lunch: organ meats, then spinach, then apples

-diner: sweet potatoes, then aspargus
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 11:33:13 pm by JeuneKoq »

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2015, 11:26:14 pm »
Sea food needs to be wild right?

I've had mackeral a few times but didn't get in that great with it. Will give it another go.

Anymore comments about the mono eating would be great please.

Mono-eating means one food at a time, no mixing or condiments, until it stops tasting good to you. Consider different organs to be separate foods.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2015, 12:13:33 am »
Got it, I've been doing it totally wrong, see my meal plan above.

So I could have:

Meal1: heart
Meal2: liver
Meal3: fruit and veg, items eaten individually before moving onto the next item
Meal4: suet
Meal5: bone marrow
Meal6: lamb meat
Meal7: beef meat

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2015, 12:35:21 am »
That looks fine. Do you really eat 7 times a day? It's fine if you do, that can be very helpful for people recovering from weakened adrenals.

Offline Auxaarh

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2015, 12:40:42 am »
Thanks for reply. I don't have that many meals a day, just a way to differentiate between possible meals, so if someone replied saying that meal x isn't mono, or you could combine meals x and y and that would still be mono etc.

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Re: Low energy, ED, underweight, candida... A raw newbie
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2015, 01:35:26 am »
It's fine to eat one organ after another at the same meal. Usually you should start with the strongest-tasting and most nutritious ones first, so maybe liver, then bone marrow, then heart, then muscle meat, in that order, pretty much.


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