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Offline Victor K

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« on: October 25, 2015, 07:31:39 am »
Tips for depression anyone?

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Depression
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2015, 08:07:44 am »
There is this old thread regarding depression which may be a good place to start looking.

Also let us know more about the details of your situation, and we might be better able to make some suggestions?
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Depression
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2015, 01:44:00 pm »
High-meat/aka aged, raw meat is a great way to block depression for a time. The effect stops after some weeks of usage, but then restarts if you have a period of weeks not eating high-meat. However, one is not recommended to try high-meat until you have gotten used to the taste of fresh raw grassfed/wild meats.
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Offline nummi

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Re: Depression
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2015, 02:55:22 pm »
Magnesium chloride or epsom salt. Both are magnesium salts. These are "easy" ways.
But also greens and herbs and other foods higher in magnesium (which depends on the soils they were grown, unless from the sea).
More minerals in general.

One symptom of long-term magnesium deficiency is depression.
There are many ways to become deficient, not only magnesium intake related. Excess sugar (white sugar, refined sugar) depletes magnesium; harmed gut and candida/yeast; a poisoned and toxin-filled body needs more to get rid of those toxins and heal the body; etc. And of course other deficiencies, and balance issues, etc., can also contribute.

But magnesium is one thing to surely check and try out, the sooner the better. Mg is responsible for hundreds of functions in the body, has to have enough of it, or something somewhere in the body will suffer. Daily Mg requirement at minimum is about 0.8 grams (not the 0.4 modern medicine claims); when trying to heal the body, the body's need for Mg can be even 2 grams a day, depending on many things.

Offline Victor K

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Re: Depression
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2015, 10:32:08 am »
sabertooth: I just don't understand why I have such a high tendency towards depression. This summer was going great. If I spend a lot of time outdoors I do not get symptoms of depression. Specifically, I found that if I take a dunk in a natural body of water once a day I feel a much greater sense of well-being. I would also do about an hour of earthing each day which also seems to have a tremendous effect on my mood. I also drink water straight from streams and springs which really boosts my energy. Problem is that I quickly start feeling down when I spend any length of time at my house, and I don't know why this is. I just do not feel good when I'm at home. So, with sub-freezing temperatures already here in Canada. I am finding myself in my house a lot more. and I am starting to down again.

TylerDurden: I usually eat a piece of high meat every morning.

nummi: Magnesium eh? that may be why I get a big boost from drinking from streams, the extra minerals, idk though. I usually eat atleast 1 avocado each day...

anyways going to soccer practice. I'm just frustrated. Why do I get depressed so easily?

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Re: Depression
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2015, 02:43:05 pm »
Minerals also absorb through skin, so a reason swimming can make feel good. Clean and pure natural water also has good molecular structure.
Is there wifi and other EM radiation at your home? These are harmful waves-frequencies thus harm the body, in turn increasing the need for minerals and good water.

Everything has an "etheric" source or "counterpart", and that etheric part of the world can become conditioned. Conditioned with "tones" of bad mood and bad health.
There's also the energies and molecules the body radiates and excretes. Bad mood and bad health have their corresponding energies and molecules, which effect the "matter" at your home, they give your home the "stench" of low health and illness.
So if you've experienced bad health and bad mood more than good health and good mood... But if you've suddenly made changes, changes big enough, thus increasing your health and mood quickly. But your home hasn't changed as quickly. So there's a huge difference you can't but notice emotionally-mentally, which is translated as "this is not a good place for me; I don't want to be here". Then imagine living for long periods in places your body nor your conscious-subconscious does not like, and gives hints of this to you for example in bad mood.
Point being your home might not correspond to your present state of being or your present direction of life, but to a state of your past. Cleaning, freshening, airing the home, perhaps even use good scents you like (I dried some mint about two months ago, to store some for later use... but the scent was nice, very nice), and other good things.
If your environment reflects illness (or any state other than the one you're after), then it's harder to acquire good health.

Other things too... Like "What do I want to do with my life?" "What do I want my life to be like?" "What world do I want to live in?" "How can I get where I want?" "Who am I?"

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Depression
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2015, 03:30:59 pm »
Eating high-meat too frequently usually results in a loss of the beneficial mood-boosting effect. One has to stop for a few weeks and start again. Alternatively, some people need to eat much larger amounts of high-meat to get an effect. I once had a success eating a full plate of high-meat a day and nothing else but water for a couple of weeks as an experiment, and it worked very well.

Alternatively, try brainwave entrainment. I have recently been using neuroprogrammer 3 Ultimate  on my PC, a downloadable piece of software requiring only headphones, and it has helped enormously to improve my ability to study and to wake me up if I am tired etc. etc. I had read that decades of stress can easily cause brain-damage so I figured I might find this sort of thing useful, especially as I get older.
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Offline Ioanna

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Re: Depression
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2015, 08:54:56 pm »
Just some quick ideas…

Do you get enough sleep in complete darkness, and during hours of circadian rhythm?
Do you get enough sunlight?
Do you practice meditation, proper breathing techniques, and gratitude?
Exercise HIIT at least 20 minutes a day?
Have well-being on level of profession, community, finance, relationships, health?… which ones need work vs the ones you can find gratitude?

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Depression
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2015, 08:56:50 pm »
One more…
Eating the right foods for you is as important as not eating the wrong foods. Are you adhering to a diet and eating enough throughout the day?

Offline goodsamaritan

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Re: Depression
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2015, 08:57:36 pm »
sabertooth: I just don't understand why I have such a high tendency towards depression. This summer was going great. If I spend a lot of time outdoors I do not get symptoms of depression. Specifically, I found that if I take a dunk in a natural body of water once a day I feel a much greater sense of well-being. I would also do about an hour of earthing each day which also seems to have a tremendous effect on my mood. I also drink water straight from streams and springs which really boosts my energy. Problem is that I quickly start feeling down when I spend any length of time at my house, and I don't know why this is. I just do not feel good when I'm at home. So, with sub-freezing temperatures already here in Canada. I am finding myself in my house a lot more. and I am starting to down again.

TylerDurden: I usually eat a piece of high meat every morning.

nummi: Magnesium eh? that may be why I get a big boost from drinking from streams, the extra minerals, idk though. I usually eat atleast 1 avocado each day...

anyways going to soccer practice. I'm just frustrated. Why do I get depressed so easily?

Your house is making you sick.
You said so yourself.
Time to move.
Move to a house that will not make you feel depressed.
Maybe your house has bad EMF from cell phones, or electricals.
Maybe your house has fungus, molds and other chemicals.
Move, move move.

Plan it. Experiment by sleeping over in other people's houses.
It could be your bed.
It could be your lights.

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Offline Ioanna

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Re: Depression
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2015, 09:00:09 pm »
Missed your second post, was just about to write along the lines of GS.

Offline Alive

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Re: Depression
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2015, 11:01:36 pm »
Use active language - you are not depressed, you are doing depression.
Instead of doing depression choose to do something life enhancing.

Our brains make terrible masters, but great slaves - get clear on what you want and tell your brain to do it.

You may have negative mental / spiritual associations with house because you have had feelings there that you would have preferred not to have had and they are now linked into your system. These can be cleared. I am now sleeping in a bed that I couldn't sleep in for years due to the linkages to an extremely stressful situation.

Take a look at David Snyders videos on youtube, our brain is like a deep ocean and all we are aware of is the waves on the surface, with more understanding of the coding system used for the depths of this ocean you can create amazing improvements:

These days I choose to do happiness, gratitude, usefulness, action, exercise...

Offline Victor K

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Re: Depression
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2015, 08:08:48 am »
Great advice guys, much appreciated.

nummi: I do have WiFi. Also have the cordless phones. Could easily change the phones. For the WiFi I would have to hardwire some Coax downstairs to appease my brother if I want to change it. I have been suspecting electrical pollution as a potential problem for me at this house. People in my family laughed in my face when I suggested it. Kind of discouraged me to be proactive about it.

Tyler: how long did you have to do NP3 to notice benefits? What are you typically listening to?

Ionna: Hmm I usually am able to get a full 8 hours of sleep between 930 PM and 0530. Adequate sunlight? Doubtful. I am currently doing the electrical for a parkade. Lately it is normal to not see the sun until end of day at 315 PM. I was doing the Wim-Hof cold training and breathing exercises. Lately I haven't had the motivation to. I like doing meditation & yoga on a sunny day on the grass. Getting too cold now for that and I don't enjoy doing it at home. Don't really have the energy for HIIT right now. But I definitely get it twice a week on soccer practice & games. I like to think I eat very well. I eat raw beef or bison 3-4x a day(sometimes raw chicken too). I eat a small portion of white rice mixed with avocado and beef most days. I make smoothies with 6 eggs, a banana and some avocado and drink that throughout the day. Usually have another serving of fruit at some point in day. Eat a little bit of bland fruit. Sometimes juice celery. And I recently sourced some raw goats milk so I drink 2.5 l of that a week now without adverse effects. I wish I could do more of the stuff AV recommends like frequently eat raw cheese. And have access to raw butter.
I have mixed feelings about the work I do. I like the actual work that I do. But I really do not like environment that the work takes place in. Commercial electrical construction is very drab. I don't have a good foundation of community and relationships.

goodsamaritan: Good idea :)  I have been mulling over the idea of moving to the countryside. I feel crazy good when I am out hiking/camping for a few days so maybe the countryside would do me good. Maybe find a farmer that would give me cheap rent if I give a helping hand in my spare time. Anyone have opinions about Vancouver Island? Planning to do a 1-2 month trip out there next spring.

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Depression
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2015, 10:23:30 am »
You wrote about chronic fatigue some months back. Has that resolved?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Depression
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2015, 12:17:25 pm »

Tyler: how long did you have to do NP3 to notice benefits? What are you typically listening to?

I got quick results after listening a couple of times. The sessions I listen to are "reduce anxiety now", "improve cognition", "wake-up(caffeine replacement)" and "intense mental workout". These all involve different brainwave patterns in each session. Anyway, they work well. I think there is one session for depression.
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Re: Depression
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2015, 03:16:55 pm »
Me and my 2 boys moved out of our little house in the family compound due to some allergen from the trees and the roof.  Probably fungus and mold and itchy caterpillar hair and other allergens.

I got a new apartment in the same village.

My wife is stubborn still in the main house... she is not affected as much, but our daughter got her itches and coughs.

I called in a tree pruner and he made good progress clearing our jungle, cleaned the roof gutters of soil, mold, mushrooms, etc., but I'm not waiting around if that is enough.

My boy almost got kicked out of school because of too many absences, he has recovered now.

I spent a lot in moving and getting well, but if I did not, I and my boy would have died. 

2 of our maids went home one after the other due to illness too.

What we had in common in blood tests was high eunosophils... some kind of allergen, what is it?  I don't care.

When you have to go, you go.  Find out the allergen later.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 03:22:03 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Offline Victor K

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Re: Depression
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2015, 08:25:36 am »
Ioaonna: The chronic fatigue that had I wrote about earlier is for the most part gone. I discovered on a week long hiking & camping trip that my body can and will produce tons of energy if I get the right stimulus. On this trip I would jump in a natural body of water every day. I also drank from nothing but streams and springs that entire trip. And being out in the fresh air and sunshine does a lot of good of course. At the end of the trip we were doing 5 1/2 hour day hikes(in some of the most awesome places I've ever experienced). No fatigue. I felt for once in my life that I was fighting with my body instead of against it. I discovered the book 'Earthing' and had a few 'a-ha' moments when I read it. The dunks in lakes I was doing for Wim Hof training are actually 'super-earthing'. This is an aspect of physiology. I started intentionally earthing as a result of reading the book 'Earthing'. It really does keep the fatigue away for me. It's one of those things you just have to try it before you knock it.  When I started this thread I realized I had stopped dunking for a week. So I've started again(despite the weather) and my mood is already much better. Thanks for the inquisitive feedback guys it has made it more clear on what I should do simply writing this. There is still something that really bothers me though: I have been unable to attain the level of well-being I experienced during my trip regardless of what I do in the city. I was incredibly happy. My endurance was literally insane. I was playing hour and a half soccer games sprinting the entire game. My mental acuity had greatly improved. An example being that I have stuttered since I was 5. The stutter was 95% gone. Not only that, I felt I could properly form sentences and thoughts and convey them to others much better(something I struggle with ) My motivation was at a level where I was planning the future and things were looking good. I lost all these benefits within two weeks of being home(and working). It sucks because I can't pinpoint what are the worst health offenders of this city life. Not earthing was a big one. 40 hours a week of dusty construction air and bad lighting might be bad. Don't believe it's the worst thing though. I think I may have to get away from EMF's. A move might be in order as GS said. It's been something I've been mulling over recently anyways. Just frustrating knowing how I should feel under the right conditions.

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Re: Depression
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2015, 09:00:34 am »
I am familiar with the book, and so much love my barefoot hiking days!

I have been unable to attain the level of well-being I experienced during my trip regardless of what I do in the city.

Just frustrating knowing how I should feel under the right conditions.

I could have written these sentences myself. Although diet has done so much for me, a complimentary lifestyle is simply fantastic. I cannot figure out how to have the resources for the first while living the latter, but I try to find some balance. 

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Re: Depression
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2015, 10:05:23 am »
I too can concur on the tremendous sense of well-being, peace, at-one-ness, strength, stamina, etc. that I get from being out in Nature for days and weeks at a time. Posture work like Gokhale helps some to retain that during everyday life, but not 100%. Maybe one of us will win the lottery and we can all live with them in a remote location. The money for the land is the crucial part, plus for buying animals to raise.

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Re: Depression
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2015, 11:14:56 pm »
Great! How about somewhere by the sea! Which reminds me… how was life in CR? I don't know the cons, but I don't think I could ever leave  ;D

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Re: Depression
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2015, 02:08:45 am »
Great! How about somewhere by the sea! Which reminds me… how was life in CR? I don't know the cons, but I don't think I could ever leave  ;D

The fruit is amazing, and the seafood is good too. The people are nice, but it helps to learn Spanish if you're going to the more rural areas. Making a living is the hard part. A job that you can do online from anywhere is the ideal if you're living there. I definitely plan to keep returning there for vacations, and maybe even spend winters there if possible.


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Re: Depression
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2015, 02:29:10 am »
Try doing things which give you the greatest satisfaction and peace of mind.   Listening to music of your choice, gardening, if weather permits, gentle exercise, helping others with shopping and similar things.   At night, relax from extremities inwards starting with fingers and toes and then let arms and legs relax and feel your whole body becoming droopy and dozy.   Read comforting books, and watch television programs such as party political broadcasts and this will all result in the deepest and most rewarding sleep.   It is hard to relax if you have anxieties in mind, so try to put these aside and just drift off.   Try sleeping during the day as you may sleep more soundly during daylight hours, drink plenty of fluids, but do not rely on alcohol as a crutch.   

Hope you will soon start feeling better knowing you have so many friends on Raw Paleo eager to come to your aid!


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