Inbreeding is not a survival strategy at all UNLESS one practises natural selection/unnatural selection, so Islam is in real trouble as regards this point. Islam has many good (ie pro-survival) points in its favour, such as strong family values and a ban on decadence(ie no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs). The catch is that it is anti-technology. Christianity did change its anti-Science view in the West, with many priests even as far back as 1000(?) AD or so indulging in science.
I notice that White Muslims(eg:- Bosnia/Chechnya) have a very high birth-rate.
I see a different future, myself to you lot. I can see Fermi's Paradox/The Great Filter Theory in operation already.We humans already started a form of climate change c.40,000 years ago or so:- a massive extinction of species is happening and climate-change is starting to harm humans, such as the various Great Droughts now happening in the US. That is not even taking into account the possibility of global warming.
Feminism is not the reason for the drop in population. The real reason is a drop in religion(religious people have more children by far than atheists) as well as the birth-control pill. Even Iran is having huge problems in boosting their population at the moment.
Then there are scientists pointing out that the average human brain-size has been declining for at least 10,000 years with our descendants ending up with brains the size of homo erectus in 10,000 years from now.
The Singularity, imo, is unlikely to happen. Bruce Sterling, the Futurist and SF writer who was one of the teo main ones to write about the Singularity, has pointed out that it is just hubristic and unlikely. I reckon Huebner's points about a new coming Dark Age sound more logical. Even if strong AI is created, humanity will not be able to benefit unless mind-uploading becomes possible, with many scientists pointing out its impossibility.
Hmm, on the other hand, if Libertarian eugenics became possible things could happen... Imagine TV commercials offering the GE-introduction of DNA into one's testicles from a Maths medal winner like the Fields Medal(the Nobel Prize is a purely politically-influenced award so meaningless as a measure of intelligence), or people being able to choose how their embryos will later look in adulthood etc.