Im doing it cause i was reading and listening to "angel garcia blanco" . he bases is books on rene quinton theory that our body water is actually isotonic sea water. That is 35 grms of sea mineral salts per liter of water.
Their theory is very interesting, is one of that things that after you read them you say " thats kinda obvious" .
They say all vertebrate animals inner fluids are isotonic sea water.
Eating raw vertebrate animals is like eating sea water (70%). It has the perfect ratio of minerals does not matter too much what animal it is. If it is healthy, it has the right ratio.
Oysters molluscs and the like are "hypertonic fluid" , bigger concentration of salts, thats why they taste salty even if you wash them. But not fish, fish are vertebrates.
They say drinking isotonic sea water is the quickest way to improve health.
It makes a lot of sense. Now its time to find out. Personally im liking every day more. And feeling better, more controlled, relaxed, clear minded, and eating a lot less ( just the right amounts and never overeating). Now a big percent of my diet is meat, i feel like eating meat and anything else.
All the books and info i have is in spanish.. I dont know if the same quality of info is on english. This old man has done a great recopilation work.