Why does it have to be seen in such a negative light, vertebrates are the most awesome of all creatures ever brought forth by the evolution of life on this planet, it may be true that the human biomass may reach the point of a singularity where afterword there will be some kind of biological supernova event....such is the way of it, there is nothing inherently tragic about going out with a bang....and just maybe right before that moment of critical biomass is reached a breakthrough in higher consciousness will be attained which will bring forth something even more incredible.
Plenty of morally decent celestial bodies had gone out in a bang, a frenzy of cannibalistic ballistics, the great supernova events of dying stars ejected their spent cores into the great beyond, and out of the ashes of apocalypse, like the fable of the phoenix, our world was born...as is above so is below, and it may be our destiny to go out in the biological equivalent of a supernova, in which the biomass of the more highly evolved beings, acts much in the same way as the higher density elements in the core of dying stars, and when the point of critical mass (or maximum capacity)is reached) the apocalyptic happens.
Its part of the unfolding of the nature of all things, to look to the future with the idea that if only we can reduce the biomass of these vertebrates, to a level that will be sustainable, will only insure that the world ends with the Whimper of the hollow men. In analogy, such an end would not be the progenitor of the kind of explosive event which would allow for the spirit of life to rise out of the ashes.
The biological supernova will come in due time, though let us be in no hurry to help it along, and it does seem within the human capacity to possibly be able to overcome the fate of worlds which lack higher forms of life, and are doomed to die with their star.... When this event comes, let it come, like one dances with an out of control loco motive....when humanity is at its peak biomass, then perhaps with the interconnected minds of billions, whom all share the hopes and dreams of the earth spirit....out of one last ditch effort for self preservation will bring forth the awareness to the answers needed to save the world from ourselves so that the life of the earth spirit can survive any train wreck of fate, and continue its evolution upon a new track...
The paradoxes are unavoidable, and must be accepted as an intrinsic part of the universe and of life itself. The growing of the biomass of humans whom need to continually increase the biomass of other higher vertebrates in order to fuel and maintain their awesome collective mental powers, which in turn fuels their technological enterprise... is extremely resource demanding, and is indeed not conducive to sustainability of earth as we know it....but we cannot ignore the reality of it, and to deny that there may indeed be an actual purpose behind what is now occurring, to reject it as something that is horrid, shows a lack of understanding, and this lack of understanding and compassion if acted on by those whom have taken it upon themselves to save the world from its own creation, will not lead to the kind of deliverance the green movement is praying for.