I always try to encouge people to judge the message and not the messenger, no matter what the media.... I remember years ago when I was ill and there was a large alternative health movement emerging, which was heavily aligned with the early manifestations of the truth movement. The Robert Scott Bell radio show played on local talk stations and he would rail against the Medical establishment. He was entirely right about the criticism of the corruption in the established medical science racket....but in many ways was still blind in the way they pushed largely ineffective nutra-ceutical products on their show. This was before I ever had any exposure to the internet media and regardless of the false solutions presented by the host, I remember it was the first time I was exposed to such radical thinking.
The station was a terrestrial talk radio outlet for pompous ass hats like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Humanity, and Michael savage, but for an hour every Sunday I would listen to Robert Scott Bell and his guest. His show for the first time explained to me the corruption of the Federal Reserve Monetary system...it is ironic to think about how on a mainstream station headlined by juggernauts in the realm of the talking head cabal, somehow managed to broadcast some raw and unfiltered truths which inspired an inquisitive mind to seek out higher truths.
The show was only broadcast for a few years before the station went under, and what mainstream drivel I have found on terrestrial radio since doesn't hold a candle to the kind of material that we all take for granted on the internet. Sadly, though there are growing numbers individual nodes connecting through the web through independent channels and has begun a great awakening, there are the masses which are lagging behind, chained to the dinosaur media. A majority of people continue to informed primarily through mainstream channels which deliberately censor and leave out the profound and often off the cuff proclamations of world leaders such as Trump or Putin, as well as ignoring entirely insights from learned people who participate in these global forums.
The interpretation and reporting of such outside the box material though covered in alternative media much better than in the mainstream, is still spun and misconstrued by the alternative channels, in a ways that can hinder the development of transnational populist uprisings. There still are many great logistical hurdles which prevent the people of the free world from uniting across all national boundaries to oppose the monolithic conspiracy of which JFK had warned.