Author Topic: Enriching ferments with natural salts.  (Read 1673 times)

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Offline ciervo-chaman

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Enriching ferments with natural salts.
« on: June 01, 2016, 12:03:14 am »
Hi! I have been thinking (and actually doing) about mineral suplementation.

Have you tried to ferment food mixed with salts, as to make the minerals 'bioavailable'?

I'm starting a zinc, magnesium and potassium enriched raw buttermilk.
With sulfates of those elements

I dont have the ratios for this nutrients. Can any of you enlighten me on this subject? I know you CK know a lot about this!

I also have borax to add. I'm just scared about the ratios (cause 1 teaspoon can be a lot of some minerals)


I was thinking on adding minerals to sauerkraut, milk (and then make cheese).
Any info on how to make minerals the most possibly absorbable?

When fermenting the mineral makes into microorganism bodies, coupling to other nutrients and water,so they are absorbable to us and we do not excrete them. Thats the point of doing this

The procedure is like this (the one i'm actualy making)
Put dose of magnesium and 1 teaspoon of honey to buttermilk. Warm ferment for 24-48 hs and them add potassium and honey and ferment for 24-48 hs. And so with all desired minerals.
 I was thinking that maybe i need another amino acid source to add with honey.

If some of you can give me info on doses of pure elemental minerals needed daily or some guide i will Really appreciate that!!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 12:10:21 am by ciervo-chaman »


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