Author Topic: Kratom?  (Read 3845 times)

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Offline HoneyBadger

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« on: July 09, 2016, 03:08:40 am »
Anyone ever heard of it! They sell it down here at the pot shop and I've tried some. Apparently it's a part of the opium family? I used to abuse opiates in the past when I was a young and dumb experimenting teen and the high I get from this stuff is very similar! I really like it and it's legal...just wondering if anyone else has tried it?
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Kratom?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2016, 02:45:21 am »
I've tried some that a hippy friend of mine use to be into, just a small amount, and it did have a little euphoric effect, but it was not my cup of tea, and it tasted a little noxious. My friend eventually quit using it after building up a tolerance and mild dependence....

I wouldn't recommend using it if you have had opiate issues in the past. Instead if your looking for kicks you might want to start experimenting with tonic herbs like Ginseng, gynostemma, sassafras...DMT or what not....

Keep it natural and unprocessed, use the utmost instinctive discernment when foraging for wild flowers.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 03:21:30 am by TylerDurden »
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Offline HoneyBadger

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Re: Kratom?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2016, 02:42:27 am »
SB, seems you might be meant to mentor me more than I thought! Haha I don't feel an addiction to it like I did back when I was a teen and trust me, if there was a choice for other psychedelics down here, such as DMT, I would definitely be doing it. Unfortunately, psychedelics are difficult to find here in the South given that most people are hooked on prescription drugs....huge market for that down here  -\  What is Sass though? I think I've heard of that before but haven't tried it...can it be bought legally?
"Each of us a cell of awareness, imperfect and incomplete.  Genetic blends with uncertain ends on a fortunate hunt that's far too fleet." -Neil Peart

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Kratom?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2016, 04:56:09 am »
I have long witnessed the huge problem of drug addiction, vast numbers of people of my generation have had their lives destroyed..... yet at the same time I have been exposed to a number of individuals who have used substances responsibly and in moderation to evoke valuable experiences, some of which have the potential to liberate one from the confines of normal states of mind, of those trapped in a working class wasteland.

In a way I have been lucky to live in a city with many well experienced and responsible seekers....that have balanced out my experiences in the ghettos of abject drug induced idiocy, which make up what I call the working class wasteland. There are plenty of "yogis, hippies, and wondering sages who live life as a spiritual retreat and are always travelling to and fro, bringing back experiences, vantage points and substances which have enriched my life, and being a part of that has helped restore my faith in humanity.

Sassafras is a tonic root dug up by mountain people and used to make tea, or root beer...its legal and has a mild psychoactive effect, which can lead to unexpected and enjoyable sassy-ness....Ginseng is also another favorite of the indigenous people here.

There are countless other perfectly legal herbals that are perfectly safe to experiment with in moderation, as long as one approaches these plants and other substances from a place of well being with reverence and open curiosity.... instead of some pathological need to escape, in search of the perfect high.

I long ago discovered the truth about the prefect high.


« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 05:07:01 am by sabertooth »
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Offline eveheart

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Re: Kratom?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2016, 08:27:30 am »
Sassafras is a tonic root dug up by mountain people and used to make tea, or root beer...its legal and has a mild psychoactive effect, which can lead to unexpected and enjoyable sassy-ness....

You may encounter interesting warning labels when you buy sassafras root or bark, such as Not For Human Consumption. This dates back to the 1980s, when safrole, one of the main compounds in sassafras, was deemed by the FDA to be carcinogenic.

Safrole was then the main flavoring in root beer. The root beer industry quickly found a substitute, and root beer has never tasted the same ever since. I sometimes drink sassafras root tea - because it tastes awesome - and I never noticed any kickiness. I'll pay better attention next time.
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Offline matamorfysis

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Re: Kratom?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2017, 08:05:59 am »
Honey Badger,
Kratom is not part of the opioid family.  It is part of the coffee family.  Big difference.  It is an herb that is being used to help fight opioid addiction.  I belong to the American Kratom Association and we are trying to educate the public about this herb. 


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