I hope you are right, CK, still feel very squeezy

. yesterday evening I ate some raw garlic with ginger and horseradish to get rid of the little worms, I had nothing else. Today I bought oil of oregano. Also because I developed a herpes blister on my lip after the long overseas flight and after eating all day in restaurants and on the plane and living in air conditioned hotel rooms . I try to stay in the paleo context while eating out but all this cooked foods don't agree with me. This evening I will arrive in Savannah and I hope things are going to calm down. This whole america experience is very interesting, I should open a new thread about it. I did not know how completely different your country is.
Thanks for the link, GS, I will see if I can order it when I come back.
Honestly, staying healthy while traveling seems more of a chalenge then I thought