I don't hide it or advertise it anymore. Just yesterday at work a coworker I don't know too well came into the break room while I was eating to use the vending machine and asked "is that raw beef?" and I said "yes" and he said "ok." That was it. My good friend coworker who was eating with me felt the need to say "it's very healthy" as if explaining it, and he just accepted what she said and didn't bring it up anymore. As long as you don't look like a weirdo, in my experience, no one cares. People ask me all the time, and they're either interested, just want to ask a question or two, or concerned about the safety of it.
I've been on raw diets for so long (starting raw vegan maybe 5 years ago) that my family and close friends are super used to it. They also have seen me do these things for that whole time and never have any health problems, so how could it be bad? It's one thing for someone to think it's dangerous to eat raw meat, completely another to still believe that after watching your son eat it twice a day every day for 2 years and never get sick once.
I had a girlfriend for a while on this diet and she didn't care. She even tried cooked paleo for a while.
One word of advice that I learned after a lot of banging my head against the wall, don't advertise or try and convert people to the diet. It's just like politics and religion, people that want information will come to you and no one likes being preached to on subjects like those. And advertising it, if you make it seem like the central part of your life (which I did for a while) then that's all people will think you're about. Now I just put out the message that this is what I eat, I think it's healthy, and that's that. It's not a hobby of mine or obsession, and I don't "need" to do it like some unhealthy eating disorder, I just choose to. And if I want to eat something else, I will, I don't act like I'm religiously strict about it.
Just last night one of my younger cousins asked my advice about Vit C supplements as she is always having tonsil problems and other infections, so I told her about Dr. Ron's stuff and she might try that instead of synthetic Vit C pills. This is because I appear healthy and calm about my choices, not because I address the press or wear them on my sleeve all day long.