Author Topic: Disturbing Urine  (Read 7827 times)

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Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Disturbing Urine
« on: October 28, 2017, 03:49:43 am »
Well, I didn't really want this to be my first post here, but oh well...

Let me explain my problem. I have, since about six months ago, been getting very 'interesting' urine whenever I eat a very high fat meal. I can eat as much protein as I want with no problems, but as soon as I more than 100-150 grams of fat a day, eventually I get this. My urine starts out normal, then at the very end it starts getting darker and cloudier, until it's very dark orange and not clear at all. If I eat high fat for a few days it's almost red (or maybe it is red). It's just a small amount at the very end. It seems to contain tiny sand like particles. Sometimes it causes a burning sensation when it contains some bigger particles. The particles, no matter how dark the urine, are always the same color. Just a plain orange one. I am confused as to why I only get this when I eat very high fat, and not protein.

For context, I was eating a cooked ketogenic diet for a year first, then a cooked zero carb for 6 months and now raw zero carb for another 4 months. I got this problem two-three months into cooked zero carb.

I have kind of gotten used to this by now, and it's only happened when I eat super high fat (more than 200 grams, and I've only recently been eating higher amounts of fat again), but I am still concerned. It should be noted that I used to eat 500 grams of fat or more on keto and on cooked zero carb in the beginning, so I didn't have this problem back when I began. Obviously I eat 100% raw now, but the problem is still there.

I've tried searching for these symptoms only when eating high fat, but haven't found anything. Any advice would be very helpful.

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2017, 05:19:27 am »
Minor thought:- the Inuit have much larger livers than most, presumably in order to digest all the excess protein in their traditional mostly raw ketogenic diet. Perhqps going towards low-carb might be a solution.
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Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2017, 05:41:59 am »
The problem is, I have, as an experiment, tried to eat ridiculous amounts of protein without fat to see what was causing this. Even when I eat all the lean meat I could stomach, I had no problem. And then when I tried the opposite, eating all fat, no protein, my urine starts getting like this. As a result I tried a month of high protein, low fat... and had no urine problems. I can't imagine that somehow the protein is causing me problems. Also, I have problems with even minor amounts of carbohydrates, which is why I went zero carb. Haven't had any problems other than my problem with fat causing orange sand like particles in urine.

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2017, 02:09:48 am »
don't know what kind of fat your eating, hopefully it's back fat or bone marrow from grass fed animals.   Try this to see how much fat Your body wants at any particular meal.  Simply before eating your meat, slice each piece of fat and chew it slowly.  Then another, until you no longer crave or enjoy the taste of it, or have the desire to put another piece in your mouth.  Then start eating your meat, again, very slowly, but be careful in that beef has a much subtler stop than fat,, in other words you can easily over eat meat.    It's so easy to over eat both fat and meat/protein.  Excess is excess, and the body has to find a way to get rid of it.
    blending fat into meat is a sure way of following a formula at the expense of what your body may need.

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2017, 03:12:39 am »
I am eating grass fed lamb muscle and organ fat, bone marrow and grass fed beef bone marrow. I'm sure I get some more fat from egg yolks and lamb muscle/organs, as my lamb is very fatty.

I'm already doing that. I eat my lean (well, kind of lean) lamb muscles and organs separately from my pure fat (lamb muscle and organ fat, lamb bone marrow, beef bone marrow). When I eat pure fat I eat anywhere from 250-500 grams of fat at once before I am satisfied. I could eat that much again if eat later in the day as well. I don't get any negative symptoms from too much other than this urine. At least I assume this isn't good. The urine looks like a foamy bright orange energy drink at the end, but only at the very end. Before that it's normal urine. You also can't actually see through the bright orange urine at the end, it's not transparent.

I can eat as much protein as I want without getting urine problems but... I don't really want to limit my fat and then have to eat massive amounts of protein. Plus, I feel satisfied at around 100-120 grams of protein. Maybe a bit more if I'm really physically active that day.

Whenever I eat more than 100-150 grams of fat, I slowly get this type of urine. But 150 grams is nowhere near enough for me to be satisfied from. I'm guessing I could be eating excess fat, and instead of getting diarrhea like most, I get this? But it just doesn't feel right. I feel like I should be eating more fat, and this urine isn't giving me any pain. I'm just confused.

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2017, 06:36:59 am »
So, I've solved my problem by supplementing with magnesium citrate every day. I can now eat as much fat as I want with no problems.

I have a few ideas as to why it worked and what my problem was, although I am interested in hearing what everyone's opinion here is. And, any, more natural alternatives I could use instead of magnesium citrate?

Offline Grey-Cup

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2017, 08:44:39 am »
I am curious as to your explanation for the magnesium helping?

Offline Xisca

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2017, 07:27:58 am »
So, I've solved my problem by supplementing with magnesium citrate every day. I can now eat as much fat as I want with no problems.

I have a few ideas as to why it worked and what my problem was, although I am interested in hearing what everyone's opinion here is. And, any, more natural alternatives I could use instead of magnesium citrate?
Can you tell more? What is the problem making you lack Mg?
Green leaves have Mg. Magnesium carbonate is an option, but citrate is not that bad!

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2017, 08:47:03 pm »
My bad, I was mistaken when I said it solved it. Magnesium Citrate did not solve anything, and I suspect the only reason why it looked like it did, was because I was not absorbing as much food (as evident by larger and softer stools).

I think my problem has something to do with the gallbladder or liver, since it only affects when eating high amounts of fats. Perhaps I'm wrong, I would like to hear if anyone has any ideas. I'll be trying some different things in the future, as currently I am not getting any negative symptoms other than strange urine.

Offline Xisca

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2018, 09:11:56 pm »
- Have you thought about doing a hair bulb analysis? It gives the composition of your body in everything including amino acids and minerals and hormones.
- I think we have to bother about what is not habitual before it becomes a problem.

- Have you tried to up you meat in order to get more satisfaction fromm your meals without needing more fat?

And have you tried to eat another type of fat and see if there is a difference? Even oilve oil! Can you eat any nut?

If this is about liver and gall bladder:
- I have added 1 egg to all my meals with fat, well all my meals lol, and it helps emulsify fats.
- Then I do some cure of morning lemon juice with olive oil, when I feel heavy on the right side.
- If you tolerate garlic, it also has some emulsifier, as it is used to make aioli!

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2018, 02:12:40 am »
Well, thanks for the advice, but I seem to be doing well now. I did a liver flush (which did unfortunately give me acne from the lemons/coconut oil) and since then I've been eating fat multiple times a days instead of once to satiety. So while I'm still eating very large amounts of fat, I'm never overeating since I'm eating throughout the day. I've also been eating a lot more raw egg yolks recently (since I couldn't always get raw bone marrow) and maybe that helped, as well as also becoming my favorite food along with bone marrow and liver.

I might try to add an egg to my fat meals (even though I don't have any problems right now), and see if there is any difference.

Lemon juice gives me acne, while olive does that and also burns my throat. Don't think I should be eating/drinking thing like that. Nuts constipate me, so I wouldn't eat those either. I'm not sure about garlic, but I think I would rather stick with only meat and eggs, since that is what's never given me problems. The only plant based food I can remember that didn't give me problems was raw apple cider vinegar, although that's probably more fermented than plant food. I think I'm probably better because I eat fat throughout the day now (even if  I eat the same), although it could also be the liver flush (never saw anything unusual, so I'm doubtful), or the raw egg yolks (I'm more inclined to believe they may have something to do with me getting better, but not 100% convinced).

As for upping my lean meat consumption and reducing fat, I don't think that's an option. I can eat huge quantities of protein if I don't eat fat, and I don't want to limit myself to be starving. But as I've already said, I've also stopped overeating, which I think is equally problematic.

I've actually been thinking about doing some blood tests, not sure about a hair bulb analysis. The reason behind it is I'm particularly interested in minerals/vitamins/amino acid/fatty acids/hormones.

Again, thanks for the advice.

Offline tding

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2018, 03:11:09 am »
Perhaps you are dehydrated? I've upped my water intake dramatically in 2018 and have had much cleaner urine and feel better overall

Offline Xisca

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2018, 05:59:38 am »
I've actually been thinking about doing some blood tests, not sure about a hair bulb analysis. The reason behind it is I'm particularly interested in minerals/vitamins/amino acid/fatty acids/hormones.

Again, thanks for the advice.

There seem to be a problem with the lab that was doing this specific bulb test, so I will stay with the analysis I do with TEI. A normal hair test...
REALLY, a hair test is very interesting!
Blood gives you what is in blood, that the body tries to get stable,, BUT you know nothing about waht goes into the cells or not! Hair test is like doing a biopsia... and mineral ratios gives you your hormonal balance as well!

Offline rami999

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2018, 01:27:12 am »
oh my god is that even real ?

Offline dariorpl

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Re: Disturbing Urine
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2018, 12:03:49 am »
If a particular food gives you a particular bad reaction, that doesn't necessarily mean that the food is bad for you. It could be the opposite. If the food is promoting a detox, and the symptom is the manifestation of that detox, you could be doing yourself a favor by consuming the food that causes the issue.

And then to add a chemical made in a lab that makes the symptom go away, could just be preventing the detox.

And if it wasn't a detox but a toxic reaction of some sort, the chemical making it disappear could also be bad, as it could be making you continue to eat something you're not supposed to.

More to the point - highly acidic urine screams detox to me, but a doctor would probably call it urinary tract infection, and give you antibiotics to kill it.
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