Author Topic: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?  (Read 6898 times)

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Offline a_real_man

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Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« on: January 23, 2018, 12:18:39 am »
Hi all,

I'd be curious to hear what the forum members consume on a daily basis (type of food and amount). This may inspire readers in making improvements to their diets.

I'll start since I'm posting:
- 1/2 lb swordfish steak
- 1 tomato
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 bell pepper
- 3/4 lb lamb riblets
- 3 sea scallops
- 1 cup of raw milk
- 1/10 lb raw cheddar
- 2 tbsp raw butter
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 raw eggs

I evidently need more organs.

Offline Apani

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2018, 03:34:05 am »
I have no idea of the weights.

Today I bought a single pork rib, one slice of porkbelly, and one slice of beef neck. I left with bone, the belly skin and a good size of the neck fat (which tasted like suet, so pretty bad) for the chickens. I'm trying to see if temporary zero carb will help with my distended belly. Oh, and I had some bits of high liver after my meal.

In this period my meals consist of a fatty cut of beef (like brisket) as well as heart or liver. Mostly heart. I occasionally buy mackerel, swordfish or tuna instead. And I drink unhealthy amounts of honey or mead.
Hardly ever any vegs, also little fruit due to lack of sources (except for some lemons from my grandma; also, farmers started selling oranges and mandarins now).

I bought some wild herbs at my farmer's market the other day... ended up throwing them to the chickens.

Tomorrow I plan on going to the fishery. Ah, who I am kidding, I'll probably just ask my mom to get me a mackerel and sleep till 3 p.m..

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2018, 03:48:00 pm »
Today i ate ~
1 pound of beef cheeks
1/2 pound beef of shoulder roast
1/2 pound of beef back fat
Some green leek leaves of a single large organic leek

I was doing zero carb for some months but ive recently been eating fibrous vegetables mostly green onions or kale or leek though im slowly expanding. My typical day always includes muscle of beef or sometimes fish and beef back fat and then a few times a week i eat an organ meat like liver or pancreas or sweetbread.

Offline van

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2018, 01:25:42 am »
wondering why the inclusion now of the greens or onions?

Offline a_real_man

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 06:10:55 am »
I'm trying to see if temporary zero carb will help with my distended belly.

Butter might be able to help get your digestion moving, and consequently, put your stomach into normal shape.

Today i ate ~
1 pound of beef cheeks

I imagine beef cheeks are similar to beef tongue. If so, how do you eat so much? I tried cutting up the tongue into small pieces. It took forever to cut and then chewing each small piece also took an enormously long time. What's your strategy?

1/2 pound of beef back fat

In what form do you get your fat? Sliced or grounded? Again, I wonder with envy how you manage to eat such great quantities?

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2018, 02:23:24 pm »
I've been eating carnivorous now for about a year, and I usually end up eating this:

0.5 to 1 lb of raw bone marrow (24-30 raw egg yolks if I can't get bone marrow, doesn't happen very often)
0.25 to 0.5 lb of raw liver
1 to 1.25 lb of raw muscle (I do not eat this if I'm eating egg yolks)
Occasionally any other organ.

I eat beef and lamb mostly, sometimes wild game.

Offline Apani

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2018, 03:56:19 pm »
Butter might be able to help get your digestion moving, and consequently, put your stomach into normal shape.

Can't source butter, but I COULD make it myself starting by raw milk if it's really worth the hassle. But wouldn't animal fats work just as well?

I imagine beef cheeks are similar to beef tongue. If so, how do you eat so much? I tried cutting up the tongue into small pieces. It took forever to cut and then chewing each small piece also took an enormously long time. What's your strategy?

Personally, I buy a sizeable slice of tongue and just bite off the tasty inner part with my teeth - which is I suppose the way hunters cultures also enjoyed tongue.

Never tried cheek tho. I bought it once, it looked like tongue, but my dog stole it.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2018, 11:06:43 am »
wondering why the inclusion now of the greens or onions?

I feel that a large part of it may be simply a desire to have more variance in my diet as it was getting kind of monotonous since my supplier for meat has been out of lamb and goat for several months, but partially ive been looking at my digestion sometimes with all meat my stomach would get upset i would be nauseas starting an hour or two after a meal on occasion for no apparent reason as most of the time with the same foods i would feel great, but now if that happens i normally can eat something like green onions just 3 of them or so and it fixes it very quickly. Also my poops though for a long time they were getting to be formed better as zero carb went on they started to be more wet and they just were not improving anymore, but since adding the greens there now very well formed much more consistently.

I imagine beef cheeks are similar to beef tongue. If so, how do you eat so much? I tried cutting up the tongue into small pieces. It took forever to cut and then chewing each small piece also took an enormously long time. What's your strategy?

In what form do you get your fat? Sliced or grounded? Again, I wonder with envy how you manage to eat such great quantities?

As far as beef cheek goes i actually have yet to try tongue so i cant make the comparison there but i really love beef cheeks they are a very tough piece of meat but they are very flavorful. I normally just slice off pieces with a knife and chew and swallow like i would with any other muscle meat though haha i use a serrated knife and pick up the cheek then push the knife through in between my fingers and slice it apart while i hold it in the air as opposed to slicing it from above while its on the plate. I dont know if that makes the difference but it never takes me very long at all really maybe 30 minutes if i had to guess and im normally taking my time at it.

With fat i get it as frozen vacuum sealed blocks of sliced back fat, i will say there is a tremendous amount of variance with the fat i get and that has a lot of effect on how much i can eat at once. My number 1 favorite kind of back fat is golden yellow with black/brown webbing on the surface i assume is blood vessels or something of the like, its almost always incredibly rich and flavorful its what i crave most but i cant eat too much or i feel sick. After that i also really like the white/yellow fat with similar webbing its normally very desirable in flavor as well but not quite as rich i can eat a lot of it at once and its totally fine. Then sometimes i get fat which is very very white and is much drier and doesnt really have much flavor honestly, this fat doesnt really bother me at all its not like suet where its so dry and crumbly it just sticks in your mouth but the best things i can really say about it are that its fat i can eat that doesnt repulse me. The only kind of fat i really dont like is a pale yellow and appears very very smooth in its consistency, whenever i chew it its almost squishy and the flavor really puts me off though i can let it warm up to room temperature and then its not bad normally all other fat i love straight from the fridge.

I dont know if any of those descriptions made much sense or were very helpful, i definitely have to recomend back fat over suet very strongly though as ive never been able to eat suet i threw out 16 pounds because i needed the room in my freezer for other meat and i didnt have time to make soap or candles. I also have to say i cant imagine ground fat is very good at all, honestly ground meat in general is the bane of my existance i ordered 4 pounds at one point because it was cheap and i ended up feeding half of it to my dog it was just like mush like i didnt find the flavor desirable and i just need something i can chew.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2018, 11:12:40 am »
Never tried cheek tho. I bought it once, it looked like tongue, but my dog stole it.
This is actually really funny the first time i ever tried cheek it got stolen by my dog as well! I left it on the counter to thaw out while i was working out and the second he left my sight he went to the kitchen and i came out and it was in his mouth. I yelled at him and took it back though and then i rinsed it off and ate it  ;D

Offline Apani

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Re: Typical Daily Dietary Intake of Members?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2018, 08:44:47 pm »
In my case, it was my mother's fault for coming into my room and leaving the door open. Then she had the audacity to blame me for it.

Anyways, I let the dog keep the meat she had stolen, I had plenty more so it was no big deal. Also, washed meat feels tasteless to me.


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