Author Topic: Sun expoure and RPD  (Read 6075 times)

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Offline a_real_man

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Sun expoure and RPD
« on: February 12, 2018, 03:18:53 am »
Hi all,

I am wondering
- what do folks think about sun exposure? Healthy or unhealthy, and in what amounts?
- do you find that you react to the sun differently depending on your nutrition? E.g., cooked vs. RPD?


Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 05:39:11 am »
Pre-rpd diet, I would easily get sunburnt. Since going rpd, I find that my skin might become a bit reddish, and a little dead white skin may come off, but no painful red sunburn occurs. I will admit that I am not a fool, and don't sunbathe for more than maybe a couple of hours during a whole summer.
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Offline Apani

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 09:53:45 pm »
I also experienced greater resistance to the sun after going paleo. Also, facing the sun with my eyes closed warms me up and gelps my rather poor eyesight.

I try to get all the sun that I can. Even during winter, when a sunny day happens, I make sure to dedicate a few hours to laying shirtless in front of the sun.
After all, our bodies evolved to be standing naked in front of the sun whenever it was present.

Offline Fenrir

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2018, 11:22:54 am »
I cant say that i know a whole lot of science about it, but i feel that the sun is very important to our health. Not only does it feel great to lay out in it but it helps the acne on my back too, my skin on my face is crystal clear all of the time i dont think ive had a zit since starting rpd, but my back on the other hand still experiences cystic acne, not as bad as before, but still definitely there. However when i went on vacation last august with my family i went tubing for 3 hours and got very sunburned on my back and the next day my back acne was very near completely gone, im sure some redness would have been visible if not for sunburn but my acne is the kind you can feel as a lump in the skin and my back was completely smooth. I think that the reason my back still has acne is the lack of sun and air exposure. I tried to sit outside for 30 minutes to an hour most days last summer and it helped but i still had acne, this summer i hope to sit out for an hour most days and see if i can get all of my acne cleared.

I know the sun can cause cancer but isnt the primary food for cancer sugar so wouldnt a balanced rpd diet help limit the risk? Im not sure but i guess time will tell haha

Offline Apani

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2018, 09:08:36 pm »
I think the real danger is from laying naked in the scorching midday summer sun after months of getting no sun exposure whatsoever besides for your face and hands - that's what most people in colder countries do, and they have the highest rate of skin cancer.

Offline a_real_man

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2018, 09:05:10 am »
I cant say that i know a whole lot of science about it, but i feel that the sun is very important to our health. Not only does it feel great to lay out in it but it helps the acne on my back too, my skin on my face is crystal clear all of the time i dont think ive had a zit since starting rpd, but my back on the other hand still experiences cystic acne, not as bad as before, but still definitely there. However when i went on vacation last august with my family i went tubing for 3 hours and got very sunburned on my back and the next day my back acne was very near completely gone, im sure some redness would have been visible if not for sunburn but my acne is the kind you can feel as a lump in the skin and my back was completely smooth. I think that the reason my back still has acne is the lack of sun and air exposure. I tried to sit outside for 30 minutes to an hour most days last summer and it helped but i still had acne, this summer i hope to sit out for an hour most days and see if i can get all of my acne cleared.

I know the sun can cause cancer but isnt the primary food for cancer sugar so wouldnt a balanced rpd diet help limit the risk? Im not sure but i guess time will tell haha

Maybe it would of interest to read "Cure yourself with sunlight". I haven't read it myself, but have read "Cancer is not a disease" by the same author. I found the arguments convincing.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2018, 02:04:39 pm »
Solar radiation is healthy in moderation, its energy feeds our cells in similar ways to how it feeds plants. We are children of the sun and its rays when used in moderation have a beneficent effect. UV radiation at levels below the burn threshold actually strengthen and help maintain healthy genetic structures as well as promote positive epigenetic mutation.
New studies have proven that sun exposure can help the mitochondria boost overall energy production.

Vegheads may use this info to suggest this means we should all eat more vegetation, but I believe the plant derived metabolites which allow for ATP to be produced in animal cells in congruence with solar exposure, are also integrated into, and utilized by predatory animals who consume chlorophyll rich pastoral herbivorous animals completely raw.
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Offline madnomad

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Re: Sun expoure and RPD
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2018, 10:01:18 am »
I have found that I am better able to tolerate the sun when I have been eating raw (mostly pastured eggs and organ meats and some fruit). Also I don't seem to get as thirsty compared to when I was eating a lot of rice and cooked foods. Another observation has been that my energy levels are better and I enjoy being outside more in general (Sun and shade) on raw foods for some reason. It can get quite sunny and hot here in the subtropical desert.


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