Author Topic: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?  (Read 12131 times)

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Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« on: April 06, 2018, 04:39:56 am »
Why do I get diarrhea after I drink raw milk or raw yogurt, I'm fine with everything else raw, I eat only raw meats, eggs and dairy and I started that not too long ado, does it need an adjustment period? or maybe something wrong with the milk?

it should be very high quality, brand is: Green Pastures

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2018, 04:58:56 am »
It's only detox if it happens here and there. If you get such symptoms most of the time or every time  you consume a particular raw food, then you are either allergic to it or your body has decided it does not want to absorb the nutrients from that food and gets rid of it as fast as possible. Sometimes one only gets negative side-effects if one eats too much of a particular raw food.
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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2018, 12:53:56 am »
My experience doesnt have to do with dairy but i would also think that if you get diarhea after consuming something it would be allergy/intolerance to it and even if its possible to reduce your reaction through extended consumption it still doesnt mean it would end up being good for your health.
One thing ive noticed is every single time i eat raw shellfish i consistently get diarhea the next day, i love the taste of shellfish whether is shrimp, scallops, octopus, lobster or squid, i think they are delicous and they used to be one of my favorite cooked foods, but they seem to not agree with me now that everything else im eating is great quality raw foods. Fish doesnt ever give me diarhea its specifically shellfish and mollusks. I would think that over time in your life or throughout generations your body could become accustomed to eating something like shellfish or dairy and it would perhaps end up being something you could thrive on given time but i would have to feel like it would never be as good for you as the foods you were adapted to to begin with.

Offline ddk926

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2018, 12:41:41 pm »
The milk should never have been cooled below 7°C. You should try to drink the milk at room temperature.

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2018, 10:33:47 pm »
Raw cows milk is designed for cows. Humans should only be drinking raw breast milk. Good luck in finding any willing participants!

Offline dariorpl

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2018, 07:56:13 am »
Raw cows milk is designed for cows. Humans should only be drinking raw breast milk. Good luck in finding any willing participants!

With that reasoning we should not eat any farmed meats, fruits or vegetables either.
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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2018, 08:49:46 am »
With that reasoning we should not eat any farmed meats, fruits or vegetables either.

I don't understand your logic about his "flawed" reasoning. Could you please explain?

I recently gave raw dairy (milk, butter) a try. After a 1.5 weeks, I started experiencing horrible intestinal cramps, multiple trips to the bathroom with explosive movements, huge amounts of mucus in my stools, etc. It's been nearly another 1.5 weeks and I'm still not recovered. I have never had any problems whatsoever with pasteurized dairy in my life. I know this is just my experience and I am also aware that many people do fine (or seemingly fine) on raw dairy.

From a human evolution perspective, though, it seems raw cow milk would never have been available to our ancestors until the domestication of animals. I cannot claim to know exactly when that happened - obviously it was thousands of years ago. I would guess it was before the advent of agriculture, but probably not too much so. Even then, it's probably a small blip in the scale of mankind's timescale. Theoretically speaking, I would think cow's milk is NOT something early humans would have consumed regularly, if at all. They were hunters and gatherers...not herders.

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2018, 06:17:34 am »
Dairy, a neverending topic..

There are big differences when it comes to dairy. What breed of cow did the raw milk have, what breed of cow did the raw butter have? What breed of cow does the pasteurized dairy have? I found that I can tolerate raw jersey milk and other similar and ancient breeds very well, but when I had milk from an almost exclusively frisian/holstein farmer my body clearly said no. I drank one liter and i didnt wanna touch it again. That was a conventional farmer that fed mostly grass fed. At the same time I had no issue with another farmer that gave me jersey milk which was fed worse, with gmo pellets. Therefore I concluded that diet is not the major factor, at least in my case. I want to add that I have no issues drinking raw goat and raw sheep milk. Sheep milk and cows milk, especially from jersey have a much higher fat content, and i´m a person that doesnt digest high fat very well, so it can´t be about the fat in the milk. I think it more depends about the breed and about the following below.

Then there is another interesting aspect I think. I recently spoke to a very knowledgeable farmer and he said that cows that have no horns are problematic. He said that a friend of his is a butcher and often sells the brains to turkish customers since they seem to eat them a lot. He observed that cows which have no horns have a significantly higher compromised rotten brain compared to cows with intact horns. He explained that when a cow still has the horns, the methane is released through the horn into the air/atmosphere, however, if the cow has the horns culled the methane cannot be released properly and accumulates in the brain causing deterioration and illness in that area. Aside of the A1 and A2 differences, this might be another factor why some people might not be able to tolerate dairy, even if raw. Therefore it might be possible that this causes the milk to become of lower quality meaning some chemical processes take place which could cause issues for digestion that milk for humans. I did not follow this up but I found it very interesting. The reason farms dehorn cows is due to safety issues, because they can hurt themselves and the workers on the farm. When looking at ancient cow breeds for example in india, and tribes of certain regions, one can see and suspect that the horns were not deculled, leading to the hypothesis that this could be the reason why they tolerated dairy so well, also given the fact that the mutation of A1 didn´t happend that long time ago. Also Aajonus was a proponent of Amish farmers and it seems that he did well on their milk. And I do not think that they would remove the horns of their cattle, but that´s just a speculation. It could also be that he did not drink raw milk A1 milk of holstein/frisian cows. Whenever books about the healing affects of dairy were written, the dairy came from breeds such as guernsey which has the highest likeleyhood of being A2.

Personally I found that I cannot tolerate raw butter. I tried salted french butter and unsalted from a different country, but raw soft cheese, raw milk of certain breeds and animals plus pasteurized joghurt or certain cheeses arent an issue. It could be that the fat content of the raw butter is too difficult to digest for me. No idea. But then again, dairy is still a big mystery for me.

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2019, 03:40:33 am »
Never understood the dairy problem people have because I've never had any reactions. I heard Aajonus say a ratio of 2/100 cannot tolerate dairy

Offline Sol^Sa

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2019, 02:33:24 pm »
Never understood the dairy problem people have because I've never had any reactions. I heard Aajonus say a ratio of 2/100 cannot tolerate dairy

Imo it also depends in quality and your specific health condition. I do think healthy people with No digestive issues could thrive on high quality milk from ancient breeds of cows, sheep, goats etc. Soil depletion is also a thing. Or geography, you might thrive on eating raw dairy while living in Sardinia for example and not your current Location. Maybe one reason why many people are "travel addicted" nowadays, maybe subconciously roaming for nutrients like nomads? haha
I myself had that experience in a small coastal region in italy i was thriving there for a few weeks on lean cooked meats, leafy greens, salads, nuts, cheeses. Meanwhile here in Austria highest quality, organic (raw) animal foods so not fix my issues. Can't afford to travel right now.

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Re: Raw Milk Adjusting Period?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2019, 03:34:26 pm »
Imo it also depends in quality and your specific health condition. I do think healthy people with No digestive issues could thrive on high quality milk from ancient breeds of cows, sheep, goats etc. Soil depletion is also a thing. Or geography, you might thrive on eating raw dairy while living in Sardinia for example and not your current Location. Maybe one reason why many people are "travel addicted" nowadays, maybe subconciously roaming for nutrients like nomads? haha
I myself had that experience in a small coastal region in italy i was thriving there for a few weeks on lean cooked meats, leafy greens, salads, nuts, cheeses. Meanwhile here in Austria highest quality, organic (raw) animal foods so not fix my issues. Can't afford to travel right now.

Possible. I think seasons play a big role as well. Regarding milk since I can remember I have refused it and never drank it, I hated it and did not see why people loved it. Only time I had it was in a cup of tea even then as I grew the less milk was added. I'm glad I always refused it as a kid tbh. When I first tried raw jersey milk last year that was it, it tasted great, I then compared it to a high quality pasteurised organic milk from UK which was disgusting still to me hate the stuff but I don't hate the raw. My heritage is English and southern Europe both big dairy consumers . I have no problems . I know Aajonus said 2/100 people he has observed can tolerate dairy


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