Author Topic: When no Raw Paleo Diet Book/Wiki Project, then at least make a Video Project  (Read 4204 times)

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Offline jibrael

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To Senior Members:

It seems to me that our forum (rawpaleodietforum) is not so active as it was in the past.

I don't know what is the rate of new people turning to raw paleo as compared to the past.

When new visitor comes to our forum, then it is difficult for them to understand raw paleo. "Search" option is not optimal for the new comers as they don't know what they should search for. 

The best thing at moment is the informations to the newcomers section by Tylor (really helpful). But still it needs a lot more of material to become convince and to get the courage to go raw paleo.

Here came the detailed raw paleo book/wiki project, which was supposed to have enough informations to cover almost all the topics.

I don't know what happened to that project.

Any how, it seems to me that "Video" project may be easier than wiki/book project.

For example, Derek has 10 youtube Videos. They are excellent and I have seen them many times. But I know that Derek has written a lot more of informations in this forum in different threads, in different replies. 

So my question is, if it would be possible for the senior members here to make some kind of Video Project about raw paleo diet? Or at least an individual project would also be cool.

Therefore, my request is to make Videos ... videos about every thing from your life ... how you eat, what you eat, how you store meat, how you live, how you exercise ....  This is different than this forum where informations get lost among many many threads and replies.

Offline TylerDurden

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You underestimate the sheer laziness of the human race. Previously, we have had all sorts of people, including myself, argue for books/videos galore on the subject of RVAF diets, but most people are just too lazy to do anything. The one time I did something, a collaborator chose to "reword" everything I said etc. What we really need is an excellent charismatic, seemingly normal,  author, on the level of a Dr Atkins or a Dr Mercola, who is extremely photogenic and charismatic, and who churns out books and videos by the score.
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" Ron Paul.

Offline TylerDurden

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Also, internet forums in general have slowed down or disappeared completely every since 2004. Sensible people recognise that real life is more important.....
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline Dingeman

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Sv3rige is the one that brings in the most people at the moment by far. He does this with the video medium, as you suggested.

Offline TylerDurden

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He seems the kind of charismatic guy to follow. Trouble is that he needs to be also flexible(ie allow some followers to eat raw veg/fruit, warn that some cannot handle raw dairy etc.).He's also quite handsome, though female RVAFers would have to comment as to whether he truly has an appeal of sorts.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline jibrael

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You underestimate the sheer laziness of the human race.

100% true.

Previously, we have had all sorts of people, including myself, argue for books/videos galore on the subject of RVAF diets, but most people are just too lazy to do anything. The one time I did something, a collaborator chose to "reword" everything I said etc. What we really need is an excellent charismatic, seemingly normal,  author, on the level of a Dr Atkins or a Dr Mercola, who is extremely photogenic and charismatic, and who churns out books and videos by the score.

Once I hoped that Inger would do that task. She got the qualities. Although I don't know about her writing skills and she was not a doctor. But then Inger disappeared.

Also, internet forums in general have slowed down or disappeared completely every since 2004. Sensible people recognise that real life is more important.....

But I also doubt that one big reason was also the popularity of Facebook/Twitter which caused the closure of discussion forums.

Do we need a facebook account of raw paleo diet? Is it going to help new members to get in touch easily with us?

Up till now there 50% contributions by Tylor and 50% by rest of the members. I am following you since you were giving the answers of questions at another website. I started raw paleo due to you. And I hope many others like me also followed you from there.

Offline Dingeman

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I would start a video diary of some sorts about my raw paleo diet and how it combats my candida/depression. The thing is though that I don't feel like doing it because I am depressed. This sounds funny but is actually terrible. Imagine if I were to capture my transformation from depressed to happy and healthy on youtube while eating raw paleo. It would bring in lots of people because depression and candida are serious problems lots of people have.

Offline jibrael

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I would start a video diary of some sorts about my raw paleo diet and how it combats my candida/depression. The thing is though that I don't feel like doing it because I am depressed. This sounds funny but is actually terrible. Imagine if I were to capture my transformation from depressed to happy and healthy on youtube while eating raw paleo. It would bring in lots of people because depression and candida are serious problems lots of people have.

Waiting for your first video.


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