Guys, I think we're missing the larger picture here:
Again, excess carbs (the kind you get from potatoes, bread, rice, etc) leads to insulin resistance, which causes overproduction of insulin, which causes overproduction of cholesterol, thickening of the smooth muscle cells in the arteries, depositing of more and more fat in fat cells, overworking the heart, a pancrease with decreased function, etc REGARDLESS of whether or not your meat is cooked. So when you take away the carbs even on a cooked meat diet, you are reducing that response and regaining insulin sensitivity which WILL improve health and longevity overall. I'm almost positive that's why calorie restricting diets (in general) have shown to lead to longer life span - you have taken away the insulin response (in addition to reducing the amt of toxins from cooked meat).
If you go to zero or almost zero carb on a cooked meat diet, you are losing out on vitamin C (which you need on a cooked diet), potassium, and I'm sure a few other minerals/nutrients. Thus the need for fruits and veggies if eating cooked meat. Even if you're eating raw, many (not all) people still need some carbs to maintain health.
Now if you go the other way and take out the cooked meat in favor of vegetarianism, you suddenly give your body a chance to rid itself of all those heat induced toxins from protein and fat. Of course your health stats will go up and you will feel invigorated - at least for awhile.
The problem is the body ultimately NEEDS animal protein and and fat, even if adulterated by cooking. So vegetarians eventually decline in health. Although years of eating cooked meat (especially if overcooked) will also lead to health problems, if I had to eat a cooked diet, I would take moderately cooked meat on the moderately low carb paleo plan over cooked vegetarianism any day.... even though as a RPer I generally make my cheats in the direction of cooked, even non-paleo carbs.
Why the seeming oxymoron?
b/c it's a different conversation as you move towards the raw meat end of the spectrum. You're body is now under the influence of fewer toxins, and it's operating more efficiently wrt digestion and utilization of animal food sources. Introducing cooked meat to such a system is akin to taking poison + food :: now your body (used to high quality octane) has to remove all this crap, which causes a a cascade of reactions to eliminate those toxins, often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. However, even cooked carbs still end up as just glucose. This is not toxic (unless you're a diabetic with ketoacidosis), and is easily handled by your pancrease with insulin.
The big picture:
--High carbs, even raw paleo carbs, cause insulin resistance over the course of YEARS, not hours or days.
--Vegetarianism, whether raw or cooked, leads to insulin resistance and nutrient deficiency
--Cooked meat leads to a toxic body, and combined with very low carb leads to nutrient deficiency; however,
--Cooked meat for non-raw paleo-eaters is essential for health. They may want to consider eating more fruits/veggies and nuts than their raw counterparts, and even some low temp extracted oils from fatty plant sources (olives, nuts, coconut, avocado), but not vegetable and highly processed oils. These are not ideal for raw paleo'ers.
--Cooked meat for RPers is like taking poison + food, and thus, from a chemical standpoint, it's probably healthier to have the occasional cooked carb (sans any processed/cooked fat) than cooked meat.
--Raw or cooked meat, you probably should get no more than 1/4-1/3 of your calories from carbs.