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Offline chris h laing

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migraines caused by high carb?
« on: June 06, 2009, 08:51:34 pm »
So I've been trying to gain weight for a long time, at first on a high pro, low carb, high fat diet, but I guess my body doesn't digest fat well at all, so I was constipated all the time, and I didn't gain any weight.  Now I've switched to a high pro, high carb, low fat diet, and I'm only constipated on some days, but most days I am fine.  I have also started to finally gain some weight. 

But now I am getting these god awful migraines.  Last night was the third week in a row for me to get one on fri night/sat morning. 

I'm thinking maybe its all the increased sugar intake, because my high carbing has come from all fruits because they are more calorie dense which makes it easier to gain the weight. 

Heres a little background info if it helps.  I strength train three times a week, judo twice a week, and tricking./tumbling twice a week.  I weight 140-145, and am 5'9.  Recently I have been eating around 210g protein daily, and 270g carbs daily, with minimal fat. 

Anybody know what might be causing these migraines or what I should change in my diet to make them stop?

Offline Guittarman03

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2009, 01:43:28 am »
Could very well be the minimal fat.  Fat and protein are the 2 most important nutrients, as they have diverse forms that cannot be manufactured in the body (unlike carbs which generally all end up the same way in the blood stream - glucose).  Fat is also a powerful source of energy, far superior to carbs.  Tho I will give you that carbs can help you gain weight.   

What kind of protein and fat did you eat on your high fat / high pro diet?  Was your carbs zero or almost zero?  Some people don't do well with that few carbs, and even so, there is generally an adjustment period.  Maybe you could try an equal carb/fat/protein ratio, and experiment from there? 
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Offline chris h laing

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2009, 02:16:49 am »
Thanks for the reply guittarman.  From what I've read on these forums you seem to know a lot about the paleo diet, so thanks for helping me out.

And with regards to your question, I started off doing the zone, so I had a pretty good balance of protein, carbs, and fat.  Then I starting leaning out too much, so I dropped some carbs and upped the fat.  Thats when I started to get all my digestive problems.  So i added the carbs back in, and dropped the fat.  Dropping the fat completely has left me without my digestive problems, but now I have the migraines.

My carbs when I was low carbing were very low.  I would only eat veggies, mostly broccoli, except for a piece of fruit after a workout.  I feel I had already gone through the period where my body shifts from using carbs to using fat as the energy source during my days with the rx'd zone, so I dont think that was part of it.

And I am thinking about trying something like a more balanced diet, by slowly reintroducing fat back into my diet.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 03:17:48 am »
But You didn't tell us whether your low-carb diet was raw or cooked - it's a vital question :)
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2009, 03:46:55 am »
all of my meat was always cooked, i think id have a hrd time with raw meat...

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2009, 06:31:42 am »
all of my meat was always cooked, i think id have a hrd time with raw meat...

How do you cook your meat?

I experimented with cooked meat using grilling while trying homo optimus diet and it made me feel bad.
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2009, 07:36:03 am »
That can definitely make a differnce, depending on the meat and how it's prepared.  For example if you're eating fried chicken and well done meat and lots of extracted oils (vegetable, coconut, olive, nuts, etc), then I can see how that would cause problems.  

Have you thought about eating rare steak?  If you upped the intake of rare cooked fatty beef, you might do better on reduced carbs.
Not sure how you eat your veggies, but there's a good case to be made for eating your them cooked instead of raw.  Too much raw veggies can give me a headache - I do fine on fruit tho - avocado, tomato, peppers, all fruit.        
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2009, 05:18:48 pm »
I agree. Too much raw veg can be a problem re digestion(though a little raw veg is fine). So go for fruit.

And cooked animal fat is the unhealthiest kind of food there is, other than trans-fats. Animal fats are particularly badly affected by cooking, and produce far more heat-created toxins than other types of cooked food such as cooked veg or cooked, lean meat. Constipation is also an issue:-
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2009, 10:09:37 pm »
I was rid of migraines three weeks after beginning paleo. Forever.
At the time, my version was animal fat, raw meat, raw egg yolks and a little cooked veg.

I tried veggy fat years later, and the migraines did not return, but I also got cravings which tell me that veggy fat is not the way (and not paleo either).

BTW raw meat goes down a lot easier if it is grassfed organic and dried. The animal fat is still essential, proven for me because I get low fat headaches if I eat only jerky.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2009, 07:22:37 am »
And cooked animal fat is the unhealthiest kind of food there is, other than trans-fats.

I have to disagree with that. I would bet you my house that if I ate 100% cooked animal fat and you ate 100% white sugar you would die first and be in constant agony from head aches and mood swings within a couple of days. There are many foods, including all the neolithic ones, that I believe are more unhealthy than cooked animal fat. I think you're putting too much stock in that list of toxins, when we all know it was when people started consuming cooked plant oils and more carbs that most modern diseases began, not when people started consuming cooked animal fats.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2009, 05:37:21 pm »
And cooked animal fat is the unhealthiest kind of food there is, other than trans-fats.

I have to disagree with that. I would bet you my house that if I ate 100% cooked animal fat and you ate 100% white sugar you would die first and be in constant agony from head aches and mood swings within a couple of days.
Well, you would obviously lose the bet , as that involves wild exaggeration. Anyone could survive for a week or more just eating 100% sugar. Hell, there were times , pre-rawpalaeodiet, when I would just eat sugar-heavy Mars bars(or other sugar-heavy snack) and drink coffee or water every day for a week or more(I had no money at the time, being a student). Sure, it didn't help my health but I certainly didn't die from it.
Of course, it's all a bad analogy as peoples' cooked animal fat-intake generally comes with protein(and carbs for many) and sugar is only ever used as a topping not as a main food, by itself. And eating 100% cooked animal fat(no protein or carbs whatsoever) would , in the long run, be just as deadly as eating 100% sugar - no one can survive on such an extreme mono-diet.

There are many foods, including all the neolithic ones, that I believe are more unhealthy than cooked animal fat. I think you're putting too much stock in that list of toxins, when we all know it was when people started consuming cooked plant oils and more carbs that most modern diseases began, not when people started consuming cooked animal fats.

Unfortunately, the claim that modern diseases only began when cooked-plant-oils and more carbs came into the diet, is completely wrong, something invented by Weston-Price and frequently contradicted by others.

For example, there's the Kitavans who had roughly the same levels of health as the Inuit or any other native-tribe(that's not saying much), but who also happened to eat a diet consisting of 69% carbs.

Then, as regards the carbs comment, I notice that zero-carbers and even weston-price-followers love to use the general term "carbs" to describe the damage to health done in the Neolithic. But when we look at the actual evidence, one sees that the decrease in health in the Neolithic had nothing to do with carbs in general, but was mostly due to grains and dairy(and possibly legumes). Fruit/veg didn't cause such problems in the Neolithic era, clearly, as Palaeo peoples did not suffer from fruit/veg-intake, by contrast(palaeo peoples were indisputably healthier than those in the Neolithic, after all).

The other common point made by RVAFers is the notion that all those modern hunter-gatherer tribes Weston-Price looked at, were 100% healthy. Weston-Price was somewhat misguided, believing in a sort of nonexistent Rousseau-esque "Noble Savage" Utopian diet/lifestyle, so he deliberately ommitted certain crucial facts. For example, modern scientists have pointed out that one of the primary reasons why such tribes looked, at first glance, to be healthy, was because of the great deal of daily physical exercise they had to endure.Now, as any decent doctor will tell you, doing high levels of (natural) exercise will help  reduce many symptoms of modern diseases.For example, I recall posting on rawpaleodiet a study re the Masai where scientists showed that the Masai had the same atherosclerotic(hardening of the arteries) tendency as Westerners, which was alleviated, to some extent, by hard daily exercise:-

(atherosclerosis is one of the main conditions affected by toxins in cooked foods, particularly cooked animal foods)

The other problems with Weston-Price's analysis is that he judged his subjects solely on personal appearance. It is extremely likely, also, that he only chose the photos of those tribespeople who proved his hypothesis, while discarding the rest(there were no independent observers/researchers involved, after all, and personal bias is endemic throughout the scientific community).

Also, it has been shown, again and again, that the lives of native tribes were nasty, brutish, and short, involving frequent famine(and the occasional feast). Also, these tribes would routinely eliminate any defective children during very early infancy as they, unlike modern Westerners, didn't have the resources/facilities needed to care for them for the rest of their lives. So, Weston-Price's claims, based on frequent photos of healthy adults, that native tribespeople were born/raised with fewer defects than Westerners, solely due to their diet, is quite misleading, as it doesn't take that factor into account.

Anyway, this and numerous  other studies routinely show that ingestion of high amounts of cooked animal fat is very bad for you. I see this also in my everyday life. Those older people I know  who live off diets high in plant-foods and plant-oils like olive-oil(with the plant-foods mostly steamed or only  lightly-cooked) are the ones living the longest, whereas those eating diets high in cooked-animal-food quickly start dying after reaching  a certain age. Now, granted, being on such plant-heavy diets means that they suffer from frequent nutritional deficiencies and suffer awful pains(the main reason they avoid (cooked) animal foods is because that aggravates their arthritis/joint-issues), all of which they try to alleviate, partially, by taking numerous mineral etc. supplements every day, but  at least they're alive, unlike the ones eating lots of cooked animal food.

*That comment re cooked-animal-fat-consumers reminds me of Stephen Byrnes, who constantly championed a weston-price diet online for years , but who died at the age of 41!"*

That's the trouble with raw animal food diets, while Aajonus is such an obviously dodgy figure, rather too many people believe every one of Weston-Price's claims. I'll sooner or later have to debunk Weston-Price(and Aajonus) on Ah well, more work for me.

Lastly, I'm not sure one can simply label 1 particular food as definitely being worse than another. There are so many differences. For example, cooked  intensively-farmed veal is virtually worthless as a food, whereas raw, 100% grassfed bison/beef tongue  is very healthy indeed. Same goes for sugar. White, refined sugar is undoubtedly not worth much

« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 06:15:48 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2009, 07:36:07 pm »
When I said 100% sugar I meant that, just sugar; vs. just fat.

About the health problems being caused by dairy/grains rather than just carbs, I would posit that dairy/grains are the greatest source of carbs in human diet and therefore you cannot use that as an argument for carbs but against those foods. As for fruit, please show me a significant caloric source of fruit from the wild and I could begin to believe that paleolithic peoples ate more than a modest 5% at most averaged out over the year of carbs.

But I would take anyone up on this challenge, I will eat only rendered animal fat for a while and see what happens, and the other person only refined sugar. Pure fat vs. pure sugar.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2009, 08:51:04 pm »
I disagree with that Masai study. I think it's clear that exercise is hardly effective at protecting from disease. If they truly ate a diet that promoted artery damage like a SAD nothing could protect nearly the entire population. Researches 'speculate' that exercise protected them from heart disease. I speculate they don't know what they are looking for and are confused.

I would have to say cooked low carb diets are healthier than cooked or even raw diets with excessive carbohydrates

There are many studies correlating health improvements from low carb diets which are based around cooked grain fed meat. Nearly all studies showing (cooked) meat to cause bad health have not controlled for carbohydrates at all.

Diet's high in plant food tend to be healthier through better cooking methods and less processed food eg. Japanese food - raw fish, steamed rice, vegetables, beef, pork vs SAD of coke, pizza, fried meat, white flour, cookies, chocolates etc. Even if the ratio of plants:meat and macro nutrients were the same a SAD would still be far more detrimental to one's health.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2009, 09:02:14 pm »
I disagree with that Masai study. I think it's clear that exercise is hardly effective at protecting from disease. If they truly ate a diet that promoted artery damage like a SAD nothing could protect nearly the entire population. Researches 'speculate' that exercise protected them from heart disease. I speculate they don't know what they are looking for and are confused.

Hehe, yeah so over rated and often even harmful
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 09:11:49 pm by wodgina6722 »
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2009, 09:16:39 pm »
I still think 5% is still way too high.

Is excercise that important? look at Lex he just gets healthier and healthier!

5% would be way too low for any palaeo tribes in the tropics. I'm afraid that zero-carbers have only the Inuit/Arctic tribes to draw upon, so that they make the false assumption that every other Palaeo tribe, even in the tropics, also ate zero-carb - an incredibly unlikely scenario.

Re Exercise:- Exercise is, indeed, vitally important as well as being an inescapable aspect of palaeo lifestyle. Examinations of palaeo bones have routinely shown that palaeo humans had daily exercise levels(and physiques) at levels far beyond most modern men(equivalent to Olympic athletes or above). Yet, Lex appears to admit that his exercise levels are nonexistent, by contrast.

Besides, the fact that exercise shows such benefits re removing unhealthy symptoms from people, is strongly indicative of its necessity. On an anecdotal level, I've found that my skin positively glows and that my circulation improves etc. when I do a lot of exercise - this cannot solely be ascribed to the sun/vitamind etc. as I've gotten the same effect from doing exercise indoors in the gym.
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2009, 09:30:14 pm »
I disagree with that Masai study. I think it's clear that exercise is hardly effective at protecting from disease. If they truly ate a diet that promoted artery damage like a SAD nothing could protect nearly the entire population. Researches 'speculate' that exercise protected them from heart disease. I speculate they don't know what they are looking for and are confused.

Unfortunately for you, 1000s of studies show that exercise negates or alleviates damage from heart-disease. So, this is nonsensical. The fact of the matter is that that study shows very clearly that the Masai had a strong tendency towards arterial hardening, despite their diet. If their diet were truly healthy, one wouldn't even expect to find that.

I would have to say cooked low carb diets are healthier than cooked or even raw diets with excessive carbohydrates

There are many studies correlating health improvements from low carb diets which are based around cooked grain fed meat. Nearly all studies showing (cooked) meat to cause bad health have not controlled for carbohydrates at all.

Unfortunately, a far greater  multitude of studies  all show that the higher the proportion of cooked, grainfed meats/animal food there is in the diet, the higher the mortality-rate is. The claims re grainfed meat being better are in  very tiny numbers, by comparison, and that usually means that the latter studies are hopelessly flawed(science operates by concencus, after all, with credence being given more to the majority as, inevitably, no matter how rigorously studies are performed, there will always be a minority which have been badly performed.

Diets high in plant food tend to be healthier through better cooking methods and less processed food eg. Japanese food - raw fish, steamed rice, vegetables, beef, pork vs SAD of coke, pizza, fried meat, white flour, cookies, chocolates etc. Even if the ratio of plants:meat and macro nutrients were the same a SAD would still be far more detrimental to one's health.
I'll concede that many of the older people I know
who eat plant-rich diets often
tend to eat the plant-food lightly-cooked, but that just emphasises how much more important it is to eat raw than the issue of eating meat instead of plants.

And it's certainly highly intriguing that vegetarians do better than SAD-eaters(or cooked low-carbers for that matter(re longevity/heath studies on 7th-day-adventists etc.)) - and one has to bear in mind that vegetarians commonly go in for very highly processed meat/animal-food substitutes like tofu unlike cooked-low-carbers.
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2009, 10:04:55 pm »

About the health problems being caused by dairy/grains rather than just carbs, I would posit that dairy/grains are the greatest source of carbs in human diet and therefore you cannot use that as an argument for carbs but against those foods. As for fruit, please show me a significant caloric source of fruit from the wild and I could begin to believe that paleolithic peoples ate more than a modest 5% at most averaged out over the year of carbs.

Dairy isn't that much a source of carbs. That's only claimed for milk, if that. Butter and others are far  less carb-filled. And given that fruit and veg are routinely described as part of a "palaeo" diet, c.35% carbs being most commonly cited, it's absurd to suggest that carbs were hardly or never consumed in the Palaeolithic era  - at the very least, a figure of less than 5% carbs is a decidedly minority view among researchers, except as regards Arctic areas.

Re palaeolithic-era carb-content:- The big problem with evidence from Palaeo times is that evidence of organic matter is virtually nonexistent. The only evidence that is difficult but easier to find than the rest is evidence of bones(in other words, signifying plant-matter). The result has been that, until c.a few years ago, researchers concentrated on the carnivory aspect of the human diet. However, as science has advanced, better methods have been found which have determined the plant-consumption in the Palaeolithic era, and which are now, progressively debunking the notion of minimal carb-consumption in the Palaeolithic era:-

As regards fruit-consumption , nowadays, that's irrelevant. As people have pointed out, many times before, in newspapers et al, there are no truly wild areas, any more. Supposedly wild places like the Scottish Highlands, being full of heather, turned out to have been filled with forests before humans destroyed them all, over time. Also, I can only relate from my own experience in childhood,
 that when I went into much less civilised countryside-/woodland
areas than usual, that I would, increasingly, find more and more sources of raw carbs such as garlic leaves by the multitude(enough to feed entire tribes for ages), along with fruits during certain seasons etc. And this is at a time when wild areas have been practically ruined by human management/expansion. Imagine how much more plentiful the plant-food-sources would have been in the Palaeolithic era, being largely untouched.

But I would take anyone up on this challenge, I will eat only rendered animal fat for a while and see what happens, and the other person only refined sugar. Pure fat vs. pure sugar.
Rendered animal fat, like suet, would, presumably still have protein in it. Even suet, according to the USDA nutrient database, has 1.5 % protein in it. So, realistically, it's absurd to separate the various different substances within foods, as they are all over the place - even raw liver contains some carbs as do raw oysters etc.
 Therefore, such an experiment would be dud. Plus, if we are talking about white, refined sugar, which is at the end of 1 extreme, then for comparison , one would have to eat cooked animal fat(along with trans-fats produced by excessive-cooking, such as found in McDonalds). And, if we are pressing the point of raw vs cooked, then 1 person would have to eat raw cane for the sugar(where the hell could that be gotten?), while the other person would have to eat the cooked animal fat at an extremely high temperature(to the point of being charred)
, so as to justify the notion that cooking isn't really all that harmful.

By the way, if you counter-claim that lightly-cooked animal food isn't "all that" harmful whereas white, refined sugar is, that is not a fair comparison. After all, examples of very sugary but healthy foods being OK include raw fruit - refined, white sugar is at 1 extreme, while heavily-cooked grainfed meat(and similiar crap) is at the other extreme.

Anyway, the whole issue is a bit absurd as our teeth/guts etc. are clearly designed for omnivorous diets.

At any rate, I am not disputing that eating 100% sugar is bad for one, I am stating that eating just 100% cooked animal fat(0% protein) would be equally deadly if eaten for long enough.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 04:33:28 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2009, 02:25:00 am »
"Anyway, this and numerous  other studies routinely show that ingestion of high amounts of cooked animal fat is very bad for you. I see this also in my everyday life. Those older people I know  who live off diets high in plant-foods and plant-oils like olive-oil(with the plant-foods mostly steamed or only  lightly-cooked) are the ones living the longest, whereas those eating diets high in cooked-animal-food quickly start dying after reaching  a certain age."

How do you know that it is the fat in the cooked animal food that is the most detrimental for health ?
To my knowledge, saturated fat is less prone to oxidation than unsaturated plant oil, and can resist high temperature.
People eating a diet high in plant are the one who generally take more care to their health than people who eat a diet high in cooked animal food (including processing meat, dairy, etc.). They smoke less, drink less alcohol, coffee, exercice more, etc. On has to see the entire picture, not only what's in the plate.


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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2009, 04:39:00 am »
So I've been trying to gain weight for a long time, at first on a high pro, low carb, high fat diet, but I guess my body doesn't digest fat well at all, so I was constipated all the time, and I didn't gain any weight.  Now I've switched to a high pro, high carb, low fat diet, and I'm only constipated on some days, but most days I am fine.  I have also started to finally gain some weight. 

But now I am getting these god awful migraines.  Last night was the third week in a row for me to get one on fri night/sat morning. 

Anybody know what might be causing these migraines or what I should change in my diet to make them stop?

From my experience, the cause was mineral deficiency, and raw meat paleodiet fixed it.
It might not be just carbs, but what kind of carbs, as they all have some kind of nutrient blockers. If you must eat the pesky things, try whatever carb does not block magnesium uptake, and wastes the least potassium.

Aajonus claims that fat is a solvent and lubricant as well as energy source and nutrient, so more animal fat should relieve constipation.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2009, 05:16:48 am »
"Anyway, this and numerous  other studies routinely show that ingestion of high amounts of cooked animal fat is very bad for you. I see this also in my everyday life. Those older people I know  who live off diets high in plant-foods and plant-oils like olive-oil(with the plant-foods mostly steamed or only  lightly-cooked) are the ones living the longest, whereas those eating diets high in cooked-animal-food quickly start dying after reaching  a certain age."

How do you know that it is the fat in the cooked animal food that is the most detrimental for health ?
To my knowledge, saturated fat is less prone to oxidation than unsaturated plant oil, and can resist high temperature.

People eating a diet high in plant are the one who generally take more care to their health than people who eat a diet high in cooked animal food (including processing meat, dairy, etc.). They smoke less, drink less alcohol, coffee, exercice more, etc. On has to see the entire picture, not only what's in the plate.

The trouble is that the much older people I'm referring to are mostly in their 70s and 80s, and therefore tend to do very limited exercise(many do none at all, a few do a couple of hours a week at most). A few smoke, a few don't drink alcohol at all(most do drink).
. The reason they do so little exercise is because they all have arthritis by that age  so that it is quite painful for them to exercise too frequently.They also tend to avoid cooked animal food as it tends to aggravate such age-related symptoms.

Also, the various studies all seem to agree on this issue:- that cooked animal food contains way more AGEs than cooked plant-food and that cooked animal fat outperformed protein(or plant-fat) in terms of toxic AGE-creation. Here is a study, where butter(very high in saturated fats) is shown to be an extreme AGE-creator when heated:-

Now, granted that the relevant studies don't necessarily isolate the various fats(PUFAs/MUFAs/SFAs) from each other as they're more concerned with analysing the AGE-content of foods as a whole.But it is telling that other studies which don't necessarily focus on heat-created toxins like AGEs, do tend to single out those foods with the highest (cooked) saturated fats-content as being the most damaging/toxic. I think the exception is coconut oil, high in saturated fat, but, from what I understand, it's not usually heated as much as animal foods prior to consumption(?).

Now, of course, animal foods usually tend to be cooked, by most people. at higher temperatures than vegetables(the latter are often steamed or boiled), so there is that to be taken into account, but studies like the above one measured the various foods at the same temperatures, each time.

I suppose 1 explanation could be that while saturated fats are less prone to oxidation in a general sense, they are simply more prone to producing heat-created toxins. Those 2 are not necessarily the same.
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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2009, 08:49:12 am »
Unfortunately for you, 1000s of studies show that exercise negates or alleviates damage from heart-disease. So, this is nonsensical. The fact of the matter is that that study shows very clearly that the Masai had a strong tendency towards arterial hardening, despite their diet. If their diet were truly healthy, one wouldn't even expect to find that.

Never seen anything conclusive. Athletes eating SAD have heart attacks or get cancer often.

Unfortunately, a far greater  multitude of studies  all show that the higher the proportion of cooked, grainfed meats/animal food there is in the diet, the higher the mortality-rate is. The claims re grainfed meat being better are in  very tiny numbers, by comparison, and that usually means that the latter studies are hopelessly flawed(science operates by concencus, after all, with credence being given more to the majority as, inevitably, no matter how rigorously studies are performed, there will always be a minority which have been badly performed.

I haven't seen studies showing that increasing meat intake is bad when the rest of the diet is controlled. The studies showing (cooked) meat to be bad are done on high carbohydrate diets, which is the actual problem there. No studies show low carb diets full of cooked meat to make people's health worse than SAD.

Of course raw meat is healthier than cooked meat, but from my experience and data I've looked at carbohydrates and particularly very processed carbohydrates are worse than cooked meat

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2009, 09:17:45 am »
Exercise most certainly DOES help improve overall health, whether you're RP or not.  It helps to increase insulin sensitivity (which inevitably tends to decline with age).  It keeps your muscles and tendons strong and flexible, helps keep your joints functional.  It induces increased production of testosterone and growth hormone which help maintain youth and vigor.  It helps to keep you strong and keep your bones dense for those times when you have to lift and move stuff (thus helping to prevent injury).  It helps keep your cardiovascular system strong.  There are numerous studies demonstrating increased mental acquity and capacity in those that exercise vs those that do not; and even more compelling are studies indicating that physcial activity has effects on childrens' performance on intelligence exams. 
   -- "but look at elite athletes and their average longevity, it's much shorter than the average person."  A poor argument:  athletes often take performance enhancing drugs above the norm- which are not longevity increasing.  But I will give you this:  If you are an elite type athlete, even on RP, I would suspect a somewhat shorter life b/c your body has spent a lot of it's energy on growth and metabolism.  From what I understand, cells can only divide so many times before they are spent.  But the differences that occur in the body as a result of moderate exercise promotes longevity, and more importantly, quality of life. 
   --"athletes die of heart attacks and cancer all the time."  No one said exercise was a 100% way to never have that happen no matter how you eat.   

Cooked fat vs cooked carbs:  There are so many different types of fat, essential, non-essential, 6 and 3s, and on.  Many of these are used for very specific functions and are most effectively utilized when in their pure and unadulterated state.  Fats' composition is corrupted by heat - the amount of heat necessary to chemically alter depends on the fat, but these alterations leave many compounds in the product that negatively affect the health of the body.  This is in addition to the bio-chemical differences induced by the altered fats themselves.  Carbs however, even when cooked, by and large end up as glucose in the blood stream.  Sugars aren't as affected by heat, they tend to just remain sugars.  I'm sure there are likely toxins in cooked fruits/veggies as well,  but I'm guessing they are MUCH fewer than in fats.  Both products have a loss of nutrients and enzymes. 

Now both cooked fats and excess carbs (cooked or not) will contribute to heart disease.  I'm not sure the mechanism by which fats contribute (Tyler seems to have done a lot of study on AGEs and other toxins), but the mechanism by which excess carbs do the same thing is insulin resistance.  I won't get into all of it here, but obesity, high/bad cholesterol, diabetes, all have a root in insulin resistance, which occurs b/c of the overconsumption of carbs.

So everyone has their differing views on where we make our 'cheats' but for these reasons, I generally make my cheats in the direction of cooked, sometimes even non-paleo carbs, since insulin resistance takes years to develop, and I can mitigate the effects anyways with strength training.  I still try to separate them from meat due to the digestive issues when combining.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 11:31:46 am by Guittarman03 »
When you consume an organism it loses individuality, but its biological life never ends.  Digestion is merely a transfer of its life to mine.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2009, 09:24:43 am »
ps:  glucose itself does not cause direct damage to the body, whereas toxins and altered fats do. 
When you consume an organism it loses individuality, but its biological life never ends.  Digestion is merely a transfer of its life to mine.

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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2009, 11:55:28 am »
ps:  glucose itself does not cause direct damage to the body, whereas toxins and altered fats do. 
Some groups of people in South East (China, Japan) ate high-carb diet and lived very long (above 100 years)
but their carbs aren't definitetely our carbs
Do you blame vultures for the carcass they eat?
Livin' off the raw grass fat of the land


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Re: migraines caused by high carb?
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2009, 01:25:51 pm »
Also, the various studies all seem to agree on this issue:- that cooked animal food contains way more AGEs than cooked plant-food and that cooked animal fat outperformed protein(or plant-fat) in terms of toxic AGE-creation. Here is a study, where butter(very high in saturated fats) is shown to be an extreme AGE-creator when heated:-

Now, granted that the relevant studies don't necessarily isolate the various fats(PUFAs/MUFAs/SFAs) from each other as they're more concerned with analysing the AGE-content of foods as a whole.But it is telling that other studies which don't necessarily focus on heat-created toxins like AGEs, do tend to single out those foods with the highest (cooked) saturated fats-content as being the most damaging/toxic. I think the exception is coconut oil, high in saturated fat, but, from what I understand, it's not usually heated as much as animal foods prior to consumption(?).

Now, of course, animal foods usually tend to be cooked, by most people. at higher temperatures than vegetables(the latter are often steamed or boiled), so there is that to be taken into account, but studies like the above one measured the various foods at the same temperatures, each time.

I suppose 1 explanation could be that while saturated fats are less prone to oxidation in a general sense, they are simply more prone to producing heat-created toxins. Those 2 are not necessarily the same.

In this study, olive oil contains a high amount of AGEs, so the old people you refer to should be in a better shape for other reasons than the use of vegetable oil. For exemple, the way they cook their food generates less AGEs than the way meat eater generally do.
I indeed wonder if the difference between the amount of AGEs from cooking plants and animal foods is maiinly because of the way they are cooked : "Foods that are composed mostly of carbohydrates, eg, starches, fruits, vegetables, and milk, contain the lowest AGE concentrations. However, within this group, commercially prepared breakfast foods and snacks show signi?cant AGE content".

Can you elaborate on the heat-created toxins from satured fat ?


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