Author Topic: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines  (Read 7272 times)

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Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« on: May 21, 2018, 04:32:01 am »
I know a great topic and everbody´s favourite :) However, I´d like to know how it should be done properly and what the dangers are. I remember AV said that it´s a radical flushing of the colon and he didn´t recommend it. As far as I know it flushes out the good and the bad bacteria, remaining fecal matter, parasites and other "stuff". It´s also practiced by a lot of people during detoxes. But there are still certain question marks to me. I think goodsamaritan uses it for his healings right? My questions would be:

1. In general, useful or harmful? When not to use it?
2. How frequently should one use it. I know u don´t use it 24/7 but how often in a day and how often during a "detox"?
3. What time would be best. Mornings only? Or evenings?
4. What liquids to use? Some people suggest coffee (which I think can be harmful), some water with acv or lemon, some plain water. Then there are other strange combinations like chlorella or spirulina?
5. How to clean an enema sack? With water, "natural soap", ACV?
6. What to eat before and after an enema? And throughout the remaing day.
7. How long to retain the liquid and what positions during administration should be used?

I´d appreciate ur input.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2018, 05:11:46 am »
I'd stay away from them.  Very easy to get caught up in the dogma that your intestines are dirty and they need washing.  That's a never-ending rut.  The whole colonic industry is built on that fear.   Yes, maybe for someone who isn't willing to eat healthily... Let your diet clean all of the bodies tissues at its own rate of time.   Also, more than likely you will stretch tissues and depend on them for elimination and fear you're constipated without them.
   The notion that people's intestines have a build up of 'sludge' is nonsense.   Ask any colon surgeon if he's witnessed that in surgery or with a scope.   The reverse is true,, that what they find is raw inflamed tissues that are dealing with all sort of digestive maladies.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2018, 07:22:44 am »
What Van says.

It's important to let your body get rid of whatever it deems undesirable at it's own pace.
A paleo diet is a natural diet, meaning we eat whatever nature wants us to eat/what we are adapted to.
This also means that we must let our body heal itself in a natural way, the way it's supposed to go. There is no need to arteficially force a detox, your body will know what is right. Just give it the right ingredients.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2018, 05:45:26 am »
I am with you on this one, however, it can sometimes be a relieve in emergency cases. No paleo diet could possibly achieve that "quick fix".

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2018, 06:46:44 pm »
Enemas are TOOLS.

I have saved real PEOPLE with enemas.

Always have enema buckets at home for any emergency.

I am the family healer and enema knowledge is a MUST.

Enemas I have used to heal people:

Water enema
Sugar and Salt enema
Oil enemas (VCO, Olive oil)
Coffee enemas

TOOLS are no different from having a HAMMER, a COMPUTER, etc.

From the trend of your questions... it seems you want to know if enemas are recommended as a mainstay of a healthy life style?

My answer would be in the same tone as most of the long timers here... NO... not for a long term healthy lifestyle.

I only recommend enemas as TOOLS.

Strive to live a clean and healthy life... keep enema knowledge and equipment for emergencies.
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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2018, 11:46:01 pm »
my guess is that anyone reading this forum isn't of the mindset as those that you 'heal'.  That's my guess though.  Again, the trap of using an enema, is that it can be a quick fix and one that is too easy to go back to the next time you overeat, feel constipated, feel lethargic, and the list goes on.  That's why I shun them,, not that in an emergency ( and I don't even know what that would be?? ). The same can be said for laxatives.   Place more attention on learning what your body needs to function as well as it can. 

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2018, 12:31:55 am »
Given my own past experiences pre-RPD diet, I reckon Van has made  an excellent  point. Even people on SAD diets should only  consider doing enemas as an absolute last resort, and then only if they are willing to try healthier methods re diet etc. afterwards.
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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2018, 12:47:37 am »
In a recent interview that sv3 conducted with an ex-vegan, it was mentioned that bread and similar foods stick to the intestines and can cause problems. Perhaps this is the reason vegans suffer a greater risk of colon cancer?

Also, cleansing enemas, such as coffee enemas and the like, tend to be very popular in the vegan community. Any thoughts if this might be diet related, or if it's just a psychological obsession with being clean?
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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2018, 12:51:31 am »
Enemas are TOOLS.

I have saved real PEOPLE with enemas.

Always have enema buckets at home for any emergency.

I am the family healer and enema knowledge is a MUST.

Enemas I have used to heal people:

Water enema
Sugar and Salt enema
Oil enemas (VCO, Olive oil)
Coffee enemas

TOOLS are no different from having a HAMMER, a COMPUTER, etc.

From the trend of your questions... it seems you want to know if enemas are recommended as a mainstay of a healthy life style?

My answer would be in the same tone as most of the long timers here... NO... not for a long term healthy lifestyle.

I only recommend enemas as TOOLS.

Strive to live a clean and healthy life... keep enema knowledge and equipment for emergencies.

This is how I think about them. They can be used in the case of severe constipation or intestinal blockage?
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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2018, 01:18:02 am »
In a recent interview that sv3 conducted with an ex-vegan, it was mentioned that bread and similar foods stick to the intestines and can cause problems. Perhaps this is the reason vegans suffer a greater risk of colon cancer?

I don't know about vegans having higher rates of colon cancer.  But once you start to believe in cleansing, there's no end to it.  The mind will jump in and try to 'fix' .   There millions if not billions spent on cleansing, fasting centers, special diets to cleanse...  I know I've been through it.  Even goes as far as the belief that spiritual advancement is dependant on a clean colon. That's where vegans get really hooked.   Often their whole sacrifice is unconsciously based on being higher or more conscious than us lowly meat eaters.  And the ironic thing is the reverse is true, as the brain or higher centers are so dependant on glandular health and providing the brain and the rest of the body optimal fats and proteins.

Also, cleansing enemas, such as coffee enemas and the like, tend to be very popular in the vegan community. Any thoughts if this might be diet related, or if it's just a psychological obsession with being clean?

Offline norawnofun

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2018, 04:41:04 am »
I would also agree that they should be used when absolutely needed, if lets say u didn´t have bowel movements for several days or severe blockages. But I think it´s a better approach than laxative pills.

@Van it would be great if you could state your opinion considering your experience with other people.

3. What time would be best. Mornings only? Or evenings?
5. How to clean an enema sack? With water, "natural soap", ACV?
6. What to eat before and after an enema? And throughout the remaing day.
7. How long to retain the liquid and what positions during administration should be used?

I think many people might do them in the wrong way, because they read somewhere, somehow, how it 'should' be done. But they could harm themselves by doing them wrong or overdoing them.

And what dario said makes sense. Grains and similar carbs make the stool much harder, so if u have a compromised digestion these type of foods can get stuck easily leading to constipation. Then when you drink too much water it can dry out even more leading to more issues. Which can resort in abusing the 'tool'.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2018, 06:01:43 am »
I used to do enemas some time ago. Ever since I started eating naturally I've not been constipated once. I only have a bowel movement once a week (perhaps this is because I used to eat so much processed food, carbohydrates, fiber etc... that I became dependent on it), but I don't have any problem with that. My stools are perfectly fine.

I would honestly say that unless you know you are constipated, you should not do enemas. If you are eating a natural diet, you should not use enemas to detox.

If you plan on doing it, time does not matter in my opinion. You can clean it with whatever you want, although I would suggest avoiding anything that you wouldn't put in your mouth. Eat whenever. You should retain the liquid until you can't anymore. Depending on where the blockage is, you might need to use more or less liquid. I used water and olive oil enemas myself.

Goodsamaritan is probably the better person to ask, since he seems to use this on other people all the time.

As I've already, I don't recommend doing enemas at all unless you absolutely have to. Otherwise you might get dependent on them and then you'll want to use them more and more... Until eventually you'll cause yourself more problems than it was worth.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2018, 07:28:17 am »
I would also agree that they should be used when absolutely needed, if lets say u didn´t have bowel movements for several days or severe blockages. But I think it´s a better approach than laxative pills.

@Van it would be great if you could state your opinion considering your experience with other people.

3. What time would be best. Mornings only? Or evenings?
5. How to clean an enema sack? With water, "natural soap", ACV?
6. What to eat before and after an enema? And throughout the remaing day.
7. How long to retain the liquid and what positions during administration should be used?
I really don't want to  coach here.  But, will say an easy way is to bend over and using a fleet enema plastic squeeze bottle with tip, insert around 8 ounces, more and you risk distention of the bowel. You can lay down, massage your abdomen a bit if one wants, and slowly get up and sit on toilet.    But please, people, don't get in the habit of using it to go.  Use before eating.  Ok, that's all.
I think many people might do them in the wrong way, because they read somewhere, somehow, how it 'should' be done. But they could harm themselves by doing them wrong or overdoing them.

And what dario said makes sense. Grains and similar carbs make the stool much harder, so if u have a compromised digestion these type of foods can get stuck easily leading to constipation. Then when you drink too much water it can dry out even more leading to more issues. Which can resort in abusing the 'tool'.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2018, 05:25:19 pm »
3. What time would be best. Mornings only? Or evenings?

Time is NOW for emergencies.
If you are talking about healing from cancer, say my latest bone cancer patient, then coffee enemas are 3 sets at a time... where 1 set is 15 minutes retention time x 3 times.  Which you could finish in 90 minutes total.  Do that 2 sets a day.  While doing the intended nutritious special raw paleo diet.

5. How to clean an enema sack? With water, "natural soap", ACV?

I have a clear bucket.  I use boiled water.  I would squeeze the tube while hot with water to expel scum.

6. What to eat before and after an enema? And throughout the remaing day.

For weak cancer patients, they would need something to load up their liver or they become too exhausted.

Bananas, black strap molasses, other complex carbs like sweet potatoes may do.

Very nutritious raw paleo diet if healing from cancer.

7. How long to retain the liquid and what positions during administration should be used?

15 minutes retention for coffee enemas.
on your right side or flat on back and keep changing and massaging counter clockwise your gut.
can put pillows under butt
or if you have a bed like mine, raise one side and get your head lower.

There are other enemas for special cases.

Simple constipation, just boil water and allow to cool and use as water enema, hold 10 minutes. on left side or back.
Use enema bucket for adults.
For infants, use a syringe.

For my son who had wrecked large intestines with pockets and for his intussusception, we used oil enemas, preferably extra virgin olive oil, then vco... there was a time he needed some vinegar in water.  Oil enemas, you retain, so just insert 200 ml to 250 ml for an adult.

For constipation you may also ingest magnesium sulfate (epsom salts) 1 tablespoon in 1 cup of water.  Space for 2 hours for the 2nd dose.  You will blow it out.

You may also use plain CASTOR OIL, get the plain one.  30-60ml depending on the size of the patient.  Use black coffee as a chaser if he has problems swallowing the castor oil due to the thickness and taste and smell.  He will blow it out in a few hours.


To RESTORE your colon to SUPERMAN status, you need to buy LBB or Lower Bowel Balance capsules from Barefoot Herbalist MH's store at buy this:

Buy the biggest container.

Take your activation dose, that # of caps which makes you poop daily unassisted.

Take that dose for 60 days.

You will have a CHAMPION COLON.

You will no longer be dependent on anything.  Which is OUR GOAL.  True health.

(which some people are free to fuck up eating wheat again or other worse grains)

And for your position in the toilet, get a so you can eliminate better.


Whew, too much work from my busy schedule.  Consider donating if this helps you.

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I understand you may have a wrecked colon like my son once did.
He got well and is now TALLER than me at 17.  Success.

When his colon was absolutely wrecked at 11 he went on strict raw paleo diet for 6 months to get everything in top shape.
At first no beef.  Beef came later on.
At the end of the 6th month he did a 3 week raw cow milk fast.

I do hope you get well.

My bone cancer patient is now well.
She no longer does enemas.


Liver flushes clean a different part of the liver.  I suggest cancer patients do both liver flushes and coffee enemas.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 06:42:57 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2018, 08:42:55 am »
Sugar and salt enema is done for emergency hydration purposes.

Dehydrated people, heat strokes, summer heat, people unable to drink or eat who have swallowing disabilities.

Mix 1 liter of water with 6 tablespoons of white / brow sugar plus 1 teaspoon of sea salt (refined salt will do if nothing else available)

Mix thoroughly in a suspension.

Administer as enema some 300 ml to an adult person... hold hold hold... it is meant to be absorbed

Watch that person rehydrate in 1-3 minutes... it's life saving amazing!

« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 09:27:05 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2018, 04:27:32 am »
I changed my diet a lot time ago. A bowel movement once a week without any negative effect sounds crazy to me. I mean it wouldn´t be an issue if food moves in the bowels, but if it doesn´t and if food is stuck it´s a big issue. If i don´t have one at least every 2 days there are problems. My brain shuts down, i get aggressive, i feel bloated, my concentration is totally gone and life sucks. I´m still trying to figure out why. And enemas might make u shit but they don´t fix the root cause. Things that I am still experimenting with are Magnesium, Inulin, Gelatine and Swedish bitters. I need something that makes the bowels move properly.

I noticed today that my stool is very soft towards the middle and top, but dried out and black at the beginning. I think that means that I need to cut out certain carb "like" grains that I eat. I´m talking about tigernut flour. As I cut out absolutely all grains by now anyway. I used to eat chestnut flour but since that´s high in carbs that I blocked me too. I do eat veggies high in carbs such as sweet potatoes, but I do think thats not an issue. I drink a lot of water and eat a lot of coconut oil with foods (like 4-5 tbl. per meal) to get enough fats. I also eat eggs and olive oil. Other raw fats I can´t break down due to low HCI.  In general raw meats since my HCI is pretty much zero. So I need to compensate somehow. That I do with either ACV or orange juice, sparkling water with lemon or  juiced ginger with apple and lemon to digest cooked meats. Raw meats forget it. Too much collagen.

@van for some reason I don´t see any of your replies, there seems to be a bug.  Would be great if you could post your replies them again.

Thanks a lot for your guidance goodsamaritan. I really do appreciate it!

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2018, 05:14:05 am »
don't know which replies, so sorry there.  Yes, I would stay away from all nut flowers and grains.  Sparkling water lowers acid content, so not a good idea to drink with or soon after eating protein.  The stuff tastes great after meat, especially when salt is used, I know.
   Try eating more leeks.  Look for the big thick ones with wide dark green leaves.  eat both the leaves and slice the white parts into half dollar shaped slices.  A pinch of salt is nice with too.   Finely shred either color cabbages and suck the juice while swallowing some of the pulp.  Radishes are good for fiber too.  Most olive oils, almost All olive oils are rancid and therefore junk.  You really have to find one that's just been pressed and kept cool.  Test some of saur krauts that are available.  Stay away from non-organic and ones packaged in plastic.    Eat meat and fats by themselves.  Snack on veggies.  Eating meat with a sweet potato for someone with low HCl is problematic.  Try low sodium Australian concentrated sea water for mg.   Doing sit-ups on a regular basis can help, as well as yoga and vigorous walks up and down hills.      STAY away from enemas, unless you're dying of heat prostration, but even then, I'd recommend sipping on cool water, and putting an ice pack on top of your head.  Fresh figs will make you go, as well as cherries, but don't over do it.  Lots of sugar.    Trust that you'll find your way.  you're on a path.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2018, 05:34:23 am »
I read that carbonated sparkling water can interfere with HCI. However I didn´t read the same about naturally carbonated water which I drink. So spring water that is naturally carbonated by the source. Leeks, garlic, onion, agave have inulin. And it seems to do me well. Also, it is a substance that seems to reverse authism according to the nemcheck protocol. So it´s an interesting substance which I didn´t experiment to the fullest so far. Salt I always use to increase HCI but cabbage I stay away due to the fact that it´s cruciferous which interferes with the thyroid. Sweet potato and meats are fine. No issues here. Figs can cause issues when dried as they are tough and hard to digest, Cherries are ok. Yeah, still need to experiment but I wanted to get a better pic about enemas since there is a lot of misconception about them.

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Re: Enema - Colonic administration Guidelines
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2018, 07:23:26 am »
In my experience if you feel you need fiber, it's better to get it from bland fruits: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, avocados, raw coconut meat, etc. Sweet fruits not only are high in sugar but will often have the opposite effect than that which you're seeking (sweet fruit juices would be even worse). Leafy greens have cellulose, that's another kind of fiber that I don't think we're supposed to get a lot of. And then you've got the herbs and spices, but those should only be eaten in small quantities if at all. The strong pungent flavor is telling you that. Some people recommend nuts and seeds to increase fiber intake, but I've found those when consumed in large quantities dry out your body, they will make you want to drink a lot of water and even then you'll be dehydrated as your body tries to make something useful out of a non fresh food. Soaking them in water for 20 minutes to a few hours may help, but I haven't found them very useful even after that. Also, most of the nuts at least are cooked.

Also, before you decide you need colossal amounts of fiber, look into what you're eating. Cooked foods are always detrimental in large quantities, whether it's meat, olive oil (most of it is cooked), coconut oil (doesn't exist raw), sweet potatoes (you're probably cooking them), table salt (cooked and refined), magnesium (chemically extracted, totally unnatural), gelatin (highly cooked and denatured protein collagen from meat waste)... All of these are cooked and toxic, pretty much listed in increasing degrees of toxicity.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 07:34:50 am by dariorpl »
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