I have tried everything under the sun to increase my gastric acid production. Different types of Betaine HCI, raw corn on cob, beet juice, celery juice, ginger, lemon, honey, green tea, ACV, red wine vinegar, red wine, kefir, sparkling water, big glass of still water before eating and and and... Many aided digestion, but it didn´t make my body produce it´s own. The problem came years ago while eating way too many plant foods, gluten and way too less meats and fats which caused all kind of auto immune diseases, leaky gut and what not due the fact that the body doesn´t need much when u eat vegan/vegetarian. Then when I cut all the crap a long time ago, I still couldnt digest meats and fats as I combined plants and meats, hence alkaline vs acidic.
Then in july I said f that and started a Carnivore diet, animal foods only. Cooked meat (the softer the better), rendered fats, raw eggs and raw dairy, sometimes raw honey. Since then my HCI production increased a lot and finally I can digest animal foods again. Without any aid of any digestive helpers. Life changed as I forced my body to produce more HCI, and that´s what he did. I did try HCI tablets of different brands and in different time intervals but I found them either useless or they blocked things up. And yes, you can eat the best diet in the world, all useless if u can´t digest it. There is something else that lowers HCI in my observation. And these are parasites which I had a lot. And the point sabertooth made makes sense, thanks for that. Thing is I would like to try that, but when I cut out dairy things turn ugly. But..the meat I eat is cooked, so if I eat only raw ground beef as its the softest, with lets say eggs for maybe a month I might be finally be at the finish line. There is just one thing that makes me paranoid. If my body starts to adapt to raw meat only, I don´t want to end up having issues when I eat cooked meat again. How was that with you sabertooth? Once you fixed your major health issues with raw meat, does your body give you much trouble when eating some cooked animal foods?