Author Topic: Best water source?  (Read 8943 times)

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Best water source?
« on: November 18, 2018, 03:42:03 am »
What is the consensus here on the best water source to accompany our meat?





I don't have access to a local spring, so need to buy in bottles.

There are claims for and against Distilled, RO, and mineral. I don't see anyone objecting to Spring.

What do you drink?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2018, 04:37:27 am »
Distilled is very dangerous. I once did an experiment drinking only distilled water. I found I was thirsty even after gulping down litres of the stuff. The stuff leaches away minerals etc. RO water sounds gimmicky and also removes beneficial minerals to some extent. I drink tapwater wherever I go as, in Austria, most places get lovely pristine water from the Alps. Italy, where I also travel to, has excellent mountain-stream water coming from the Ligurian hills. In London, however, I always drank spring water. I did not want to drink water that has already been through 8 bladders, after all.
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Offline norawnofun

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2018, 05:28:10 am »
I think locally sourced spring would be the best, considering the locality of the water. If it´s somewhere close to towns or cities you might need to be aware and test it. Petrol stations for instance can leech fuel into the groundwater. And as tyler said, I´d stay away from distilled, same as RO, that takes away minerals. First I used a water filter from brita, then I bought tons of plastic mineral water and glass mineral water, and now I changed to a water filter from berkey. I got fed up with buying all these plastic bottles and generating huge amounts of waste and all this carrying around pissed me off, then you have the storage space, plus the plastic has so many chemicals in it, no thanks. I think glass mineral water is the 2nd best option, but since that became too expensive I went for a berkey. I also overconsumed on mineral water, to the extend that when I sometimes drink them I get bloated, which I find very strange. I guess too many minerals for an extended period of time wasn´t the best choice. Could have also been the plastic bottles, no idea. But I have no issue with plastic table water (man made water). So can´t really be the plastic there.

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2018, 05:37:58 am »
I don't know for sure, but I have a distiller and never feel that my thirst isn't being quenched.  Nor do I experience the notion of it leeching minerals.  I know it's a heavily debated subject, but when you think about it: your stomach usually has some food residue or food in it.  That food is replete with minerals.  Those minerals will instantly be taken into the distilled water.   If in doubt you can always add mineral drops from the sea or a pinch of salt to a quart of water.    But having said that,  if I had a pristine source of spring water that I KNEW the mineral balance it had, I'd opt for it.

Offline dair

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2018, 06:45:55 pm »
I used to travel a lot in poor asian countries and had to buy bottled water, sometimes there was no choice but distilled water, and I felt instinctively how bad the stuff was. It felt very unnatural. Mineral water is more natural, even though the plastic alway leaches into the water, I can really feel and taste a difference.

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2018, 06:47:14 pm »
Well, that is a bit of a stupid question to ask what is best, spring water or distilled... I mean....?????

Offline Grey-Cup

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2018, 10:16:48 am »
Distilled is very dangerous. I once did an experiment drinking only distilled water. I found I was thirsty even after gulping down litres of the stuff. The stuff leaches away minerals etc. RO water sounds gimmicky and also removes beneficial minerals to some extent. I drink tapwater wherever I go as, in Austria, most places get lovely pristine water from the Alps. Italy, where I also travel to, has excellent mountain-stream water coming from the Ligurian hills. In London, however, I always drank spring water. I did not want to drink water that has already been through 8 bladders, after all.

Are you certain it was not an issue with a specific brand of distilled? I have been experimenting with a brand called Divinia which is double distilled, low in deuterium as ancient water would be, and it has other unique properties. In contradiction to your experience I have a hard time drinking it and find I drink less than normal, which is not much anyways 1-2 cups. Maybe my body is telling me to abstain if I fact it is leeching minerals.

You are lucky to have access to great local water! Thanks for your thoughts.

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2018, 10:20:25 am »
I think locally sourced spring would be the best, considering the locality of the water. If it´s somewhere close to towns or cities you might need to be aware and test it. Petrol stations for instance can leech fuel into the groundwater. And as tyler said, I´d stay away from distilled, same as RO, that takes away minerals. First I used a water filter from brita, then I bought tons of plastic mineral water and glass mineral water, and now I changed to a water filter from berkey. I got fed up with buying all these plastic bottles and generating huge amounts of waste and all this carrying around pissed me off, then you have the storage space, plus the plastic has so many chemicals in it, no thanks. I think glass mineral water is the 2nd best option, but since that became too expensive I went for a berkey. I also overconsumed on mineral water, to the extend that when I sometimes drink them I get bloated, which I find very strange. I guess too many minerals for an extended period of time wasn´t the best choice. Could have also been the plastic bottles, no idea. But I have no issue with plastic table water (man made water). So can´t really be the plastic there.

Thanks. I will try to source decent spring water in glass. With respect to mineral water, I really like Gerolsteiner and it has loads of bicarbonates and magnesium etc. I just don’t know if it’s natural to have carbonated water as a mainstay. The carbonic acid is naturally formed but our ancestors would not likely use this type of water as a main source! I sometimes let it go flat, but another thing I notice with mineral water is it may throw my electrolytes off which seem in perfect balance with raw meat and flat water.

Offline Grey-Cup

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2018, 10:22:08 am »
I don't know for sure, but I have a distiller and never feel that my thirst isn't being quenched.  Nor do I experience the notion of it leeching minerals.  I know it's a heavily debated subject, but when you think about it: your stomach usually has some food residue or food in it.  That food is replete with minerals.  Those minerals will instantly be taken into the distilled water.   If in doubt you can always add mineral drops from the sea or a pinch of salt to a quart of water.    But having said that,  if I had a pristine source of spring water that I KNEW the mineral balance it had, I'd opt for it.

Yes per my previous reply on this thread the hunt is on for good spring water in glass! I would think if you have been drinking distilled and it was an issue it would have manifested by now so you are probably correct!

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2018, 03:44:13 pm »
Are you certain it was not an issue with a specific brand of distilled? I have been experimenting with a brand called Divinia which is double distilled, low in deuterium as ancient water would be, and it has other unique properties. In contradiction to your experience I have a hard time drinking it and find I drink less than normal, which is not much anyways 1-2 cups. Maybe my body is telling me to abstain if I fact it is leeching minerals.

You are lucky to have access to great local water! Thanks for your thoughts.
Admittedly, I had only tried one brand of distilled water. But I still think that the problem was the lack of minerals etc. in the water, as opposed to some particular brand. I also found that, after going rawpalaeo,  my appetite for raw foods(or any foods) sank to zero as long as I drank London tapwater, which is really foul. While the Alpine and Ligurian tapwater comes from the mountains, it is only c. PH value 7.2, and the spring water bottles in London which were 7.8 PH or more were preferred by me. I particularly enjoyed the taste of the Brecon Beacons spring water which had a PH value of 8.4. Sadly, spring water in Austria is kept at 7.2 at most, generally.
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Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2018, 10:26:30 am »
Gerolsteiner is hands down the best water.

Offline Grey-Cup

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Re: Best water source?
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2018, 11:40:40 am »
Gerolsteiner is hands down the best water.

I enjoy Gerolsteiner but have abstained for the past few weeks. I used to get a bit of stomach cramp on occasion, perhaps from the carbonic acid? I'm not sure. It was unclear to me if the carbon dioxide would contribute to intestinal permeability. I must admit I "miss" the water, I am otherwise absent cravings but do think of drinking this again one day.

I suppose I also questioned whether it was ancestrally suitable as I'm trying to live like a caveman ;-)


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