Author Topic: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation  (Read 34087 times)

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Offline norawnofun

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What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« on: January 07, 2019, 02:38:14 am »
Which should be the first foods to be introduced to babies/toddlers? I know they should be soft and mashed, but what types of foods should one give? What do the HG introduce first? Raw milk, cheese, Raw beef (ground)? Or should you start with mashed veggies, like sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini? Raw (obviously not sweet potatoes and potatoes) or cooked? Would raw meats be overkill since some bacteria might do more harm than good for a non-fully developed immune system?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2019, 05:33:45 am »
 I only know what I was partially fed on, which was mashed carrots before full weaning. Unfortunately, pasteurised buffalo milk was apparently a (forced) staple  to a great extent after weaning. My recommendation would be to feed as much RVAF diet food, including raw ground meats right at the start, but only after weaning. Imo, HG tribes routinely breastfed their babies for a full 2 years after birth - while this was partially for contraceptive effect, it also helped boost the infant immune-system etc.  Also, another key aspect is that the baby already gets used to the taste of foods in the womb - if the pregnant mother already is eating cooked junk foods that won't help much. In my own case, I  was helped a bit by the fact that my mother often carelessly left out pieces of fresh, raw kidney which I would duly steal and swallow - plus my father had a preference for raw aged cheeses and raw oysters.
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Offline norawnofun

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2019, 06:21:22 am »
I remember the HG 2 years breastfeeding advice from you and it makes sense. I think beef tartare would be a good start. I also read about the taste of the womb, I think that these preferences may apply for some time, but I don´t think much into older age. It then depends on what you feed your child for the following years. I remember a poster on the carnivore fb forum saying that it was a tradition to eat raw beef balls in his family, and until this day he likes them. How does your father play a role? Did your mum eat aged cheeses and raw oysters when she was pregnant because of him? And as a consequence you liked them up until a certain age?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2019, 06:38:51 am »

No, she did not feed on raw oysters or raw aged cheeses during pregnancy. Mostly, it was raw wild trout from Kashmiri lakes during that time, apparently. The point was that because my father recommended some raw animal foods during my childhood, I was better able to switch to RVAF foods by the age of 30. Another point I should add is that pressure to eat processed, cooked foods comes shortly after weaning, what with synthetic baby foods, McDonald's etc. I know many relatives who ate McDonald's crap during childhood and, since then, could never overcome their addiction to junk foods.
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Offline thehadezb

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2019, 03:52:15 am »
I would say liver, meat or fat. Every food is difficult to digest for babies. The mother has to help the baby. It could be by chewing, pounding, blending, grinding, etc., depends on the babies capabilities.

Offline Sol^Sa

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2019, 12:39:42 am »
Imo whatever the child chooses/desires ofcourse the quality is important besides that, nothing processed also provide variety and let choose, observe. I would try to trust the Childs instincts. Simple. Sometimes Babies refuse low quality mothers milk (too f***** ironic and degenerative), alternatives would be goat/sheep. My sister for example as a kid would steal raw butter out of the fridge and eat it just like that sometimes. Processed foods/chemicals and sickness maybe ruins an adults instincts for Food. I for example lost my sense of smell when I was in Boarding school and eating their "healthy" meals while supplementing with McDonald's Burgers. I got it Back for one day last year but it lasted only one day...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 12:52:43 am by Sol^Sa »

Offline norawnofun

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2019, 05:15:00 am »
I would somewhat agree to that. But you need to be careful. If the child gets a taste of carbs, even if it´s raw fruit, that instinct can turn into an addiction. And once you have a baby that was fed on cereal and pasteurized dairy, it can be hard to get it off that. Early adaption to animal foods will keep the instict alive, but if a child has lost its natural insticnt due to eating processed carb garbage, it can be hard to reverse that addiction.

Offline Sol^Sa

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2019, 01:01:27 pm »
Agreed. I meant unprocessed, natural (wild) seasonal animal foods at least as the base. Even when eating processed carbs, refined flour as a kid/teeanager. I would refuse/protest when my mother/sisters prepared "cakes" and **** for food. My desire/instincts for sweets was low as my digestion was normal back then, I wouldn't overeat on those or carbs. Still better to stay away from them. The real damage starts with long-term exposure to processed foods out of the store/McDonald's/vaccines/chemical exposure. White flour might be bad but the others are probably way more harmful. Isolated nutrients probably generally not a smart thing. Add to that accumulated soil depletion over hundreds/thousands of years due to agriculture and we have the modern hell/misery we are living in. The "fertile" crescent used to be fertile "lol". Maybe rename to "degenerate crescent" nothing fertile about it right now imo.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 01:07:33 pm by Sol^Sa »

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2021, 09:36:07 pm »
ALWAYS remember! Please make as many children as possible, the pharmaceutical industry, the prison industry and the military industrial complex need more clients, while society needs more fascists, totalitarian single digit iq nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, , socialists, mercenaries, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, broken homes, broken people, broke/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen, hitwomen, murderers, murderers wearing uniforms/badges, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied, torturers, tortured, mentally and physically handicapped. Also, the banks need more people in debt and the workforce needs more slaves as well. etc.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline jessica

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2021, 08:56:28 am »
Wow! the suggestions above suck, lol...  best food for babies to succed breastmilk are lightly cooked egg yolks, cooked broths with excellent quality meats, bones, gristle, lightly cooked meats and organ meats, cheeses, yogurts, sauerkraut.  Grains, fruits and startchy veggies are just filler as it takes a while for their bodies to prodice the enxymes to breakdown starches but they can handle fats and proteins just fine.  Weston a Price foundation has extensive resources about feeding babies and even homemadr formula if there is a problem woth breastfeeding.  I am going to be welcoming baby number 2 in a few months and my daughter is 20 months old, she bf until about 16 months but started eating the above foods at around i months, she would eat 4 egg yolks in a sitting and i have to limit her on kraut and kimchi, she has never had a sniffle, always excellent digestion, very bright and happy little one. 

Offline jessica

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2021, 08:59:02 am »
Ps never eat raw potatoes, they are poison.  Cook potatoes and starches well, even twice, look up resistant startches, your goal with starches is to feed the good bacteria in your body.  Raw have so maby anti nutreints, oxalates etc..

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2021, 02:00:23 am »
Here is a great video by Dr. Berg, although i dont agree with things like beets or sweet potato for babies so early now do i feed those things to my child since i have trouble woth oxalate and may not have had the appropriate bacteria to pass down to them to digest them....

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2024, 09:07:38 am »
I agree about the suggestions sucking!  The very first food I ever gave my baby was the runny egg yolk from my backyard chickens at like 4 or 5 months old.  Second food I believe was avocado.  I forget what was next after that, I think my husband let her chew on some of his fruit, but she started eating beef and chicken very soon after as well. 
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2024, 08:24:11 am »
Actually I was just looking at some information on iron to compare which meats are highest in iron (since babies have a high iron need after 6 months and my baby was recently eating a lot of turkey from Thanksgiving instead of red meat like beef or lamb) and I just found out that the iron in eggs is non-heme iron which makes it much less absorbable than the heme iron in meat.  All this time I thought she was getting decent iron from the eggs I was feeding her but come to find out she might not actually be getting as much iron as I thought! 

It looks as though Vitamin C should help facilitate the absorption of the non-heme iron in the eggs though, but it doesn't look like there's any vit c in the eggs themselves.. so I was thinking of pairing her meals with eggs with some fruit for the vitamin C.. and yet finding that the fruits highest in vit c are not that easy for a baby to digest!  Orange seems to be too acidic and can irritate their digestive system and I'm not sure about bell peppers considering they're a nightshade like tomato and potato and those should be avoided shouldn't they?  I also read things like apples are hard for babies to digest because of the pectin or something, and should be cooked before feeding to the baby.. but I'd of course like to try keeping her diet as raw as possible and to avoid cooking where I can, plus doesn't cooking easily destroy vit c thus defeating the purpose of adding the fruit in the first place?

So I'm in a bit of a conundrum at the moment, wondering if anyone has any suggestions for fruits or other foods that are high in vitamin C but easy enough for my baby to digest raw?  She turned 9 months old on Thanksgiving Day so she'll be turning 10 months soon, so whatever is appropriate for her age or below? (since I might have more children in the future and will need to know this information for them as well)
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline norawnofun

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Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2025, 04:08:37 am »
Horse meat has the highest content of iron, followed by beef. If you ever had it this stuff is super red in color. Organ meats like liver have even higher contents, but I wouldn´t feed this to a baby nor a child. Finding a good source of horse meat could be difficult. Some old racehorses often end up for meat, but they might have gotten all the steriods due to the races. Aside of diet it might also depend on the cow breed. Some time ago I had scottish highland beef and it was also more red in color than other breeds. The taste was different too and I had a feeling it gave more energy. Maybe thats due to the oxygen effects of the body from iron. I´d just stick to beef if I were u if you are unable to find other good sources.

Regarding the Vitamin C you could try kiwis or papaya. They have a high C content, far more than Oranges and contains 4 different enzymes to break down protein, fats, carbs and apparently also cellulase. They are also rather on the lower side of carbs, which I think makes them a good choice, especially for winter (due to high C). But I would not give it together with breast milk, as when mixing it with dairy it causes the dairy to curdle and make it taste weird. Another good option with higher C than oranges would be Papaya, which too contains all the enzymes and is not too high in carbs, compared to other fruit. It also tastes great, as kiwis might not be for everyone. Yellow bell peppers have even higher C content and they are very low carb. You could give it a try, kids do sometimes like them. I would not overdo it though. Too many Nightshades aren´t a good thing - this article is interesting about nightshades


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