Goodsamartian you blow my mind with your awesome questions.
I find myself the happiest when I join my friends hitting up the swimming holes near the river and creeks, rope swings, camping. Obviously more natural things make me feel better... chilling out and soaking up the sun... without alcohol since most my friends love to indulge. HOWEVER this has changed dramatically since I started eating raw food, When I used to feel like shit eating SAD I would love to go out every weekend and binge drink, those were my happiest moments, had no interest at all in the outdoors, this happened for 2-3 years, since starting the diet I've lost interest in that, and felt happier doing more natural things.
A gang of healthy young teenagers eating nutritious raw steak and eggs would be socially dominant to their peers. Think about it... they would easily be the healthiest, they would be superior in athletics, mental, and other capabilities. They would probably do the same social things we do today, but win all the sports, excel in academics, attract all the girls (as opposed to their fat unhealthy peers who eat cooked crap), life would be good, I can picture them taking an aggressive "seize the day" attitude towards life. Of course this is slightly exaggerated lol but you get the point.