Author Topic: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos  (Read 9657 times)

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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2019, 12:47:39 am »
While I respect youtube looking out for their advertisers they are throwing the baby out with the bath water banning all advertisements on conspiracy videos etc.

I think instead they should have an op-out option in the form of a drop down box for their advertisers that allows them to select which types of videos their advertisers don't want to advertise in.

Freaking liberals always want to get into everyone's business. How about offering everyone a choice? How hard could it be to design an algorithm that fairly charges everyone for the types of videos they want their advertisements to be featured on?

STOP USING ADVERTISEMENT AS AN EXCUSE FOR CENSORSHIP and find other ways to make a profit besides screwing everyone out of their freedom! Whatever happened to google's motto "DON'T BE EVIL"?

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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2019, 07:24:30 am »
Whatever happened to google's motto "DON'T BE EVIL"?

I think that's only one half of the real motto. It's like using only the first half of "Don't steal. The government hates competition."...

This company has been an arm of the State from the beginning, this is no surprise, I'm actually surprised they had not done this already. They'll pull ads and ban anyone who disagrees with their degenerate ultra lefty statist agenda.

Still we all use it to varying degrees. Even this forum uses some of their services I think. If you're still using it, you really have no right to complain. It's like me complaining about Starbucks promoting degeneracy and then going and buying their coffee.
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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2019, 09:12:23 am »
I use google and I have a right to complain. I think your Starbucks analogy isn't quite on because you can just go down the street and buy cheaper and better coffee but other search engines are not as good and some of them are just as evil. I could say it's like complaining about the government and continuing to draw social security rather than starve but that would be the other extreme. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of our two examples.

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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2019, 05:35:31 pm »
I use google and I have a right to complain. I think your Starbucks analogy isn't quite on because you can just go down the street and buy cheaper and better coffee but other search engines are not as good and some of them are just as evil. I could say it's like complaining about the government and continuing to draw social security rather than starve but that would be the other extreme. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of our two examples.

The analogy is perfect. So Google is the cheapest, faster and generally better service there is. Yes, there's a reason for that and it's that the State pours tons of money into it so that they can keep an eye on you and everybody else. If you care about your privacy, prove it by using other services or coming up with your own, that will respect privacy but probably be worse in every other sense. If you value cheap and convenient over privacy, then you really have no right to complain.

Social security is very different because you were forced to pay into it, i.e. you had your money stolen for it before, with the promise from the robbers that you'd be paid back. So now they owe you. Very different indeed.
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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2019, 12:43:13 am »
Fair enough.

Offline dariorpl

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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2019, 03:20:29 am »
Fair enough.

Sorry for the tone, I was having a bad day.

To be fair I still use it and still complain. I guess what I was trying to say is, maybe we should do something about it.

The analogy isn't really perfect because it's obvious that this company receives a lot of tax money and benefits, and therefore you are paying for it. The problem is that this can't be proven, only inferred.
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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2019, 08:29:08 am »
This Memes War!

Not only are the tech companies beginning to suppress anti vaccination advocates, but they are making the move to subvert all anti establishment free expression, through manipulation of their algorithms. Google, Youtube, and a number of other major online platforms are now openly engaged in the censorship of material that is arbitrarily condemned as conspiracy theory.

The information war is only heating up, Australia has just banned David Ike, primarily on the basis of his anti vaccination stance. There are numbers of radio programs being broadcast, where ignorant strawman engage in scripted debates on the subject of vaccination. The news feeds of everyone's phones is stacked with skewed agenda driven talking points. The new AI generated algorithms are carefully designed subterfuge, that distract, confuse and obviate the masses...making real human to human rational discussions nearly impossible in the public sphere.

There seems to be a prevailing view among the technological overlords and various subforms of elitist ilk, which regards the average person as far too ignorant to be able to make their own decisions regarding what one chooses to take into the body and mind.....

By keeping the public entranced by artificially pushing to the top of search results, these modern mainstream day equivalent of false prophets, are surreptitiously suppressing the organic outcry of emergent independent media...

The stage is being set for a most epic war of the worlds showdown.  Bring on the ork-bot armies from mordor....The remaining free people of middle earth are getting ready for the challenge. If push comes to shove, the great power of modern digital wizardry will not be allowed to remain in the hands of the unworthy. The wise cultivation of this great technological power is our destiny, and when the meek have had enough of these foolish games, the messengers will be sent to unite in convergence upon the ivory order to seize Eye of Sauron and take back the ring of power. 

"Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." Tolkien
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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2019, 03:37:06 am »
Funny you should mention David Icke being banned from Australia. I was banned from the David Icke forum yesterday. You reap what you sow David!  It sucks for the reason they banned him though. There is substantial evidence that vaccinations are unhealthy but probably little for whatever lizard people reason David Icke wants them banned.  Power corrupts and from what I've seen by the way David Icke abuses what little power he has, he would be just as bad if not worse than Hillary if he were in charge. Thank god for Trump. He's far from perfect but a huge improvement on the likes of either of them!

It only seems natural that the most successful search platform would be the most censored and loaded with spyware. If it weren't named google it would probably be whatever next one was inline. The problem is much bigger than google I fear. It seems do be a problem with human nature and the level that we have progressed.

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Re: Google banning money-making ads from anti-vaccination videos
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2019, 02:23:45 pm »
I understand the intentions behind modern versions of censorship and manipulation of information platforms , but must insist that attempts to ban stupidity are not only exercises in futility, but may actually lead to exponentially more stupidity, due to the axiom of "What you resist persist".

The best way to limit the negative effects of human ignorance, is to allow its proponents to make a fool of themselves in an open forum Milieu. Could it be that the people giving the orders to manipulate the algorithms are so intellectually dense as to not know their efforts to manipulate the flow of information are having the opposite effect of what was intended?

Im not buying the virtue signals and soulless excuses by the tech companies....the heads must on some level know that the current digital economy model based on personal data mining and advertising revenue is becoming obsolete...and these underhanded tactics are in reality, desperate attempts to suppress the emergence of a parallel open source system that is quickly evolving to circumvent the need for centralized authoritative controls!

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