Author Topic: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.  (Read 11129 times)

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Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« on: June 29, 2009, 09:40:07 am »
Let's add each other as friends on Facebook.
It seems Facebook is the winner in the social networking game.

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2009, 10:02:57 am »
Done...and come join our RAF group at facebook (brand new)!
David M. McLean
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2009, 05:07:20 pm »
I honestly don't understand this fascination with facebook/twitter etc. It bemuses me how popular those sites are.
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2009, 05:25:32 pm »
Good for creepy perves on girls you like or used to like!
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2009, 05:35:31 pm »
Good for creepy perves on girls you like or used to like!

You're absolutely right! However, it works both ways, that's why I'm not on it :-)))
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2009, 07:29:03 pm »
I honestly don't understand this fascination with facebook/twitter etc. It bemuses me how popular those sites are.

Facebook I can understand.
All your old friends are scattered around the world.
For some reason, most of them chose Facebook so it's easy to keep in touch.

Twitter, I haven't explored it yet, although I have an account.
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2009, 08:45:55 pm »
Facebook and sites like it? Myspace is good for music, tribe for community, and facebook to keep track of friends.

I don't particularly like the facebook format, but one can get used to it. The groups don't function well because the interface is designed to keep people in one-to-one contact, not based on community like tribe.

TWITTER, on the other hand, completely confuses me. I don't use it and haven't used it and in truth can't imagine using it. I've gotten dozens of those "so & so wants to follow you on Twitter", which I suspect really means "I want you to follow me on twitter" (hahaha!). I just can't see why anyone, regardless of what I do for a living, could possibly be interested in what I'm doing from moment to moment every day.
David M. McLean
Skinny Devil Music Lab

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2009, 05:11:37 am »
Good for creepy perves on girls you like or used to like!


Isn't that Google's main function, besides porn? 

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2009, 05:23:07 am »
I'm having enough trouble doing all the things I want to do in my real life. Beyond a forum or two I have no interest whatever in creating and maintaining a virtual life.


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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2009, 10:53:39 pm »
I'm having enough trouble doing all the things I want to do in my real life. Beyond a forum or two I have no interest whatever in creating and maintaining a virtual life.


I can't speak for others' use of social networking site, Lex, but I never saw these tools as aids to creating a "virtual life" (whatever that may actually be).

Tools like e-mail & social network sites like Facebook allow one to keep in touch easier with relatives & friends across the state, the country, the planet. I'm in the US with immediate family members scattered from the north to the south, friends scattered from east to west coasts, and distant family, friends, and business contacts & industry peers across the planet.

Phones don't work so well across multiple time-zones, letters are slow, and fax is inconvenient in an age where everyone I know has a cell phone, a computer, and a high-speed connection.

Text, web, & e-mail are fabulous tools that make it easier than ever to stay in touch, strengthen connections, make connections, and remove impediments to business & personal contact.

I'm self-employed and very busy - I have no time for a "virtual life" (again, whatever that is). It's hard enough just to make time to hit sites like these to gather & share info.
David M. McLean
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 04:08:35 am »
Tools like e-mail & social network sites like Facebook allow one to keep in touch easier with relatives & friends across the state, the country, the planet. I'm in the US with immediate family members scattered from the north to the south, friends scattered from east to west coasts, and distant family, friends, and business contacts & industry peers across the planet.

Phones don't work so well across multiple time-zones, letters are slow, and fax is inconvenient in an age where everyone I know has a cell phone, a computer, and a high-speed connection.

Text, web, & e-mail are fabulous tools that make it easier than ever to stay in touch, strengthen connections, make connections, and remove impediments to business & personal contact.

It must be a 'generation' thing.  I much prefer face to face meeting, talking, and directly interacting with people - to me that is social contact.  I have friends and family all over the world and we talk on the phone without a problem.  Many of my friends as well as my wife's and my families don't have a computer or even a cell phone.  I'll be traveling 200 miles on Thrusday to spend the day with a dear friend who is 91.  I do this every month.  I have many such friends and we prefer the social interactions of physical meetings to virtual communities and interactions through email and facebook.   

I guess perfer the nueances of interacting with people face to face (or at least direct voice communication) rather than via cryptic typed messages - but that's just me.


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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2009, 04:30:06 am »
Perhaps I was less than clear, Lex. Like you, I prefer face to face contact with others....and I suspect most others do, too.

But that isn't always possible, and it is very easy to speak to my entire immediate & extended family almost daily via e-mail, cell phones, & the web. I can't do that face to face given that we're quite literally all over the map.

My mom & dad (late 60s & early 70s, respectively) don't use the web, but they sure do use e-mail & cell phones. Personally, I don't view social networking sites (like facebook) as significantly different than cell-phones (whether talking or texting) or email or even many web forums.
David M. McLean
Skinny Devil Music Lab

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 07:03:17 am »
I guess keeping in constant communications is not important to me and in fact I prefer to avoid it.  I don't let electronic communications devices run my life.  I do have a cell phone but seldom carry it.  My only computer is a desktop and when I leave home it stays behind.  I prefer to control my life and other people's access to it.  This idea that everyone should be able to access me at a moment's notice through texting, email, cellphones, and other media is abhorrant to me (and this includes family members). I prefer solitude and privacy.  It's a personal thing.


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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 08:14:13 am »
Interesting perspective on technology and control. I'll have to ponder that.
David M. McLean
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2009, 09:55:55 am »
Yet another thing I can agree with you on, Lex. While I use technology more than you, I also put limits on it and recognize that there are problems with the instant-access-always society we are creating, some yet unimagined.

The elders of the Amish and other semi-traditional peoples supposedly meet and decide which new technologies to allow in their societies, thus trying to avoid allowing the worst of them to overwhelm their culture. Alvin Toffler also discussed the problems of unfettered technology at length in his Future Shock book. I think things will eventually reach a crisis and modern societies will also begin to address the issue of how to control technology before it controls us. Finding ways to do it that are nontyrranical will be tricky.

Like you, I prefer technologies that cause one to pause at least a moment before communicating. Thus I prefer email over instant-chat or twitting. While I reluctantly joined Facebook at the urging of relatives, I refuse to respond to some of the useless junk messages that people send there and avoid other time wasters Facebook tries to hook you with.

Unfortunately, I don't think I want to publicize the full extent of my dietary views on Facebook. It might jeopardize my current or future employment. Much of the world's companies and organizations and/or their sponsors would be adversely affected if lots of people adopted this WOE, and they will oppose our point of view even if not many people adopt it. Once it gets on the radar screen the counter attacks will likely be furious, for it challenges much of the consumer society.

I have a cell phone, but hate it. I have never owned a boob tube. Interestingly, I heard that the Amish accepted cell-phones despite having rejected landline phones (something to do with a ban on outside wiring but not phones).
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 10:29:00 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2009, 09:41:26 pm »
Interesting. Why do you think diet would effect your employment?

Why do either of you think said technologies create "instant access"?

Granted, I do not use instant chat systems or twitter (the former because it interrupts other activities; the latter I explained above), but cell phones are only "instant access" if you interrupt every face to face conversation to answer a call (which, to my mind, is just rude).

Facebook, myspace, tribe, email, web forums, and the like are not even close to instant access and the amount of info you provide the world is under your complete control.
David M. McLean
Skinny Devil Music Lab

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2009, 06:12:24 am »
Diet wouldn't necessarily affect my employment, but open membership in an online group that advocates eating raw Paleo and/or says negative things about Non-Paleo foods, cooking, etc. might. For example, my employer receives funding from the dairy industry, so it's not surprising that they promote dairy foods (and whole grains and other junk) themselves and don't take kindly to negative talk about dairy products (and dairy products are also one of the foods that affects me very badly).

You sound like you're from the same school of thought as Lex and me, David (which is "old school" LOL)--and I mean that as a compliment. It's not that I want to give people instant access or that I interrupt people (I'm one of the last of the Mohicans at my workplace who doesn't interrupt conversations and meetings to take a cell phone call and doesn't make loud personal calls, discussing embarrassing personal matters, while coworkers are trying to get work done right beside them), it's that once I had broadband access, email, a cell phone and Facebook (signing up for the last one only after being nagged into it and being called a dinosaur for not already being on it--though I do find it useful for some things, don't get me wrong), OTHER people started EXPECTING instantaneous responses from and constant access to me (and even want me to look things up for them on the Web)--I've had to resist them. Plus, I found instant chat to not be worth the bother so I gave up on it altogether. Lex and I have resisted somewhat the trend toward more frequent and more rapid access, preferring more thoughtful communications. Others have embraced the new paradyne (usually because they grew up with it). Each to their own.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 07:04:26 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2009, 09:25:57 am »
You sound like you're from the same school of thought as Lex and me, David (which is "old school" LOL)--and I mean that as a compliment.


Taken as a compliment!
David M. McLean
Skinny Devil Music Lab

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2009, 12:47:33 pm »
I used to share TD's sentiments on facebook, but I recently joined when I moved far from my family and now I can at least see photos of everyone/my little cousins.  I do, however, get messages from entirely random men asking me how I am doing and how is my husband... geeeezzz, have a little pride... makes me reconsider the account sometimes. 

Cell phone = electronic leash... I hate them!, hardly ever carry the one I have which seems to irritate a lot of people, lol, that I am not available 'on demand'.   

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Re: Who's on Facebook? Let's add each other as friends.
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2009, 09:47:46 pm »
I accepted a new workmate as a friend on facebook he then went on to become 'friends' with girls on my 'friends' list. They probably thought they knew him through me or something. He then started asking them out...

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