Diet wouldn't necessarily affect my employment, but open membership in an online group that advocates eating raw Paleo and/or says negative things about Non-Paleo foods, cooking, etc. might. For example, my employer receives funding from the dairy industry, so it's not surprising that they promote dairy foods (and whole grains and other junk) themselves and don't take kindly to negative talk about dairy products (and dairy products are also one of the foods that affects me very badly).
You sound like you're from the same school of thought as Lex and me, David (which is "old school" LOL)--and I mean that as a compliment. It's not that I want to give people instant access or that I interrupt people (I'm one of the last of the Mohicans at my workplace who doesn't interrupt conversations and meetings to take a cell phone call and doesn't make loud personal calls, discussing embarrassing personal matters, while coworkers are trying to get work done right beside them), it's that once I had broadband access, email, a cell phone and Facebook (signing up for the last one only after being nagged into it and being called a dinosaur for not already being on it--though I do find it useful for some things, don't get me wrong), OTHER people started EXPECTING instantaneous responses from and constant access to me (and even want me to look things up for them on the Web)--I've had to resist them. Plus, I found instant chat to not be worth the bother so I gave up on it altogether. Lex and I have resisted somewhat the trend toward more frequent and more rapid access, preferring more thoughtful communications. Others have embraced the new paradyne (usually because they grew up with it). Each to their own.