Author Topic: Raw Ostrich Liver and Meningitis  (Read 2394 times)

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Offline smokeyquartz

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Raw Ostrich Liver and Meningitis
« on: July 02, 2019, 08:38:28 pm »

I hope the site allows me to post this link to "Meningitis by Toxocara canis after ingestion of Raw Ostrich Liver" appearing in the Journal of Korean Medical Science.  (Evil site would not allow me to post this with the link, so just do a google search for it.)

Really interesting - mom and dad and their son all ate raw ostrich liver (presumably from the ostrich farm that the parents run).  The parents did not get sick but the son did.  However, the parents blood serum showed an antigen to T. canis despite their being symptom-free.

So this is supporting the idea that just because a virus/bacteria/parasite is present, it doesn't necessarily cause disease.  If it did, then the parents would also be sick. 

Any ideas why two people would have the parasite and not get sick while the son got sick? 

It makes me think of the Herpes virus.  I think that almost everyone has the Herpes 1 infection (cold sores) but most of the time everyone lives with it symptom free.


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