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Offline LunarFey

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Weight Loss vs Health
« on: August 06, 2019, 02:13:41 pm »
Hey guys!

I wanted to discuss a topic I've been considering. The balance between achieving weight loss and optimal health (or not sacrificing health in the process).
Optimal health has always been a goal of mine, or at least a major part of driving factor behind my dietary habits. I want to be energetic, as vibrant/healthy as possible, sharp minded, bright and glowy, etc. I'm sure we all do. I want to be at my best, and I want my diet to be a part of enabling/sustaining/creating that. That said, I was always skinny (up until the past few years). I was the skinny lanky girl, and I felt healthiest and strongest when I was super lean. It was until I developed some autoimmune issues that I gained a ton of weight/inflammation despite still eating a raw food diet. Currently, I'm no longer 100% raw as I eat some steamed vegetables, sardines/wild fish, etc (though majority of my diet is usually raw and always high quality whole food).

My thoughts are this...

When I was raw vegan (about 8 years+) I always stayed very slim and toned. It was too easy to lose weight even though I was often eating 2500-4500 calories a day as a female, in addition to daily light workouts. When I got sick I inevitably did gain weight on Raw vegan, and I was constantly wanting more food when this happened. Thought...if I were to go back to low fat  raw vegan now (temporarily, for a few months maybe, as a cleanse). or maybe lfrv with some pasture raised egg yolk for fat soluble vitamins. Would that even really be a cleanse, would it help me lose weight again...or just continuing to strip me of nutrients. Long term I don't personally believe raw vegan provides complete nourishment, or is really least not for me. THoughts on this?

Yes it may cause weight loss....but would it even? and at what expense when I've spent the last few years trying to re-nourish myself after raw vegan in my adolescence. That said, I have weight I can lose and am likely stocked on nutrition....buuuut still when I eat its hard to feel satisfied anymore, even after years of mostly raw omnivore in various ratios.

The past 3.5 years of having rapidly gained all this weight, I haven't felt healthy at all. I haven't been living life at my fullest capacity, which is sad particularly because I'm young. I know for a fact when I am about 20-25 lbs slimmer I am a whole new person....and I want that revival. In the past as a raw omnivore, I've water fasted for a cleanse and bit of weight loss. I've lost a bit this summer doing so, but sometimes can't bring myself to do it.

So I guess my questions/points of discussion:

-RPD ways that have helped you lose weight quickly?
-is short term Raw vegan actually cleansing, or is it just as unhealthy short term?
-what to do when you constantly feel like your body needs food. Sometimes I ignore it. or feed it something super nutrient dense. but there are periods where nothing satiates and I just crave alllllll the fatty collagenous proteiny things ever. and maybe raw chocolate and greens lol
-Thoughts on weight loss while maintaining health (with history of some childhood malnourishment)

I probably just have to suck it up and get back to doing a few water fasts until I reach my goal. As is likely apparent from this post, I think rn I'm just confused/conflicted on what steps to take with the resources I have

much love and thank you for your thoughts!

Offline surfsteve

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Re: Weight Loss vs Health
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 11:09:49 pm »
Interesting post. You mentioned that you did not gain the weight till you had auto immune issues. Maybe concentrate on an anti auto immune diet or anti inflammation diet instead of whether to go vegan or not?

Offline LunarFey

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Re: Weight Loss vs Health
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2019, 12:13:20 am »
I’m definitely never again considering going vegan, but short term of mostly raw fruit and veg with maybe some raw pastured  egg yolk or something of the like for weight loss purposes. I’ve been trying for years now to get to the bottom of my health issues and ill keep doing so  but it’s really tedious and frustrating, doctors tend to just send me to a bunch of specialists or onto other doctors etc. food sensitivities and allergies change at different times, so it’s definitely a journey. I currently eat wild seafood, organic meat when I can find good sources, greens, steamed broccoli, fresh fruit, herbal tea, raw cacao powder. Occasionally I add in some raw cheese, avocado, etc but do so based on where I’m at health-wise. I don’t usually seem to react to fermented grass fed dairy but that one I only experiment with here and there atm. Eggs I usually react to (not as much to just the raw yolk tho)

Offline surfsteve

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Re: Weight Loss vs Health
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2019, 11:36:42 pm »
Hmm. Maybe your diet is ok. I know when I do a lot of work I sometimes forget to eat. Sitting around thinking about food is the worst.

Offline thehadezb

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Re: Weight Loss vs Health
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2019, 11:53:31 am »
Hi LunarFey, do you eat unrefined sea salt or rock salt? If not, try increasing your intake to 2 teaspoons daily gradually. Maybe 1/4 of a tsp a week. If you feel fine with less than that, keep the amount that is feeling good for you.


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