Author Topic: Can Backaches be Viral?  (Read 3851 times)

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Can Backaches be Viral?
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:53:34 am »
I've been wondering lately if mine and many backaches could be viral. Started taking monolaurin, an antiviral supplement for it and it seems like it's working. Normally I only take monolaurin if I have a cold or flue like symptoms; but I might just continue taking it for backaches. Can the cause of backaches actually be viral?

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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2019, 10:58:03 am »
For all viruses, I have great results killing viruses with
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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2019, 01:36:15 pm »
I would disagree. Doing  more exercise and other more holistic stuff might help.
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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2019, 11:17:41 pm »
If anything I am doing too much exercise and I am totally holistic! I am doing high doses of quick release monolaurin and it seems to be helping. In the past I have only taken monolaurin for colds and flu like symptoms. Oh yeah it also helps with cold sores.

I think it also helps with rheumatism and arthritis. It seems to be helping my aching joints and a few of the comments on Amazon also concur. I've also read that arthritis could be viral so it's possible that my backaches are too. It also seems to be helping with the aches and pains in the ankle of the foot I broke. I didn't break my ankle I broke the fibula and tibia, in a motorcycle accident in 1984; but the ankle hurts way more than the break does these days from being immobilized in a cast for 2 years. I wasn't expecting that to stop hurting from taking monolaurin.

I ordered a big giant tub of the slow release pellets of monolaurin and am going to try taking it that way for a more sustained release.

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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2019, 11:36:47 pm »

For anyone interested I am taking around 3 grams of monolaurin 3 times a day. I am experimenting so I don't know how long I will be taking it at such a high dose.

I've been taking monolaurin occasionally for many years but only sparingly for colds, etc. This will be the first time I've ever taken it in such a high dose for a long time. Normally I just take it for a day and whatever I have is gone; but as they say. Cold sores are only skin deep but arthritis goes clear to the bone; so I imagine if it's going to work and this isn't just an unrelated temporary reprieve that I'm going to be taking it for a long time. I'm wondering... Will I build up a resistance to monolaurin similar to the way people do when taking antibiotics? I sure hope not. I haven't been able to find anything suggesting one way or the other on the internet so I guess I'll be the guinea pig.

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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2019, 12:10:23 am »
Tell me which product you are using, please. I have some old relatives who would rather die than switch to a raw, palaeolithic diet, but who might consider this.
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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2019, 11:04:34 pm »
I've been using Piping Rock brand because I was ordering 10 bottles at a time for 5 something dollars a bottle  and 5 dollars shipping. Theirs is a fast release (coconut oil extract) formula.

The original brand of monolaurin is called Lauricidin (probably named after lauric acid, the main effective compound found in coconut oil). Instead of capsules this stuff is formulated into coated pelets that are supposed to get past  your digestive system. I've never tried them.

Instead of lauricidin I ordered a cheaper brand called Ultimate Monolaurin which should be here in about a day or so. The price is comparable to the piping rock brand but you have to order a 21 oz tub to get that price.

The reason I am trying the pellets is for a more sustained release. In the past I've only used monolaurin when I was feeling bad and it's always kicked the crap out of whatever I had after a few doses but now I'm aiming at possible viruses that live in the joints near the bones which are much deeper, so maybe a slower release for a more sustained dose might work better. I've always been afraid that taking it all the time might reduce it's effectiveness and keep it from working, similar to the way antibiotics kill the original form of pathogen and allow it to mutate till they no longer work.. Hopefully this is not the case. I was a caregiver to a woman who got prescribed antibiotics like they were candy. She died from an infection that they would no longer control. I haven't been able to find any information about this happening with monolaurin but that doesn't mean it can't happen!

So far the higher doses of monolaurin seem to be working for my backaches and joint pain...

Hope this helps!

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Re: Can Backaches be Viral?
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2019, 06:58:50 am »
Also: I got the lowest price from Piping Rock by googling ( piping rock monolurin ). They have a countdown timer that ticks down from 30 minutes with the sale price but don't worry if you google it again the next day the timer starts all over. The other two brands are lowest on


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